[Movie night]

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"Annnnnnnd done!" Collector exclaims putting the last pillow in place for the pillow fort. "Ready?" You ask putting in a classic. "Mhm!" He answers wrapping himself in the sun blanket you got him. Getting comfy next to the child you press play.

Music played as the screen slowly pans to a brown cover book with lions and crosses on it. Flipping open to a beautiful drawing of a princess and a tower. A vocie starts to narrate a tail. "Once upon a time there lived a lovely princess, but she had an enchantment of some sort that could only be broke by love first kiss..." after telling the tail of a princess who was locked away and was one day saved by a knight who gave her a true loves kiss. Just then a green hand comes out and tears the paper. "Like that's ever going to happen,"

🎶Somebody once told me the world was going to rule me! I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed~. She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an L on her forehead.🎶

(Time skip)

"Next one?" You ask getting up to change the movie. "Yes!" He he yells. "Alright just let me make some more popcorn," you say making your way to the kitchen with the empty bowl and Collector following you. While waiting for the popcorn to finish you were humming a tune with Collector trying to copy you but somewhat failing. "Alright let's go," you say grabbing the bowl and making your way back. "YEA!"

What look like a ship falling apart and a blue baby Aline with a big forehead. "I had a fairsh standard childhood. I came from what you might call a broken home. Literally broken. I was 8 days old and still living with my parents. How sad is that. Clearly it was time to move on." "Here is your minion he will take care of you," said a tall blue alien. "And here is your binky you are destined for it," said another tall blue Aline. "I didn't quite hear the last part but it sounded important. Destined for what?" All of a sudden the tiny blue baby Aline was lunched in to space as the plant was sucked in to a worm hole. Suddenly a white capsule came out of no where and the baby inside started to make fun of the blue on. They both crash land on earths the white baby landing in a nice home where the boy baby landed in a jail house.

(Time skip)

Going to the Home Screen you look over to see if Collector was still awake and no shocker the poor boy was past out. Laughing at how cute he looked wrapped up in the blanket and holding your old toy along with the blue newt. Turning off the tv and putting the bowl back in the kitchen you head over to the sleeping child. Picking him up you carry him back to his room. Placing him in bed and a quick kiss to the forehead you too go back to bed.

(Thanks for the 3k reads!)

Toh Collector x motherly readerWhere stories live. Discover now