Chapter 29

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Brandon's POV

   This had quickly become the most interesting day of my life. The little firecracker leading us was a surprise. I felt like I had been zapped with a hundred volts when we touched, but I didn't want to let her go. Then when North had explained everything, I thought he was pulling a prank. Imagine my surprise when Firecracker did that spell. Now, here we all are tracking a demon for fucks sake.

When we entered the house it smelled like rotting meat. She led the way, holding Victor's hand as she sprinkled something on the ground as she walked. Suddenly she froze and screamed, "Get down!"

As we all dove for the ground a wave of flames came rushing toward us. Flinching from the heat, I looked up to see Eveleen standing, hands held out facing the flames. It seemed to part around her as if she held a shield in front of her. Gabe stood next to her, hands on her shoulder saying words I didn't understand.

It was then I noticed Victor on the floor next to them. He appeared to have been burned and was writhing on the floor. Eveleen yelled something at Gabe and a flash of blue sent the flames back.

In an instant, Sean and Owen had grabbed Victor, dragging him towards the door. The others followed Gabe as he led them to a side down. I found myself alone in the room with Eveleen. Standing up, I walked towards her.

"Are you hurt?" She asked me.

"No, are you?"

She glanced at a small burn on her arm. "Nothing that won't heal in a day or two," she grinned. Her eyes seemed to flicker, changing colors for a moment before she turned her head towards the dark hallway. "I need to go back there." Without hesitation, I took her hand and walked with her. "Thank you," she whispered.

"I'll always follow you, Firecracker," I replied softly, knowing that I would follow her to hell and back if she asked.

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