✎ ᴄʜ 13 : 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝚋𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑

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Taehyung placed a thick hardcover book onto the table with wide eyes.

"Am I supposed to read through all this?" he asked, incredulously.

"Of course. How else would we find what we're looking for?"

"Jimin. I've hated reading books ever since I was a kid. I couldn't read a three hundred page book and you expect me to read this– how many pages is it?"

Jimin examined the heavy book in his hand before he answered, "A thousand five hundred."

"One thousand five hundred pages?" Taehyung screeched.

"Shush!" the librarian admonished and the younger jumped in fright.

"How does she even do that? Does she teleport or something?"

"Teleportation doesn't exist, Tae. Don't be ridiculous."

"Switching bodies wasn't supposed to exist either but ou lookie here, we aren't in the same bodies we were born in!"

"Shhshhshhshhhshh," the librarian shushed them rather aggressively like a pressure cooker whistle as she fixed then with an annoyed look.

"Chienne," Taehyung grumbled.
["Chienne" is French for female dog. In simpler words, it means "bitch" and it's pronounced as "Shi-yah"]

"What did you say?" The librarian asked, ears perking up. Her owl-framed glasses magnified her glare.

"Hallelujah! That's what I said. We found this book we've been searching for so hallelujah!"

Jimin wished the ground would just open up and swallow him. Second hand embarrassment was real but when your soulmate embarrassed himself while he was in your body–

That was like a nightmare come true.

- 3 July, 2022 -

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