No More Running Away

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Ri Jeong-hyeok bought a special gift for his special friend, Yoon se-ri.


It was that time of the month again.

Every month, Ri Jeong-hyeok and Yoon Se-ri go out on their so-called "best friend date". Since they met in junior high school, they already had this tradition. It carried over throughout their university days and up until now even if they were already working adults.

They really had that special bond no one else could replicate for them. Their relationship was one of a kind. Two souls meant to find each other in this lifetime.

They usually go to the mall to eat good food, especially fast food and other junk food Se-ri loved so much. Jeong-hyeok even sees to it that every time they eat out, he orders a bowl of salad or some fruit smoothie for that semblance of being healthy even if they both knew they were just fooling themselves.

They also go shopping sometimes, especially since Se-ri took up a fashion degree during their university days. She loved shopping for Jeong-hyeok. Being the obedient and nice friend that he was, no matter how many times he had to go back inside the changing room to try on all the clothing options in his arms picked by her, he would gladly spend the time to do so. Flirty stares from other people didn't even bother him as long as she approved of his new fit.

Mostly, their friendly date is all about watching the blockbuster movie out in the cinemas. Jeong-hyeok preferred horror movies which Se-ri disliked so much. But being the persuasive and persistent friend that he was (and the promise of the largest popcorn sold at the store), she always gives in at the end of the day.

Little did Se-ri know, Jeong-hyeok loved watching horror movies with her because she clings to him whenever there were jump scares and he teased her every single time that happened. He loved being close to her.

When it was finally time to eat after the movie, they went to their favourite chicken and beer place. "You should treat me to a bucket of chicken after I used all of my energy being scared of that movie," Se-ri pouted at Jeong-hyeok. He laughed, knowing her all too well. "Fine. But you'll buy the ice creams later," he negotiated. "Deal!"

"We'll order a bucket of soy glazed spicy chicken and two glasses of beer. Oh and add a bowl of salad for this man and some fries for me," Se-ri told the waiter.

After confirming their order and the waiter went to the kitchen, Jeong-hyeok excused himself. "I just need to buy something. I forgot Mu-hyeok asked me to buy him some stuff." Se-ri just nodded her head because she was already busy checking her SNS on her phone. In reality, he wasn't buying anything for his brother.

Instead, Jeong-hyeok was buying a bracelet for Se-ri. She really liked the charm bracelet they saw earlier in the jewelry store they passed by but she didn't get it because she said she was saving up for something else but her eyes said otherwise. This was the least he could do for her --- surprise her with the bracelet.

Jeong-hyeok bought the charm bracelet and hid it carefully in his coat pocket before going back to the restaurant.

"What took you so long?" Se-ri asked him. "They didn't have the size Mu-hyeok needed so they still looked for which brand had the size," Jeong-hyeok said as an excuse. She bought it and he let out a sigh of relief when she wasn't looking at him.

Their orders arrived and they ate their food.

"Se Ri-ah, you should eat a portion of my salad, please." Jeong-hyeok convinced Se-ri like you would to a child who hated vegetables. She opened her mouth signalling him to feed her the salad. He did.

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