Failed Dates & Sloppy Kisses

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best friend Dooly AUs forever 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼

Prompt: Yoon Se-ri went to Jeong-hyeok's apartment after a failed date.


"UGH! I hate men," Yoon Se-ri shouted as she entered Jeong-hyeok's magnificent apartment. You'd think it would be a typical messy bachelor pad. But it isn't because he actually liked his apartment clean.

"You don't hate me though," Jeong-hyeok bantered back. Typical best friend.

Jeong-hyeok turned off his television because one thing about his best friend, Se-ri could talk his ears off. And from the looks of it, the night will be a chatty one. He got up and went to the kitchen to prepare her favorite tea.

"If you don't shut up right now I just might," Se-ri replied back as she threw her coat and bag somewhere on the floor, and sat down on the sofa.

With the way Se-ri behaves in Jeong-hyeok's apartment, you'd think she owned the house because she acted as if she lived there. But with the amount of time they spend with each other as "best friends" she might as well live there.

"I'm guessing your date went perfectly bad," Jeong-hyeok said as he sat down beside Se-ri on the sofa, offering her her tea.

Se-ri wrapped her cold hands around the warm cup of tea. "He kissed me goodbye," she said, sipping her tea.

"Then what's the problem?" Jeong-hyeok asked, confused.

"All events leading to that was an absolute mess," Se-ri sighed, frustrated. "He was late. He was rude to the restaurant staff. He was a messy eater. He's not a gentleman. I can go on and on about why he's not boyfriend material."

"At least tell me you ate at a great restaurant," Jeong-hyeok said. "It was a great restaurant. We should go there instead. I need to erase bad memories because I would love to go back for their cold noodles," Se-ri told her best friend as she put her head on his shoulder.

"Okay. Just let me know when so I can clear my schedule for the day," Jeong-hyeok said. "This is why I love you. You're always there to hang out with me," Se-ri said.

"Oh and the kiss? IT WAS SLOPPY," Se-ri added before closing her eyes, tired from her eventful evening. "It felt like a kiss from a freaking hormonal teenager boy." Jeong-hyeok laughed at Se-ri's frustration. "Now let me take a short nap before I leave to go home."

Jeong-hyeok then kissed Se-ri's forehead. "My kisses mean more than you'll ever know," he whispered, trying his best to keep it to himself. At least for a little while.

Se-ri actually heard what Jeong-hyeok just said. But she let the night go the way it should. She'd think about what he said the morning after.

At that moment, they're just going to enjoy each other's presence like they always did.

Best friends. Forever.

Until one or both realizes it's time to cross the already blurring line of friendship and romance.

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