Oreb the Accursed Cultist

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Bio: Nobody knows Oreb's origin. They just know he showed up to a small village one day, various Great Beasts in tow. The Great Beasts destroyed the village, those who survived becoming Cursed. Oreb preached some nonsense to the survivors, and most joined his cult. Those that didn't barely escaped his wrath. His cult worships the very Curse that afflicts them, and they seek to spread the Curse to others. It's unknown how they keep their Great Beasts so calm.

●Physical - Oreb wears a long, grey, cloak-like robe. There appears to be arms in his sleeves, yet he has no arms. Under the robe he wears fine silk clothing, custom made with no sleeves or sleeve holes. Jutting out of the back of his robe are large black wings, which are entirely functional. His skin is a burnt black color, and his hair is a tangled mess of black feathers. His eyes are a deep red, always with a crazed look to them.
●Personality - He's literally the "Crazed Cultist" stereotype. But he's also intelligent and calculating. He cares more about the goals of his Cult than the Cultists themselves. Think of him kinda like the Beast from InFamous 2. He has that mindset.

   ●Telekinetic Powers - Not typically seen in Great Ravens, it's more likely this is a remnant of his old life.
   ●Flight - He has wings. Enough said.
   ●Dark as Night - One of the special abilities of the Great Ravens is their ability to turn themselves invisible as long as the moon shines upon them. Oreb has this ability as well.
   ●Sharper Than Steel - Oreb's feathers have the ability to harden into sharp, deadly projectiles. He enjoys using this in conjunction with his Telekinetic Abilities.

   ●Wainwright - Wasted potential.
   ●Wanda - Admires her skills. If only she hadn't killed her Great Beast...
   ●Jasmine - Pathetic.
   ●Marco - Too unstable even for him...

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