Chapter 12

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"Uhh..." said Maire, as she looked at her cousin who blushed. "Did we miss something here? Or?"

"Or?" said Tobin, as she, Lindsey, Crystal and Maire, as they looked at Nora, Clara, Christen, Allie, and Emily, who looked at them back in a surprised way as well.


A few minutes earlier, in the girls locker room...

After Tobin, Crystal, and Maire left for the recovery room, Clara, Nora and Christen stayed in the locker room, along with Emily, Allie, Becky, and Kling. While in the locker room, Becky and Kling leave Emily and Allie in the room with Clara, Nora and Christen.

"Soo... Christen." said Emily, as she smirks at Christen. "Are you ready for the Utah Royals vs Portland Thorns?"

"Oh, you bet I am!" said Christen, as she admits to Emily.

"Well, prepare yourself, because your team is going down!" said Emily, as she tells Christen competitively.

"Oh, you're on!" said Christen, as she smiles while chuckling.

"So, what's the bet?" said Nora, as she asked both Emily and Christen.

"Bet?" said both Christen and Emily, while raising an eyebrow at Nora.

"Yeah, what's the best going to be?" said Nora, as she looked at the two of them. "Oh come on. You can't have a good competitive game, without a bet."

"Nora, please, not again." said Clara, as she looks at Nora, while putting her right hand on her face. "Don't listen to her girls."

"No, no no, wait." said Emily, as she tells Clara, who seemed interested in what Nora was saying. "I want to hear what she has to say."

"Well, someone's interested in making a bet." said Nora, as she shoves Clara, who was next to her, out of her way while walking towards Emily. "I have something in mind."

"Oh no." said Clara, as she says sarcastically, while rolling her eyes. "Here we go again."

Both Allie and Christen walked next to Clara.

"Uh, should I be worried?" said Christen, as she asked Clara.

"Yeah, same here." said Allie, as she also asked Clara. "I don't want to make a bet, unless-"

"Don't worry girls, I know where Nora is going with this." said Clara, as she sighs. "You see, Nora's bets are somewhat embarrassing, but appropriate. So, there's nothing to worry about."

"That's Riiiight!" said Nora, sarcastically, as she winked at them. "You girls have nothing to fear."

"Oh well, if you say so, then I'm in." said Christen, as she and Allie nod in approval.

"Great!" said Nora, before turning to Clara, and waiting for her to respond.

Clara had her arms crossed in disapproval, along with a disappointed pout.

"Come on, Clara. Christen and Allie nodded, and now all we need is you." said Nora, as she tells Clara, before begging. "Please, please, please, join in on our bet, it won't be that fun without you."

"Fine." said Clara, as she mutters.

"Yes!" said Nora, cheerfully, like a little kid.

"Ahem." said Christen, stopping Nora's mini celebration.

"Oh, right." said Nora, as she grins at them.

"So, what's the bet?" said Allie, as she asked Nora.

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