Chapter 17

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The next day, Christen then takes the six of them on a trip around Portland. The six of them then walk inside of a park, in which Jace brings his skateboard along with him to do some tricks while wearing protective gear.

"What are we doing here?" said Nora, as she started to whine.

"Nora, we've only been out for a couple of minutes, and now you're starting to whine." said Clara, as she starts to tease Nora.

"Seriously, we've been walking for a couple of minutes." said Nora, as she looked at them. "But, it actually feels like we've been walking for hours!"

"Are you whining because of the walk, or-" said Three, before Nora cuts him off of the conversation.

"I'm bored!" said Nora, as she yelled out. "There's nothing else to do!"

"Well, that's not true." said Christen, as she chuckles. "There's a lot of things to do around here."

"Like?" said Nora, as she asked Christen.

"Looking at the morning view, not to mention hearing the morning breeze, and everyone around you." said Christen, as she says in a calm voice.

"Yawn," said Nora, sarcastically. "Gee, that's great Christen, real great. But, for you and not for me."

Christen, then pouts annoyed, while Nora looks around to entertain herself.

"Hey Jace, mind if I use your skateboard." said Nora, as she tells Jace, who was doing some tricks on his skateboard.

"Uh, sure." said Jace, as he stops doing tricks on his skateboard, and looks at Nora, before giving his skateboard to her. "You can use my helmet, if you want."

"No thanks." said Nora, as she takes Jace's skateboard, puts it on the floor and rides on top of it. "But I'm a pro, and not a primo, or a beginner's luck. I don't need a helmet, helmets are for losers."

Maire, Clara, Three, and Jace rolled their eyes, while shaking their heads.

"Uh, are you sure?" said Jace, as he insisted.

"Yeah, duh." said Nora, as she tells him. "Now, watch this."

Christen looks at Clara, Maire, Three, and Jace.

"Uh, she's going to embarrass herself, isn't she?" said Christen, as she asked them.

"Yeah." said both Clara and Three

"Pretty much." said Maire

"Looks like it." said Jace

As all of them started to watch Nora.

Nora, tries to do some of her skateboarding tricks, in which she successfully does. However, while trying to do a hard trick, while fighting the skateboard, Nora fails to do the hard tricks and humiliates herself, after landing on the floor on her rear end.

"Ooh!" said everyone, as they groaned after seeing Nora's hard landing.

"That's got to hurt!" said Christen, as she covered her eyes with her hands.

"Nora, are you okay?" said Maire, as she asked Nora.

"Define okay." said Nora, as she groans in pain.

Everyone gathered around Nora. Both Christen and Three hold out their hand, while Clara helps Nora get up from behind. Clara, Three, and Christen, helped Nora from the floor gently.

"No offense guys, but I think I broke something, due to hearing a crack after my landing." said Nora, as she groaned, while rubbing the side of her hip.

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