Chapter 1-So We Meet (Hell Breaks Loose) (Joe Perry)

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February 20, six days after yet another lonely, lonely Valentine's Day. Ah, sorry where are my manners? My name is Anthony Joseph Perry, YES that Joe Perry...lead guitarist for Aerosmith for the past few decades...damn decades already. Anyway, before we really get down to business in the present...some things you should know for all these years since the 70s...I've always let my head guide me, in love especially.... for so long, I've previously THOUGHT I was in love, but never felt it with any of my previous partners including my ex-wives. Inevitably things went to shit, because: they were either gold diggers or just all-around fake bitches or really, they were both. So, both of my divorces were NOT amicable in the least...very bitter, and it left me Jaded, and heart broken. So, at the age of 53, I've FINALLY decided to let my heart do the talking, after some harsh and bitter lessons learned.... the longing for a family, for love burns like a raging fire in me.... It will come, it will come...

Which brings us too Now: At a press conference to announce a co-headlining tour with Kiss. Kiss and Aerosmith do have history from the 70s, and we crossed paths and contrary to stories from back then, NO we didn't fucking hate each other's guts. In any case, Paul, and Gene we know, however Kiss now has two new members, Tommy Thayer, and Eric Singer. Singer, I'm familiar with, since he's worked with Black Sabbath, Queen, and the like. I can't see Tommy, since he's seated far from me, but I roll my eyes as I notice the way the Screamin' Demon aka one Steven Tyler is blatantly eye-humping one Paul Stanley, who smirks knowingly and winks at Steven. I elbow Steven under the table.

"What?!" He hisses lowly.

"You keep eye-humping Stanley like that, you will literally make the sprinkler alarms go off and I'd RATHER not have the possibility of being set on fire." My tone low and highly amused, a tick in his jaw means Steven isn't amused to say the least.

"Fuck off Perry!" He hisses, huffing. If you're wondering no, we don't hate each other...we're like brothers, dysfunctional...but truly brothers. I tune back in as I am asked a question or two, wait how long have we been at this again? Brad, Tom and Joey are asked a couple of questions...Tom and Joey by the way are married...have been since the's only Steven, Brad and myself that are single....and after what feels like an eternity, a member of Kiss is asked a question, which seems to be Tommy Thayer....and my heart starts 'talking' to me...fluttering wildly at the mere sound of the owner of that voice....and I can tell, he's very shy, skittish, and nervous....but there is something else my heart is telling me:

He's.... that strange note in his voice...something that no one seems to notice, pain...sheer PAIN.... distrust, heartache all mixed. He doesn't seek the spotlight even though he's in it...he's been HURT, neglected...abused...

Tommy practically whispers his responses before Gene and Paul take over, my heart Is be honest I am not sure what happens after all I it seems the press conference is at an end, and both bands pose for pictures....and I see HIM, Tommy Thayer. He's tall, dark haired...He's BEAUTIFUL....  but is wary of all the strangers that surround heart tells me once again:

You've never felt this way around anyone before...his voice alone.... there is more there than his physical may take time; it WILL take may not be easy to get to where I feel that this meeting will lead.... but it will be more than worth the wait....

After photos everyone lingers, chatting with one another. It seems Tommy responds to his bandmates now and again, but then everyone truly mingles. Gene Simmons takes off, I vaguely hear something about Peter Criss...ah yes, those two are also married, quite a story there. But Steven, of course makes a bee line right for Paul Stanley. Figures...Brad is talking to Eric Singer, and Tommy is standing a way apart, looking so lost but before I can maybe talk to him...suddenly a small little boy, who appears to be about 2 runs and attaches himself to Tommy's legs. His entire demeanor changes except his eyes which hold such sadness, his smile though is radiant. Everyone pays especially.

"Mommy!! I missy you!"

"Evan, I missed you too! I love you my little angel!" Tommy sounds close to tears.

"Mommy, Ebby one ook'ing (everyone is looking) at us!" The little boy buries, his face in his mother's gorgeous chocolate hair.

"Shh...I know, I know...I-It's ok. You know Paul, and Eric....and it's Aerosmith...your favorite band sweety." Tommy soothes his little son, and himself I can tell.

I slowly walk over and introduce myself; I am eyed warily by Tommy.

"I'm Joe Perry....I heard your momma say Aerosmith is your favorite band?" The little boy nods against his mother's neck.

"An' Kiss too!" Evan declares. Evan is a mini version of the man in front of me, minus the grease paint.

I chuckle, "and Kiss too. I'm a fan too."

At this point, Evan shy looks at me. "Weawwy?" He asks.

"Really." I nod.

To my surprise Tommy speaks, stammering slightly. "You're his favorite guitarist besides me, that's what he always says." But then it seems he sees something out of the corner of his eye and his expression is one of fear and horror...., "Eric!! Take Evan... NOW!" He says, Eric quickly doing so, and I see just what Tommy has scared...., "'re not supposed to be here! There's a restraining order for a reason!"

"Like I EVER cared for what you said or did or YOU.... didn't get rid of the 'spawn' after all." Jamie St. James.... that fucker!! Snarls. Security quickly restrains him. All of us, have flanked Tommy...who shakes terribly.

"MY SON IS NOT A SPAWN!!.... need I remind fucking beat me, nearly made me lose him!! And... you did that all the time!! Every day...every day...every night...don't you DARE...say anything else! You were stripped of your rights for a reason! Hell, you gave them up!! Fuck you!" Tommy snarls back, tears streaming down his face running his make-up...Jamie manages to break free and aims a gun at him.... Tommy nearly collapses and is torn between running and fighting back...but after what seems like forever.... shots are fired...not from Jamie...but from security. "I-I.... me... I need to see my son!" Tommy sobs, as he is gently stewarded/carried away by Paul Stanley and the rest of us stare in the blood...Jamie's blood spreads and they pronounce him dead. Cold comfort for Tommy I imagine. I don't remember much except vaguely making my way to the dressing room...mind heart broken for Tommy...and his little boy...Evan.

A psychotic ex shows up out of the kill Tommy.... i hate my heart was right in this...the abuse...I can only imagine what that monster did to him besides nearly making him lose his son. I feel he will blame himself for all that happened...for putting everyone in danger and I know myself and everyone else does not blame him nor could never blame him. I feel and know both that, that little boy...Tommy's young son is the ONLY true person who Tommy lives for...the only reason Tommy is alive...but I feel...

"Oh Tommy..." I gasp out, "OH TOMMY!" So many feelings, so many emotions. I must check on him, I feel I should...I truly feel that I should.

A/N: Another new book!!! My first time writing a crossover like this...Aerosmith and Kiss! I hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter! So much more to come and so many ideas I have! My commentary for the chapter: A dramatic ending...surprises, and Joe Perry's heart doing the talking. Next chapter will see Tommy attempting to deal with the aftermath of His ex. 

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