Chapter 25: You're my Angel part 3 (Tommy Perry-Thayer)

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A few days have passed, the best days of my life!! Still on my honeymoon, and still have a couple of days left. Joe and I by the way have been on our honeymoon about a week. But oh, this past week I tell you!! Joe and I in between my resting and my bouts of morning sickness have been exploring Boston, visiting Joe's old haunts, his favorite places. Taking a trip down memory lane as it were, it meant and means so much for my husband to share such things with me and oh the food!! So many amazing dishes tried...I say tried, because I couldn't eat much but tried for my baby's sake, but still, I don't regret anything for I am with my one. Joe has and does take such amazing care of me and our unborn, making sure I rest as much as possible and don't stay on my feet too long, I truly don't know what I would do without my wonderful husband.

Of course, we've thoroughly explored one another, taking our love to new heights.... that fire.... oh, the fire! It's always like that every time we touch. We've also called and texted several times a day and checked on Evan, he misses us and his unborn sibling, but he is so happy for us to have 'gown up' vacation time.

Which brings us too now:

Mid-morning, I happily attack my cravings for olives and figs.... yes, you read that right, olives and figs, so far, I've only gotten sick once today early this morning and other than that, I haven't...which SO grateful for. Joe is showering and I am sitting at the table in the room, book before me...dressed and ready to go. I move a hand down to my stomach which I swear has already gotten bigger bringing tears to my eyes. Which also brings up unwanted memories of the beginning of my pregnancy with Evan.

I don't know yet for sure that it's a girl, though in my heart...I know I carry mine and Joe's daughter...but...I NEVER ever experienced anything with Evan like morning sickness, well at least that I remember...all I remember is for the first 3 months misery...pain...and more pain...I fear almost losing this baby like I nearly lost Evan...I fear...I fear, and to think from month 3 to 4, I spent healing and recovering in the hospital...gaining weight, Evan survived. In fact, I can recall being still in the hospital and Evan kicking me for the first time.

I was watching MTV, airing 'classic Rock' videos from the of which just so happened to be Aerosmith...and suddenly I felt a thump, and a another and so on and so crying tears of joy...and sadness, the sadness....that I would raise Evan alone, well not ALONE, ALONE...but as a single parent...and Jamie still out there and me in hiding essentially....I...

I barely manage to finish my cravings before, I burst into tears...sobbing my face in my hands.

"I-I'm supposed to be happy...why.... why do I still have these fears?" I try and take a deep breath, but it's a shuddery one.... think of Joe...of Evan... think of the baby growing inside me...

"Tommy?!! Oh my god..." I feel surrounded by warmth, and I turn and bury my face in my husband's chest, as he gently rubs my back. "I got this needed me...I'm here...I'm here. Listen to me.... i can feel you trembling, and my heart told me, tells me you are afraid.... i have my feelings on why, when you are ready to talk, I will listen...but for now, I am gonna hold you...." Gradually I calm down enough to speak and my husband's eyes are filled with concern, and too such love.

"Is the baby, ok?" I croak out, voice slightly hoarse...the first coherent thought that comes to mind. My Boston's hands drift down to my little rounded stomach, rubbing it reverently. His smile tells me all I need to know. I take a breath, "I-I was thinking about the pregnancy with Evan, how rough that was how lonely...I fear, I just fear losing this baby.... just like I almost lost Evan.... I shouldn't still h-have these f-fears."

"The baby is doing so well, and I can only imagine what that was truly like. If I could go back and hurt that bastard for hurting, you...I would. And you cannot help but have these fears, we all have our days...somedays where the pain hits you out of nowhere, but Tommy...I PROMISE you...that our baby...our little girl or if I am wrong boy.... but I promise you, you won't lose them. I am here to take care of you and of them and you're allowed to have these fears sparkles. I am here for you to lean on, to share in good times and bad...I love you Tommy."

"I love you too." I whisper. "I couldn't do this without you...just thank you for always standing by me no matter what." Joe kisses me, a kiss of love...of strength and then he just spends a few minutes holding me, me in his lap burrowed into his chest, his strong arms around me...being mindful of course of the baby.

"If you are feeling up to it, today...I want to take you to some place I know is very special to you. It's a know me and my surprises." Joe says gently, me looking down into his eyes.

"I feel up to it...anywhere...anytime spent with you my dear Boston is special."

It turns out, my husband arranged a tour of the art museum....and oh I am in bliss! I've always had a love for museums, honestly giving Paul a run for his money in that regard.... hand in hand, we walk thru various exhibits for a bit, before finding a perfectly feeling content. I can feel myself smile.

"You look beautiful by the way sparkles.... really happy...I love that...I love when you are happy, I love you in all seasons and moods." Joe smiles back at me, as I gently squeeze one of his hands.

"As I do you..." I answer in reply. "This is one of my favorite things to do, museums...I love them, history, art.... this has been the most wonderful and amazing experience, surprise.... Boston I ever tell you how amazing you are? How proud I am to be married to you? So lucky, beyond lucky."

"I feel the same way about you....and never doubt that my love. It means the world to me, to share in what you love." I lean into Joe, just loving the feel of him...naturally my hands and his drift down to my stomach. "And just think our little girl and our son will get to share in those things with us."

"I love that by the way...kiss me?" I ask.

"You never have to ask...but since you did..." Joe trails off leaning in and treating me and my lips like the priceless works of art we are surrounded by and all that matters right now is us together in this, the most priceless of moments to me.

Afterwards, we head out to lunch and my morning sickness thank God holds off, but I start feeling tired, so Joe takes me back to the hotel whereupon arrival he gets the bath ready, while I lay out on the bed and soon, he comes to get me, carrying me is more accurate...not that I am complaining or would...

"Oooh is that mint and lavender scent?!" I take a deep appreciate sniff.

Joe chuckles, "It is...very soothing and relaxing.... want me to join you sparkles?"

"I would LOVE for you to join me." I answer my husband softly. Carefully and reverently, Joe helps me undress and help me into the scented water, before undressing himself and joining I lean back against him, his arms around me, hands coming to rest on my stomach.

Happy, whole.... Joe soothes my fears, helps me fight them...and I know he will continue to do so forever, when we get home...I can't wait to see our son and check on our precious second child...I can't imagine my life being any other way...and I wouldn't trade my life now for anything.

A/N: Part 3 of You're my Angel chapters, next chapter will see Tommy and Joe back home and checking on the baby, stay tuned!

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