Chapter 24: You're my Angel Part 2 (Joe Perry)

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I am now married to the love of my life, my soulmate...the one I'd been searching for, for SO long, the only one where my heart spoke to me and the mother of my children, Evan & Our unborn: Tommy Perry-Thayer. Our wedding was magical, Tommy had never looked more beautiful and radiant, though I was still very much worried about him with how pale he looked and the fact that when I'd spoken to him prior to the ceremony he SOUNDED terrible and that broke my heart, but then right before we got started he gave me life-changing news: he was pregnant...the moment I felt his stomach, the emotions....gets me choked up even thinking about it and too I feel the same way thinking about my now husband being pregnant. The reception was rough on my Tommy, as he'd kept running to go throw up...thankfully he did manage to eat a decent amount of food, only to again get sick.... but there was plenty of water and ginger ale on hand and I did what I could to take care of him, little Evan was so worried. We did have our first dance as a married couple and oh how good it felt to hold Tommy in my arms!! As for the surprise, that too worked out.... i wanted to do a duet of 'Leather & Lace', the song featuring Don Henley and Stevie Nicks.... Tommy and I both cried during that, and I more than anything else felt our hearts talking to each other....

Which brings us too now:

After a good day of rest, in between Tommy's morning sickness and our flight to Boston for the honeymoon, my having made sure airplane travel wouldn't hurt the baby, we've just arrived at our hotel room, the luggage having been brought up and naturally I carried my precious, precious husband and baby across the threshold.... Tommy is now laying up in bed smiling softly, despite looking so pale and tired.... he's just so beyond beautiful, now even more so.

"Why don't you take a nap Tommy?" I immediately regret suggesting such as Tommy bursts into tears, I take him in my arms as he clings to me. "I'm sorry sparkles, I didn't mean to upset you." Gently.

"B-But...i... keep getting sick a-and so t-tired....and ruining honeymoon...and our wedding" He wails.

"Hey...Hey, calm down.... all this stress isn't good for you.... you didn't and haven't ruined ANYTHING. You gave me the greatest news of my life! We're having another child, expanding our family! You can't help the morning sickness and all that.... i am here to take care of you, take care of the baby...anywhere you are IS home. Rest as much as you need or want.... take you a nap baby, ok?" Tommy pulls back to where he can look at me, as I gently wipe his tears.

"I love you.... kiss me?" He whispers.

"You don't have to ask me twice..." I whisper back as I kiss him, tasting the salt of his tears.... the kiss gets a little more intense and Tommy MOANS and as we part for breath, I start peppering his neck with kisses.... but I must ask. "Tommy...sparkles.... I need you..." I can feel my growing need for him, "Are you gonna be, ok?"

"T-The time to ask...means so much...I am tired.... but I want YOU and need you...please Boston." Tommy starts begging tugging almost frantically at my clothes.

"You wish is my command.... husband." My voice I make quick work of my clothes and his and soon, he is bare before me, and I must admire the sight...a more beautiful sigh I've never seen.... Tommy his hair spilling across the pillow...that feathery dark brown a lake of chocolate.... those eyes....and my eyes drift down to his ever so slightly rounded stomach....and I cannot believe that the angel before me is mine. "You're damn beautiful!"

"I Love you!" He responds, writhing beneath me....he doesn't wanna wait any longer and neither do I prep him a bit and enter him, and I swear I quit breathing a moment at how good he feels and the overwhelming together, we chase our peaks...the bed squeaking heavily...the sight of my husband coming undone....this the most intimate of dances, this continues for sometime till at last I fill him with a loud roar and he covers me with his release...gently I clean him off after and somehow get new sheets and all, and Tommy back in bed, asleep.....

I gently kiss his lips; he doesn't stir but there is a hint of a smile on his face.... he knows.

"Love you." I whisper, I do believe I will join my husband in a nap....and I find myself drifting off, to the sound of my beloved's breathing.

I wake and it's a little later in the day, nearly early evening....and Tommy is still asleep beside me, he begins to stir though and wakes.


"Hey yourself.... it's still the same day.... early evening, do you want to go grab dinner somewhere? I can take you to one of my favorite Italian Restaurants. And we can get you armed with Gatorade, water...tea crackers and stuff to help with morning sickness. Does that sound---" I trail off before Tommy bolts out of my hold, heading straight for the bathroom as he begins to heave into the toilet, and I quickly kneel and hold his hair back, I can feel him trembling. His morning sickness doesn't last long.... but carefully I help him up and to clean his mouth out and he starts crying.

"I-I... don't feel good..."

"Tell you about I get dressed, get you in some comfy clothes....and get you anything you might need, I know a place won't take me long." I run a hand along his cheek.

"Sounds perfect to me.... it's been an amazing start to our honeymoon.... earth shattering love making and you taking such amazing care of me." Tommy replies.

"I agree with you sparkles...and I will always, always take care of you and our children...." I kiss him, loving the feel of him.... before then dressing him, in my clothes...I do I have to say very much love him wearing my clothes, a t-shirt and lounge pants as I then lay him in bed. "I'll be back soon.... craving anything?"

"I just...really suddenly want marinara and breadsticks..." Tommy practically drools.

"Sounds good to me, if that's what you and baby want...that's what you'll get." I tell my husband fondly, as I get dressed Tommy eyeing me hungrily.... oh yeah. I KNOW that look. Later Joe...later...

I leave but not before making sure Tommy is ok and comfy and head out first gathering some snacks and things to help ease morning sickness...then I get the marinara and breadsticks from the Italian place I mentioned to Tommy, also getting a divine smelling Chicken Puttanesca...and rush back to my husband and upon entering our hotel room, I find Tommy sitting up in bed reading....i make a small noise...

"Boston you're back....and oooh.... that smells got the stuff...this is SO romantic. "Tommy gushes, looking pale still but like he feels much better than he did. I place everything down on the table Tommy and I chatting, as he gets out of bed and I have bottles of water and Gatorade put in the mini-fridge as we sit down to eat...Tommy happily sighing with sheer bliss as he eats the breadsticks with marinara...I do share my chicken puttanesca and Tommy falls in love with the dish, declaring he wants to make it sometime when we get home.

"Did I ever tell you you're my angel?" I say to Tommy after we've finished eating and are now cuddling in bed, one of my hands resting on his stomach.

"You're my a-a-angel...come and save me tonight..." Tommy sings softly in response.

"Come and make it all right..." I sing back.

"We make beautiful music together.... our hearts.... our hearts talk to one another...I love much more than words can ever say."

Truer words have never been spoken...

A/N: There will be a part 3 to stay tuned!!

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