Chapter 13: Our Hearts Together Part 1 (Tommy Thayer)

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Waking up in Joe's arms....and sleeping in his arms for the first time...both of those for the first of many times.... i could never forget, NEVER. It had been.... well forever it felt to be held as such. Just simply being HELD and in the arms of the one I loved, and I knew would never hurt me. It created such a bond; I can't even explain. The morning we'd woken up, Evan still sleeping...the look Joe was giving brought tears to my eyes, because it was so tender and such a loving look.

"Morning Tommy.... did you sleep ok?" Joe asked, brushing some hair out of my eyes.

"I have NEVER slept so good in my life!" I'd whispered softly. "Being held in your's my safe place, its my's WONDERFUL." Joe gently caresses my cheek and I nuzzle his palm. And then he kisses me, like he's never kissed me before and I am lost. I burrow back into his embrace, before we decided to at least sit up and we held hands.... i loved how perfectly our fingers fit together. And then came Evan waking up who'd promptly said—

"Mommy...togedda now?" I nodded happily, Evan smiles in triumph. "I knewed it! Now I have to potty!" Evan declares immediately, and so Evan pottied, cleaned his hands and we all got dressed for the day, joining the others...who all smiled, when they saw Joe and I together and offered their congratulations, saying they were happy I'd finally found someone...somebody to love, to complete me....

Which brings us too Now: weeks have passed, and we've reached the hotel portion of the tour. Evan seems to be having a blast, literally the happiest person on tour.... although I DO believe that chiefly has to do with Joe and I. Everyone is thriving and God do I love to see that.... right now, I am on stage with Kiss, and we are killing it, just having the time of our lives. All Aerosmith members are watching from the stage, Evan with headphones on being held by my, I can say boyfriend.

I can feel and see those earthy browns upon me, making me feel like I could fly. He catches my eyes and with out missing a beat I mouth 'love you'

'Love you too.' He mouths back. No sooner than he does that, then it's time for my solo....and not gonna lie, I totally show off a bit. Or a lot.... i have good reason to after all. Once we reach the portion of the show where Eric has his drum solo, I head straight for my boyfriend and our...son.

"I do believe you were showing off out their Sparkles." Joe states amused, as he wraps an arm around me.

"Well can you blame me Boston?" I say lowly.

"Mommy awesome!" Evan states excitedly, despite being sleepy I can tell.

"I am aren't i?" I tease before adding, "Sweety I can tell you're sleepy. Get some sleep, ok?" Concerned.

"But mommy!" Evan protests with a yawn.

"You heard your mother son." Joe states in his gentle but firm way. "I'll head back to the hotel with him, get him settled and have dinner waiting on you." Wow, just.... i can't get over all this, but God do I love it. It seems all too soon; our brief time together is at an end. Joe and I hug, telling one another, 'Love you' and too Evan is hugged and tickled. I head back out on stage and soon they are gone, and my heart goes with them.... or does it? Joe always says, 'our hearts are together, even when we are apart'.

Kiss' set ends and I am eager to see my boyfriend and son, I've never been so happy and upon reaching the dressing room's Paul breaks the spell so to speak—

"So.... Tommy. You know how wonderful it is to have seen you so happy lately.... especially these last few weeks. Well, you've been happy for a while now."

I sit down and tug off my space boots before I answer, finding myself holding back tears.

"I-I... never thought I'd EVER be this happy or could be. The contrast from what I came from, went thru to get here to now...It's...something else."

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