Chapter 33: Meet Lola Grace Perry part 1 (Tommy Perry-Thayer)

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Here I am 9 months pregnant and not only 9 months pregnant, I am also so far 2 days past my due date...2 fucking days! Sorry, I do love my daughter dearly...but fear birth.... i mean Evan's birth was rough, but then I am ready for her to be here. So far, we've tried everything from spicy food to you name it, I tried it. I've also tried walking to help, but that didn't do much...but it was and is necessary to get Lola into position. I am fucking miserable!! Did I mention that its currently, 4 am... still dark outside, Joe is sleeping, and I cannot...tired, beyond tired and sweaty even with the air on me, I clutch my belly suddenly groaning...cramps which nothing totally new...hoping I don't wake Joe....

"Tommy?" Groggy, but concerned.... his eyes widen and much more awake he exclaims, "You look like you feel terrible..." I cut him off, groaning still even though the cramps are starting to dull.

" with air...I can't sleep, I haven't....and, and cramps and.... i just don't feel good!" I burst into tears; Lola is moving...but not much.... not much room after all. "W-Why wont she come?! I've tried everything, tired and now...I'm hungry...but urgh..." I groan trying to hold back the wave of nausea that washes over me. Suddenly I am desperate to NOT GET sick.... but my Joe, hands me something and I heave for a few minutes before laying back feeling spent. Next thing I know, I am aware of is a fan being put on me and me being stripped down to my boxers and a t-shirt and at least feel a little cooler.

I sigh heavily, still crying but not as hard....

"Sparkles, I know...I're miserable, seems sweet bean is content to take her time, but I promise you she'll come." Joe wipes away my tears before kissing me and then rubbing my large swollen belly. "Do you wanna go to the hospital? Shower maybe or a bath?" Anxiously.

"I would really love some ice...and some ice water maybe....and cuddles."

"Cuddles I can do and ice and ice water coming up." Joe answers softly, hesitant to leave me but I assure him if I need him, I'll call for him.... i think dozed off for all of 2 minutes before my husband returns with the ice and ice water, which I take from him gratefully. And then without warning I fall asleep....

I wake up with a start, its light out....Joe is be...never mind, I quit panicking as I realize he's coming in from the bathroom and I am hit with a lot of pressure and a a contraction, as I bite back a scream....Joe is instantly at my side, as I reach for him holding his hand.

"OWWW...Its hurts!" Gradually it fades, but I still feel pressure....

"Was that a contraction Tommy? I believe it may have been, gonna start timing are you feeling?" Joe's face comes into focus, those warm earthy eyes filled with concern.

"I-I much p-pressure...." I moan, "I need to pee.... help me up?" Desperately now. Joe carefully, helps me up and supports me and we barely have me in the bathroom before I feel a hard pop, and my eyes go wide.... especially as the puddle below me grows. "W-Water...broke!! I'll clean up mess!!"

"Shh...Shh...Tommy...I'll clean it up....and take care of you..." Tenderly and then my husband chokes up, "She's getting ready to meet us, Tommy." Admist the nerves, I chiefly note the wonder in Joe's voice, which helps to calm me. Oh, sorry.... Evan is with a sitter, Tom Hamilton, and Joey Kramer to be exact....

Vaguely I am aware of being changed, cleaned up and find my self suddenly laying back on the bed.... not sure how much time has passed, vaguely again I am aware of my husband seeming to be gathering everything for.... oh, the hospital...I assume but again...the PAIN comes back, a contraction, alerting my husband...and I realize...I'm in a gown.

"Hurts!!" I cry, as I cling to my husband.

"I know it does...I know sparkles...try and breathe, ok? I've got you. I've got you."

"I want her out!!" I moan, gradually the contraction ends, and I lay back. "W-Wait.... does they know s-she's coming?" Tears start anew.

"I know you want her out Tommy...she'll soon be in our arms...I also know you're scared...I promise you things are gonna be ok..." Joe soothes and adds on, "Don't worry sweet sparkles, I took care of it." Gentle hands rub my belly.

"I-I.... Love you." I whisper.

"I love you more than you could ever know." Joe replies kissing me and much to our chagrin I am checked on, hate that part...and the hours, oh the long hours that pass by...the contractions getting closer and closer and the PAIN. But Joe was right there, whatever I needed being my rock my support.... i alternate between crying and cursing, more often than not doing both at the same time...

After a total of dear it 12 hours of labor? Or were the cramps that started it all...labor? I don't know...but the point is...I can feel Lola's head....

"J-Joe..." I whimper, holding my husband's hand.... scared. "I-I can't do this..."

"You CAN do this.... you can, I know it's scary...but I am here...I've always here.... you're doing wonderfully.... bring our daughter into this world Tommy." Tears in his eyes, and I know they are in mine, and I am told to push, and I bear down with a scream....

Holy shit!! These burns.... I'd forgotten what the pain was like...but oh I remembering.... this time, I am not alone.... i don't FEEL alone. I have a partner who as we speak is encouraging me, giving me strength...who loves me so completely.... we have two children together, we do.... i can do this!!

I lay back spent, covered in sweat.... Lola's head is still not I try, try again.... until finally her head is out....

"Look at all that hair Tommy! and her little face...this is one of most beautiful moments of my life...come on, come she's almost here!" My husband laughs and cries both. And the pain, I give into the pain.... pushing and screaming, determined to bring our daughter into the world....and at last...Lola Grace Perry, slides out and quickly greets us with a loud cry.

"S-She's here.... she's here! Look at her!" I murmur, Joe kissing me. Joe and I watch them like hawks, as they clean Lola and check her weight.

"I am so proud of you Tommy...THANK YOU." I get the additional meaning the way my husband said that, and It touches me to my absolute core....then comes the moment where time stops....a cleaned Lola, wearing tiny little mittens and a hat, swaddled in a blanket is handed to me, Joe helping me support her as she's laid on the exposed skin of my chest and the instant she's in my arms, she quits crying. I gently reach out and run a finger along her little cheek.

"S-She...Lola, Lola Grace Perry.... it's just like in dreams, but those dreams cannot compare to this.... Joe, she looks just like you, our little sweet bean." I Murmur, in awe of my newborn daughter, also I can't wait for Evan to officially meet his little sister!

"She does...look like me...but I feel she has your eyes...she has your hair. She's perfect...perfect and, and I can't wait for our son to meet her." Gently Joe kisses her little forehead and then kisses me. "I love you."

"I love you too.... i wonder when she'll open her eyes..."

"Talk to her Tommy, we both will...." Joe murmurs gently and talk I will....

"'re're here. For so long, I never thought.... never thought I'd have more children, to be happy, to be safe, loved and supported...but I's because of your amazing father, who has always been by my side, thru all my darkest moments even when I didn't see it. You are so were at our wedding.... sweet bean. My little sweet bean." Tears stream down my face, gently I 'hold' one of my daughter's tiny little hands and slowly she opens her little eyes. "Lola...Lola...its mommy....and daddy is here too...we're so happy to meet you!"

A/N: I know it's a bit of a cliffhanger, but I promise will be worth the wait! But in any case, Lola Grace Perry is here!! Next will be part 2! 

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