Chapter 9: Knowing me, Knowing You (Joe Perry)

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I find myself nervous.... hoping Tommy likes my home...likes.... breathe Joe...breath.... currently we are driving towards my house, after having taken showers and I'd waited on Tommy who'd come down the stairs and took my breath brushed and shinning, dressed casually a slight blush had adorned his cheeks...fucking beautiful, because it was HIM. There is a bit of a silence in the car, not a bad one but I can tell Tommy feels awkward, he really needs this I feel.... this day out. 

"You, ok? You seem nervous." I break the silence and therefore the ice.

"Y-Yeah...I'm just not used to doing anything with anyone outside of Gene, Paul, Eric and Peter...Bruce, Fox...taking time for myself." I suspect or rather I KNOW the hidden meaning Tommy isn't voicing.

"Don't be nervous Tommy, though I understand completely...and so far, my day is Steven Tyler free! A great day!" I chuckle and Tommy starts laughing tears running down his face and I know he's thinking of the story I'd told him about the pink hair dye involving Steven.

"O-Oh...God!! S-So... FUNNY!" Tommy finally manages to calm himself down and to my surprise his look and tone is sly. "SOOO, is that how the song 'Pink' really got its name?"

"Actually yes.... that's how it came to be written and got its name." I smile before adding, "Do you know how 'Walk this Way' got its name...the story behind it?" I can tell out of the corner of my eye, Tommy nods 'no' and is very eager to hear. "Steven and I had gone to a midnight showing of Young Frankenstein, the scene where Igor was like 'walk this way'.... well, that's the inspiration behind our song."

"How cool is that?" Tommy says almost to himself, "That's such a cool story.... Evan will love hearing that.... I can tell him, right?"

"Sure, you can....and I seem to remember telling you that I would give you pranking tips." Highly amused now, as I proceed to do just that telling Tommy stories of me fucking with Steven on various tours, how Steven would try and fail miserably to get me back until at last we arrive at my house and Tommy's reaction...I will NEVER forget.

" stunning! We're gonna tour right?" He turns to me and those eyes SPARKLE, though Tommy seems unaware of the fact, in any case it warms my heart to see him happy.

"Do you mean our co-headlining tour or my house?" I test the waters and tease him. To my surprise and joy, he responds back with....

"Right now, your house smartass." There is a huge shit eating grin on his face.

"Touché Tommy...Touché.... if it's ok...I wanna change clothes first." Tommy nods his assent, I fumble for my keys as he gets out of my car, and enter my house...Tommy going in first, taking in everything as I lead him into my living room.

"Nice digs.... very stylish, comfy...modern...old-school." Tommy says admiringly.

"I'm glad you like it. That means a lot." It really, really does.... I tell Tommy I'll be right back and race upstairs, race to find something different to wear and I realize how very eager I am to see Tommy.... seeing him happy, seeing things thru new means everything.

" were gone like what 5 minutes?" Tommy exclaims with a laugh, once I am downstairs.

"Nah, 4." I quip smirking. "Come on.... let me show you the house." Tommy shoots up like he's been pricked by a pin and hugs me, me melting at his embrace.

"I am having...the best time by the way. This means so much to me." He whispers, and I give into the urge to gently stroke his back.

"And the fact you are having a good time means a LOT TO ME." I whisper back. WE manage to part from one another, as I start a guided tour of the house.... telling stories and the like. We walk close together, close enough to touch.... i have such butterflies, oh what Tommy does to me! How the hell could NO ONE see how perfect he is? It's because, they were fucking blind...thinking with their heads and not their hearts...if they had a heart.

" we are..." I feel like a kid in the candy store as we enter the recording studio and Tommy's jaw drops upon seeing it.

"Holy this equipment...and... the records...and oh your collection of guitars!! I have a collection myself. I love playing AND collecting." Tommy says awed and the more I spend time with him, the more I learn about him...I fall even more for him.... I just love learning new things about him.

"So.... would you like to jam?" I rub the back of my neck in a nervous gesture.

"Are you kidding?!! I'd love to!!" My nerves go away, telling Tommy to pick any guitar he likes...him practically drooling over my models, not that I blame him as he selects a guitar, finds an amp, plugs in and I do the same. We elect to do Kiss songs, particularly 'Strutter' Tommy of course playing lead and then we switch off on other songs and do Aerosmith songs...time flies, yet also stops both at once. I notice after our jam session; it is getting to be evening.... but there is one more place I want to show Tommy, some place special.

"Tommy before I fix dinner...there's a special place I wanna show you...the back yard garden. It's magical."

"I would LOVE to see it." Softly. Tommy doesn't object when I take him by the hand and I feel his breath hitch, he never once let's go and neither do I. Soon, my love...soon...almost there...almost there. Leading Tommy to the garden in the back, I am savoring every moment.... the fruit trees: Lemon, Fig.... the flowers: the dahlia's.... but my favorite spot is the weeping willow...and underneath is a bench and a pond, swimming with Koi.... lilies upon the water...very tranquil. Tommy and I sit on the bench, and I VERY reluctantly let go of his hand. Very much missing his warmth.

"What do you think?" Eyeing Tommy, who smiles softly and really that's all the answer I need. But still his answer....

"I believe it's the most beautiful place in the world.... very tranquil...peaceful. Peace...God, for the first time...I feel peace.... I will have my moments no doubt...I...I..." Here Tommy breaks down and I without words, wrap an arm around him in a hug feeling him tremble.

"Hey, talk to me Tommy.... let it out."

"I-I... I don't wanna LOSE this feeling.... this doesn't feel real...all of this...part of me is afraid, I'll wake up and be alone...that reality will crash in. Things like this.... have never been meant for me." Tommy sobs, now clinging to me.

"IT IS REAL...I know it will take time to fully accept that and maybe to feel it.... but all the times you've laughed today, your smiles...feeling peaceful...ARE real. From now on...I'll make sure you know that. You fucking deserve happiness Tommy." I whisper. "Even dreams are real. What matters is what you FEEL like with your heart." Tommy gradually calms down and I let go, Tommy's stomach growls as does mine and we share a look before laughing together. I laugh so easy with him. "I promised you dinner I do believe...whatever you want I'll make."

" did." Tommy teases. "But seriously I am in the mood for anything."

"Italian then? I believe you said that was your favorite?" I question.

"Italian sounds perfect Joe...great. Thank you so much." Again, those eyes sparkle. "Can I stay here while you cook? I-I just really love it here."

"You can stay here as long as you like." You can stay here forever.... someday Tommy, you WILL.

"Thank you." Tommy smiles softly at me, I give him a hug unwilling to let go, but let go I do before going into fix dinner, my mind very much still on the man...MY heart sitting under the weeping ANGEL.

Without your love.... nothing but a beggar...without your love a dog without a bone...what can I do sleeping in this bed alone.... you're my angel.

A/N: A Day of healing, humor.... romance perhaps in the air. More to come soon.... next chapter the tour will start!!

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