Chapter 14: Our Hearts Together Part 2 (Joe Perry)

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Heaven.... i am in Heaven.... holding Tommy, touching him...loving him is and feels like the greatest of Paradise's. And too, I can't forget my son: Evan.... thanks to Tommy, I have a family of my own, the one I have longed for, for so many years and someday I will make it official...someday soon, that is what my heart tells me. In fact, during the past few days, I've peppered Tommy with questions about Evan's information, social security number etc..... I haven't outright said anything yet about the fact that I plan on adopting Evan, but it is greatly implied. I want to surprise Tommy, and I have some ideas in mind...all I HAVE told my boyfriend, is I want to make sure that he and Evan both are taken care of, so there are on my health insurance now.... i cannot wait for my love's reaction and Evan's too.

Now, I am on stage with Aerosmith...playing my heart and soul out...sadly for me, Tommy is backstage preparing for his show with Kiss and Evan is with a babysitter.... god, do I wish they were here in person! Strangely, or maybe not so strangely.... i suddenly get this feeling, at the exact same moment...Tommy is thinking the same things as me and I swear...I SWEAR our hearts together are beating in sync....

Before I realize.... the show is over, and Aerosmith takes the final bows of the night, and we head backstage, me eager to see my boyfriend and son.

"So, Perry, I know that look......eager to get back your partner and son." Tom says softly, it really means so much that everyone accepts Evan as my son, it means everything.

"Yes, I am....and can you blame me?" as I go behind a screen to change into regular clothes and emerge feeling a lot better, eager of course to see Tommy.

Of course, by the time I do that...Joey and Tom are gone and it's just Brad, Steven and I.... i Raise an eyebrow and sigh....

"Lemme guess? Quickie?" I snort in amusement referencing our missing friends/band mates.

"Man, why the hell else they have...wait how many kids do they have again? I can't keep track of that shit." Steven huffs, although he sounds gruff his eyes are fond, but I decide to tease him for Tom and Joey, I talked to them earlier before they took off, which trust me was a miracle.

"Steven...the way you keep Paul Stanley in traction.... you'll wind up with 12!" I quip. "Now, I would really love to spend some time with my boyfriend if you don't mind." I ignore his catcalls, chat with Brad briefly and sprint practically to the dressing room, where I find Tommy in full regalia, touching up his make-up, I pause at the sight....and I make a noise, a happy sigh if you will....

"Boston, I love seeing you.... i just love you." Tommy lays down his make-up brush, eyes wide and soft.

"I love you too Sparkles. Still have a wee bit before the show starts....and can I say something?" Tommy sounds shy, as I find a chair and pull up next to him, our legs brushing...sending a pleasant shiver thru me as I take his hands in mine.

"I had this feeling earlier.... you were thinking of me and Evan wishing we were watching you, with you.... our hearts were together though. They ARE."

"Tommy...." I begin gently tracing his fingers with my own. "Tommy, that just goes to show we were made for one another and our hearts doing the talkin'...well they will never steer us wrong." I sigh, "I just really wish I could kiss you right now."

"You Boston have a way with words..." Tommy sighs lovingly, "As for the kissing? Just wait until after I am out of make-up. You are coming to watch me play?" Tommy asks, eyes sparkling.

"Oh, I look forward to it..." I purr before adding, "Of course I am gonna be there for you Tommy, Evan is doing ok, right?" I of course naturally ask after him.

"He's doing great misses mommy and daddy." Tommy sighs heavily....

"Tommy? What's wrong?" I am very much concerned, and he drops his gaze. I gently tilt his chin up without smearing his make-up.

"It's stupid..." He whispers.

"It's NOT. Tell me..." Earnest now, wanting to help him in any way.

"I-I...wanna have more children...." Tommy trails off.

"And we will...we will when the time is right...whenever you and I are ready. I've had dreams about that...I do have dreams about it, all the time." I feel tears gathering in my eyes.

"Me too.... I see a little girl. She's...she's just like you.... she looks like you, but has some of my features, like my eyes.... nose and lips. Beautiful little girl." He says softly. More time passes than I realize and Tommy, must go on stage.... i walk with him hand in hand...every step of the way....and God, I don't wanna let go.

My eyes never leave Tommy's while he is on stage, and I run thru our conversation over and over...

He's never said that before.... that he's dreamed about our daughter.... Lola...Lola Grace Perry, our hearts, and our minds BOTH want the same thing. I feel it, and I know now especially Tommy does too, it will happen...I KNOW in my heart it will and soon. It would be perfect...she will be perfect; Evan will be a wonderful big brother.

The show of course goes on, and Brad and I chat some in between songs, but still my eyes never leave Tommy's...FINALLY, the show is over....and I go to hug Tommy, when he surprises me by slamming his lips against mine, and boy do I respond to his call....neither of us caring how ruined his make-up is or how I am now WEARING his make-up, we ignore everything and everyone around us...till we part for breath, and walk hand in hand back to Tommy's dressing room.

"I'd been DYING to do that for HOURS." Tommy explains.

I chuckle lowly, "Well it was a surprise...but I didn't complain Sparkles, nor would I." At this point we've reached the dressing room and Tommy changes out of his costume and into a robe, holding a pair of his clothes, I make-sure to have a wet rag or rags to wipe-off his make-up., which he takes from me as if I have given him gold.

"You are a life saver Joe!"

"I try." I chuckle.

"Here.... i got make-up all over you." Tommy laughs handing me a rag, as I laugh with him and he takes off his make-up and so do I, finally both of us are fresh faced and Tommy is dressed. Before we go anywhere, I pull him into my lap and my hands gently roam up and down his sides.

"What do you say we get back to the hotel? And cuddle in bed and say good night to our son? You know he's still gonna be up, he refuses to sleep until we get there." I remind my boyfriend.

"I say yes to it all...and you are right Boston." Tommy grins, as I once more kiss him and we head back to the hotel, where we relieve the babysitter and put Evan to bed.

"We're back sweetheart.... please go to sleep now, ok?" I smooth his hair back.

"But daddy!" He protests.

"Evan, you heard daddy...we love you and want you to get lots of rest. We have a big day tomorrow." Tommy is gentle but firm, Evan yawns clutching his stuffed Fox and funnily enough drops right off to sleep.

Really, it's a perfect end to my day....and what is a perfect beginning.... snuggling with Tommy, spending time with Evan, and I have some ideas for mine and Tommy's first official lots of planning and surprises...and oh I cannot wait for them all!!

"Love you, Joe." Tommy Whispers once we are snuggled up in bed, I gently kiss him.

"Love you too Tommy, so much." I whisper back and soon we asleep and we both I know see one another in dreams before again being together in the waking world.

A/N: Teasing, family moments and more...stay tuned for the next chapter!! 

Let the Heart Do the Talkin': (An Aerosmith/Kiss Love Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant