Chapter 34: Meet Lola Grace Perry part 2 (Joe Perry)

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Tommy, I just love him more and more with each passing moment.... he's just given birth and God is he beautiful! Our daughter, our sweet Bean Lola Grace Perry has just opened her little eyes and I see my husband's eyes, those beautiful sparkling chocolate eyes.

"She has your eyes Sparkles.... those beautiful eyes.... Tommy, we made this beautiful little angel. She's perfect." I murmur gently 'holding' one of my daughter's tiny warm little hands.

"She is...She really is." Tommy murmurs, voice wrecked.... he catches my gaze being mindful of Lola, "What?" He blushes, and I realize I am starting, not that I care...I could stare at my Sparkles all day.

"You're beautiful." I whisper.

"You're not so bad yourself." Tommy winks, before we both turn our attention back to Lola. "Just wait till you meet your little brother Evan, he's been so excited to meet you. He talked to you all the time when you were still inside me. Already protecting you sweet bean."

"We're raising him right, he's an amazing child and one day he will be a good man of that I have no doubt."

Tommy spends more time skin to skin with Lola, I quickly call everyone and update them.... Evan, I know will immediately want to see his sister, so that means they are coming but later on more than likely to give Tommy and I time to bond, the birth certificate is signed by Tommy and I tearfully and then admist all this Lola falls asleep to the beautiful music of my husband's heart and carefully with out words, Tommy hands her to me.

"Hold her Joe.... you've waited long enough Boston." I can't help but be touched at his words, as I settle Lola in my arms, sleeping peacefully. I gaze down at Lola, admiring her little face....10 little fingers and 10 little toes. Gently I kiss her little forehead without waking her, speaking quietly to her....

"Sweet bean.... ya, know I dreamed about you, right after I met Mommy. I dreamed about mommy pregnant with you...I knew my heart was telling me something. For SO long, I didn't listen to my heart and finally one day I let it do the talking and your mother's heart talked to mine and now here we are. Lola.... you are so very loved my girl. I hope you grow up to be happy and strong, in this I feel like you'll take after mommy, and I'd LOVE that." I rock her gently, Tommy amazingly is still awake, and I can tell he's fighting exhaustion, wanting to savor every moment. "Sleep Sparkles, you need rest."

"But I Don't wanna Miss a thing..." Tommy sings softly.

"The sweetest dream would never do; I'd still miss you baby..." I sing back, "Sleep my love, you've more than earned it, I love you." Tommy murmurs he loves me back, before drifting off to sleep, exhaustion hits me....but first things first, I cradle my still sleeping daughter in my arms, and place her in her little bassinet and find a onesie, purple and red that says 'sweet bean' on it, and matching socks and slowly, change her little outfit, complete with diaper and Lola stirs but settles back down...and soon I join my precious family in sleep....

I awake a few hours later, I am guessing and Lola it seems is beginning to wake.... making fussing noises, which if I had to hazard a guess... sure enough, she is within moments full blown crying, Tommy wakes up at the sound....

"Is that her?! Wow...give her to me, I believe she's hungry."

"Its her, I've got her..." I kiss him and gently before picking her up check Lola's diaper just in case and she's good. "Mommy was right sweet bean.... shhh, its ok...we'll get you fed huh?" It seems these where the magic words as her cries are reduced to fussing, as I carry my precious bundle to my husband, who has his hospital gown pulled down so Lola can feel his skin and to my great surprise, she roots around for a nipple and latches on, Tommy starting a wee bit.

"Surprised fast." He says fondly, as I stroke Lola's hair back as she begins to nurse from Tommy.

"It's a stunning beautiful." I murmur reverently, admiring her little profile, her eyes watching Tommy, focused on him.

"It really is." Tommy agrees. "I did this with Evan, I didn't think he would at first.... he was shy, afraid I think or maybe that was me, but latch on finally he did and he and I both relaxed...but the feel of him and now of Lola, so warm.... it's the best feeling in the world, its love."

Truer words have never been spoken of that I am sure....

Lola is soon fed and burped making contented noises and I join my family on the hospital bed, and we enjoy some moments of peace, before knocks sound on the door and one little voice in particular sounds out...

"I wanna see sissy! Daddy lemme in!" Tommy chuckles lowly. So, I get up, and open the door and scoop up Evan as members of our family file in and find seats.

"Hey buddy...mommy and I missed you.... you ready to meet your sister?" Evan nods eagerly. "Be careful with her, ok?"

"Ok daddy." Evan promises, at this point we've arrived at Tommy's bedside, and he smiles seeing Evan and I, as I sit with Evan in my lap, and he leans over to better look at Lola. "She so small an' cute!"

"She is, isn't she?" Tommy says tears in his eyes, "Say hi to her." Evan slowly reaches out with one of his little hands and Lola grabs one of his fingers.

"Hi Lola! You cute an' little, I be good big brudder, an' protect an' wuv ew. Mommy an' daddy and Unkas and Annie's (uncles and aunties) wuv ew wots! I wuv happy meet you a now meet ebbyone!" I SWEAR Lola smiles.... even though I know babies don't smile until they are around four months old, I'll never forget this moment. "I hold?" Evan looks up at me and then looks to Tommy.

"Ok you can hold her, we'll help, ok? Gotta be careful." I tell him seriously, Evan nods solemnly. With Tommy's help and mine, me supporting Evan, supporting both of my children, Evan holds his little sister, kissing her little forehead.

"How cute is this moment?" Tommy gushes.

"Very." I whisper, Evan meanwhile is murmuring sweetly to Lola, telling her all about Tommy and I, and even 'Unka Steve having his hair dyed pink.... which earns me a glare from Steven, which is half-hearted may I add.

"You guys are such a beautiful family.... i can't wait till our baby comes and look at us all...finding love, having families all of beautiful." Eric says quietly, tears in his eyes and he gently rubs his swollen stomach, Brad's hands entwined with his own.

After a bit, Evan reluctantly quits holding she can make her rounds, Tommy and I watching everyone closely, new parents can't help that...I wrap my arms around my husband carefully, our hearts beating in time.

"I Love you Tommy...I love our children and i cannot wait to continue to raise them at your side, and someday more children."

Tommy leans against me with a contented sigh, "I Feel the same, that will never ever change.... god, I love you Boston!"

The future will I have no doubt be a beautiful one....

A/N: Lola Grace has met the family, especially her big brother.... two more chapters left! 

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