Chapter 29: An Aero-Kiss Baby Shower (Tommy Perry-Thayer)

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My belly has grown ever rounder for my daughter, my little Lola...I can't quit touching it, Joe can't either and we can't quit touching each other, there I said it. Some of the most adorable moments are our son Evan talking to his sister, and his little hands mimicking my husband's larger ones rubbing my belly. Let me bring you up to speed, it's now been a month since Paul's given birth to his son with Steven Tyler, and Paul DEMANDED to help with the baby shower.... Steven, shall we say was hard pressed to NOT say 'no', but really, he didn't have the heart only getting Paul to agree to take it easy and check with the doctor and clear him, which he was by the way. But today is a very special day, Lola Grace's baby shower.... Joe with help from Paul and everyone, has it all planned and taken care of.

Currently I am propped up on the couch, I'd been reading...but Lola wanted attention, kicking me repeatedly...which I am oh so happily engaged in giving her attention.  Joe, meanwhile, is cooking breakfast...he'd worked out earlier, Evan is helping him.

"Daddy is fixing delicious food for us; I can smell it and it smells GOOD. Daddy takes such wonderful and amazing care of us. I love him so much and I love you so much sweet bean. Today is a special day, the whole family is coming over later for a baby shower! So many cute and adorable things we'll get!" I talk to Lola, cupping and caressing my belly...Lola still kicking away, but more gently than before...but too I know she's eager for food. "And just like me you're eager for food...don't worry Lola...not much longer."

Next thing I know, I hear MY HEART. "Breakfast is ready.... i heard the last bit." Joe carefully helps me off the couch, hand on my stomach and little Evan is helping. Joe kisses me before we enter the kitchen, him helping me sit down...and another kiss or kisses, sue me I can't get enough. "You looked so happy; you DO look happy...radiant."

"Mommy pweety." Evan exclaims matter of factly. "Lola, ok?"

"Mommy IS very pretty, beautiful..." Joe smiles and then looks to me. "Lola, ok?"

"Yes, she's ok.... I'd been trying to read...but she kept kicking me repeatedly wanting attention...she calmed down once I quit reading and started talking to her." I rub my stomach feeling Lola move gently.

Breakfast is served and I inhale mine, I can't help myself.... Joe chuckles fondly and I cannot help but join. After dishes are washed, I insisted on helping, we all cuddle up on the couch for a bit. And then next thing I know.... I drift off and I wake up with a start upon realizing I'm in my bedroom with my husband and I immediately burst into tears feeling upset that I went to sleep on my family.

"Whoa...Whoa...Tommy.... what's wrong?!" This only makes me cry more.

"I-I...f-fell asleep! I spend time with you and Evan!" I wail, burying my face in my husband's chest.

"Hey...Tommy...look at me." Gently, but I feel shamed by my mood swings and so refuse to look at my husband until he tilts my chin up, eyes filled with concern. "You DID spend time with us, but I get your meaning. You're working hard carrying Lola, and tire much more easily, now don't worry, Evan is ok...napping.... its afternoon, almost time for the baby shower here in a bit, we have plenty of time to get you ready...and Tommy? You NEVER have to feel shamed for ANYTHING including your mood swings, I love you more than I can ever truly say."

"You...still, find me attractive? Moods and all?" My voice small, I can't help but be insecure and it all goes back to Jamie.

"You ARE stunning! I love you, all parts of you.... i always have. And now.... i mean here you are pregnant...even more beautiful, so very radiant." I can't help but melt at my husband's words, as he kisses me, taking my breath...and then lifting my t-shirt to give my swollen stomach kisses and I can't help but run my fingers thru his hair...Joe shivering in delight...Later....

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