Chapter 30: Date Nights Part 1 (Joe Perry)

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We waited a day, no 2 actually before Brad and Eric, who'd insisted on coming so Tommy and I could have our date nights. Naturally Tommy was very emotional, which also got Eric started and there were a lot of tears and kisses from Evan to Tommy, my poor husband broke down even more when they left and that brings us to now: me still trying to console Tommy and get him to calm down for not just his sake but for Lola's as well. Tommy, my poor Sparkles refuses to look at me....

"Tommy...Tommy..." I can't help but get choked up at seeing him so down and right now I feel helpless, but he needs me. "I know baby...God, I hate how this hurts hurts me to see you hurt. We can see if Evan can be brought back if you want." At those words Tommy looks up at me, taken aback but I very much mean them because Tommy and I always work it out to where we have time to ourselves with Evan in the house.

"Y-You'd.... d-do...that? I-I sorry...I wanted, I mean I hormones and...and." Tommy rambles dejectedly. I carefully wipe away his tears with my thumbs.

"Yes, I would if you wanted...I'd do anything for you Tommy because I love you sparkles.... don't apologize my love...I know Evan will wanna call all the time...and remember its ok to take time for just you, or just us or even for me to do so for myself." I know part of the underlying fear Tommy has.... his trauma I can see it in his eyes...and I'll gladly do what I can to take away his pain. The's done, and I would love to show Tommy but want him to be ok...and maybe it would cheer him up. "Do you wanna see Lola's Nursery?" Softly. Tommy is much calmer than he was or he's getting there I mean. I gently caress his stomach, feeling Lola move about and I do so in slow circles. Tommy's hands join mine.

"I would love to Boston....and t-thank you for calming me down....and Lola...and just always standing by me, just being there for me."

"I love much." I whisper leaning in feeling our breaths mingling together before I claim his lips in a slow, sweet kiss.... feeling that fire, that oh so delicious 'burn' if you will. Carefully I help Tommy off the couch, but not before kissing the firm rounded stomach several times that houses our daughter and we make our way upstairs, pausing ever so arm firmly around Tommy's waist till we arrive at Lola's nursery door and Tommy turns to me eyes wide and a radiant smile.

"I love it already! So cute! Her Name...and it says, 'our little sweet bean' beautiful!"

"If you think this is something.... wait till you see the inside." I chuckle before asking, "You feeling, ok? Better? Lola, ok?" Anxious really, can't help that...I just wanna make sure my beloveds are ok.

I feel a gentle hand on my cheek nuzzling into my husband's warm palm and his other hand places mine on his belly, Lola kicking at my hand.

"I feel MUCH better.... thank you for cheering me up and as you can no doubt feel Lola is ok.... more than ok."

Tommy's eyes sparkle, those rich chocolate orbs....and I lean in and kiss him and not gonna lie, it gets a little heated....and reluctantly, very much so we part, and I open the door to the nursery, letting Tommy goes first and place an arm around his waist as he takes in everything....

The scene before us is something out of a fairy tale.... the walls painted to mimic our garden.... Tommy's favorite roses, and most importantly of all...the weeping willow, the pond, and the bench.... colors of spring, of fall......stunning, but NONE of it compares to the man at my side.

"OH BOSTON! It''s so.... wow...stunning. The crib.... everything is here...the table...chairs. Wow." Tommy is very much stunned as he turns to me eyes filled with happy tears.

"It is beautiful.... nothing on EARTH compares to you though." I whisper.

Tommy blushes before saying, "I can't tell you how much this means to means the world to me.... everything you do for me, our family. Joe, I love you, Lola loves you...Evan loves you."

"I can see how much it means to you...everything does....i love to see you smile, to bring sunshine into your life...we've got beautiful children....and speaking of does Lola like her nursery?" Though I can FEEL the answer given I have placed my hands on his stomach, Lola moving gently...happy and content. I just love HEARING the words....

"She loves it....and so do I." Tommy smiles before then asking, "Can we stay in here for a bit? I" Without words, I lead him to one of the chairs in the room, propping his feet up making him comfortable, before without asking I massage his feet and after Tommy sighs with satisfaction. "Ah.... now that's NICE."

I chuckle, "Glad you think so Sparkles...I just have the touch." I smirk KNOWING the affect that has on Tommy.

"Hmmm.... you DO have the touch.... which is part of the reason why we are here right now." Tommy counters, hands on his stunning and beautiful belly. Oh, just you wait my love...just you wait....

My husband and I stay in Lola's nursery a short while before Tommy's cravings hit him....

"Oooh.... I'd really LOVE Chicken Puttanesca!!"

"If that's what you want and by extension Lola wants...then that's what I'll make us." I tell Tommy. "Do you want to stay here or come downstairs...I don't wanna strain you too much."

"Joe I'm fine I promise.... but to answer your questions, I just wanna be near you." Tommy's eyes are soft, as I help him up and downstairs, once more getting him settled with his feet propped up this time in our kitchen, as I get started on cooking my husband and I trading kisses and stories all the while, including some of my more elaborate pranks on Steven. I also work on Dessert, Tommy eyeing me and it hungrily.... hmm, well now...I know WHAT else we're gonna do tonight....

Dinner finally is fixed but not before Tommy wants peanut butter and pickles as a snack, making me shake my head in amusement.

Tommy takes a bite of his chicken, groaning eyes rolling in the back of his head....

"Damn.... this IS SO GOOD. Thank you, baby."

"You're welcome..." I reply huskily.

"I know that tone Boston and oh...I want you...NEED you...just let me eat first huh?"

"Fair enough sparkles. Fair enough." Yeah, it will be torture waiting, but he does need food for him and Lola, after all he's working hard carrying our child. So yeah, just as I thought dinner and dessert...torture, but I still took the time to make sure Tommy ate enough and all, so in other words I fussed over him....and when at last he'd eaten his fill...I take him in my arms as best I can, groaning......," You it's MY turn...." I whisper heatedly against his neck. Tommy's hands doing some oh so delicious roaming before to my shock Tommy bursts into tears.

"S-Sorry!! I d-didn't mean. I...oh.... are you...sure...I mean I don't feel comfortable, and will you well enjoy it?" Tommy stammers, whispering practically on the last part.

"Hey...Hey.... it's OK.... this isn't just about me, it's about US and if you don't feel comfortable, I'll make sure you do, and baby...I ALWAYS love making love with you, to you NEVER doubt that." I soothe Tommy, which seems to work as he gradually calms down making me relieved and the look, he gives me after....

"I LOVE YOU.... now...I don't know about YOU.... but Boston, YOUR sparkles want you to make love to him. I need it and YOU."

We hurry, but carefully since Tommy is very much pregnant and before either of us can blink, we are bare to one another, me making sure Tommy is in a comfortable position...before we make love.... together, together as one.

A/N: Sweet, heat...the start of Tommy and Joe's time together...more to come soon! 

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