Chapter 15: It's Never Felt Like This Before (Tommy Thayer)

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Here we are, the day before Aerosmith and Kiss both get a little break from the tour for as it turns out for a few days. Touring can be grueling or hard at times, of that I can't lie...however, this tour has been vastly different than any other, I've ever been on....for one, Joe my beloved boyfriend and our son are the chief reasons...We spend every free moment we can together, I mean...I mean it's never felt like this and I can tell Joe though has felt guilty  that we haven't been on an actual date...which brings us to now, back at the hotel and both bands have performed:

"Boston, talk to me.... you've been quiet the past day or so. Worrying me...did...did I do something?" I hesitate voice small, old habits die's a left over from Jamie. Evan has just been put to sleep, I'd just tucked him in, and I turn and join Joe on our bed, hesitant again as I sit down, wondering if I should touch him....

"Tommy...." Joe begins slowly, finally looking at me and I am a bit startled to find tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry firstly, so sorry I have been so quiet....and making you feel like it's something you've done, it's not.... it's just that, well I feel guilty I haven't taken you on an actual date yet."

I reach out and put a gentle hand on his cheek, "I figured that.... Joe, ANY time we've spent together has been or is a date to me. Don't feel guilty Boston, I love you...and I love everything you do no matter what."

"Oh Sparkles..." I pull him to me, and our lips meet in a passionate kiss...afterwards he rests his forehead against mine.

"Do you feel better?" My tone hopeful, I am rewarded with a smile as he pulls back to look at me and therefore takes my hands in his.

"Yes, much better....and, I do have some ideas for our first official date I wanna run by you."

"I know that I'll love them! I love spending time with you.... because it's YOU." I smile, and his eyes glow.

"You love stars, and star gazing.... i thought that, maybe.... well, I know a good spot where you can see them well. And I thought that we could...lay on a blanket and cuddle.... for starters." Joe sounds nervous, my poor love.

"Don't be so nervous Boston, that sounds perfect!!.... i would love to...well you don't have to, but you are a good cook and... I'd love to spend time with you at your place." I suggest.

"You kiddin'? I'd love to do that.... oh!! I could do a set up underneath the willow tree by the pond, and... we could maybe watch the stars from the house?" Joe gets more excited and his Boston accent, which I find sexy and adorable becomes even more prominent....and I feel myself blush. I note, Evan is sleeping peacefully.

I practically tackle him in excitement and Joe is now looking up at me.... the intimacy of the position is not lost on me....

"It sounds AMAZING Joe....and...did I mention? "My tone turns low and teasing..., "Did I mention how sexy and adorable your accent is Boston?"

"Hmm.... i can TELL." Joe grins, "I love making you blush...and I...." He pulls me down to him, in a kiss...a very passionate one.... we reluctantly break apart....

"Babe? I'm gonna go shower..." Joe and I sit up; he gently places a lock of hair behind my ear.

"Go, I'll be here. Love you Sparkles."

"Love you too Boston." I echo, gathering my bath stuff and clean pajamas.... i don't take exceptionally long and am soon back in Joe's arms, who has the tv on low while we talk some more and cuddle.

"Hey Tommy?" Joe asks.

"Yeah Joe? What is it?" Curious now.

"I was thinking while we are on break, in addition to our having a family date, you, me...Evan spending the day together." Joe's eyes are soft, and excited...and so is his tone.

"Evan will be thrilled!" I go from excited to emotional, as I feel the onset of tears. "I-I, its SO touching...means so much for you to include him like're an amazing father. I am beyond lucky to have you." I whisper tearfully, Joe gently thumbs away my tears.

"That means so much to hear you say that...I love him.... he IS my son, and I love being a parent to him and especially because its with you. You've really changed my world, Tommy. I tell ya.... it's never felt like this before, happy...whole, its WONDERFUL." Joe is by this point also is crying.

"My love...he is OUR son." I gently correct him before adding, "I very much agree with you.... now, we should get some sleep."

"You're right on both counts. I love you." A soft kiss.

"I love you too. "I smile and soon I drift off and begin to dream....

Funny how dreams work...or is it really? The scene is one of such joy.... it's nighttime and it's raining out.... Evan seems to be asleep in his room and it's Joe and I in bed together, we seem to be married as indicated by the flashes of metal on our fingers and my stomach is heavily rounded and firm.

Even though I AM so uncomfortable, I am so happy....

"You look happy Sparkles." Joe comments with a smile.

"I AM." I tell him, "Despite being so uncomfortable, I am so very happy. She is almost here.... our daughter Lola Grace Perry.... just one more month." I start to get scared....and my husband picks up on exactly where my thoughts are headed.

"I know you're scared...of the pain, the suffering of giving birth.... the labor, it's gonna hurt. But I'll be right by your side as I have been...every step of the way my love. I won't let ANYTHING happen to you or her, same goes for Evan. And Tommy? I've got you." Gentle and firm circles are rubbed on my belly before I receive a loving kiss.

"THANK YOU." I state softly, before my tone turns amused. "I apologize in advance for the cursing and all.... Paul's labor was interesting to say the least.... he threatened to feed Steven his...pardon me saying this, but his balls among other things. And Steven being Steven made sexual comments, which by some weird way took Paul's mind off things...but he was also tender with Paul, which Paul has always needed a partner like Steven."

Joe laughs before saying, "Oh I remember that...was kinda hard to NOT hear all that shit. And how about all these babies huh? I mean Paul and Steven had a son, and we found out Brad and Eric are expecting here recently." Joe's tone is fond.

"I call girl for Eric and Brad...or girls...I am telling you the cat thing.... but then I could be wrong."

"They'd be adorable.... but not as adorable as OUR children." Joe teases.

"You're terrible!" I tease back.

"I am partial my love...but they will be adorable. I just love that everyone has found their happiness.... Me, Steven, and Brad for SO long... decades were so lonely and miserable.... but finally, our hearts did the talking and the rest as they say is history." I find I very much agree with my husband's words.

Then the scene fades....and I begin to enter the waking world.

A/N: Dreams to come true..., date plans and more, stay tuned for Joe and Tommy's first official date!

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