Chapter 19: The Tour's End-Part 2 (Tommy Thayer)

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I got the surprise of my life last night! Well in hindsight, one could argue that they saw it coming.... Joe did have us on his insurance policies and such. But the point is, I didn't see it coming and was and am blown away. I never in a million years expected Joe to tell me he was adopting Evan and being given the papers and signing them before I went on stage. It just made my trust and love go even further, higher, and deeper for Joe Boston. Our family is growing...and soon it will be official and someday I hope mine and my boyfriend's dream of a little girl come true....

I am brought out of my thoughts by the FATHER of my son and future children, my boyfriend Joe Perry whose lips I find covering my own, I can't help but smile into it. Currently we are on the plane, both bands together bound for home. Poor Paul is having it rough with the morning sickness....and is so, getting sick in the plane's bathroom.

"Tommy you, ok? I assume so since you were smiling before I kissed you." Joe's eyes are soft, and I note Evan is asleep next to us, curled up...covered in a blanket.

"Yes...I am... very ok. I was just thinking about last gave me one of the best surprises of my life! I mean you're adopting Evan; you've been working on means more to me than words can ever say." I reply, vaguely aware of the others having conversations, Joe and I meanwhile are in our own little world.

"And I tell you now sparkles; I'd do ANYTHING for you.... but as for Evan, I WANTED to." Joe says, sitting down and taking me in his arms. "And there are so many more surprises that I have in store for you and our family."

"I know you would Boston, for I'd do the same....and knowing you they will be amazing surprises, life changing if I HAD to hazard a guess." A teasing note enters my voice.

"Ah babe you know me so well." Joe teases before his look turns more serious, tender really. "Now that the end of the tour is here, well officially.... soon very soon those surprises and dreams of yours, of ours will be coming true."

"I would LOVE that." I whisper, feeling a bit emotional. "I hate going home though...and you not being there, i-I mean I hate being apart." I look anywhere but my boyfriend until I feel his hands gently tilt my face up to look at him.

"I know, I feel the same way, Tommy. But we are NEVER apart even when not physically together remember that. for what you said? I want you and Evan to come stay with me when we get home. That way- "Joe goes to say more or tries, but I capture his lips.... feeling happy, very happy and so touched by his words.

"We can be together..." I finish for him after our kiss, Joe's smile lights up a room, I tell you that now, and the corners of his eyes crinkle adorably, inevitably we are drawn into discussion with everyone else, especially when a pale Paul Stanley, appears looking like he's been thru the ringer, his morning sickness has been rough so far.

"Here... ginger ale and some saltines." Tom Hamilton hands Steven said items, who takes it from him after Paul is settled, his head laying in Steven's lap.

"Thanks man." Steven tells him as he helps Paul to eat the crackers and drink the ginger ale.

"This had damn well better NOT last 9 months!" Paul snaps, before bursting into tears as Steven works to soothe him, running his fingers thru Paul's hair, and caressing his face. I know very well how Paul is feeling.

"Star goddess.... it's ok. It won't last forever."

"Will you still love me when i-I am fat?" Paul's tone is very vulnerable, and I know why, despite Paul's onstage bravado, he's insecure at heart.

"Paul, I will love you ALWAYS, fucking matter what you look like...and you're not fat, you won't be, I know its hard and how you feel and see yourself, but too the baby needs to grow. You're doing something amazing; this is a miracle for us both." Steven Tyler's words, seem to work their magic on Paul, who smiles albeit tearfully as he and Steven' s hands join over Paul's stomach. Paul falls asleep not long after....

We chat quietly for a bit longer with Joey, Tom, Steven, Brad, Eric and Gene, Gene who of COURSE makes sexual comments, teasing Steven who flips him off without even looking at him, making me snicker and bury my face in Joe's shoulder.

"Think that's funny, dontcha Sparkles?"

"I do." I snicker.

"Steven is one of those rare individuals who can flip someone off, sight unseen and with perfect timing." I can feel more than see Joe's smirk.... god, that sexy smirk of Joe's!

"Steven is one of a kind that's for sure." I mutter playfully nudging Joe before my tone turns soft and tender, making Joe look at me...him holding me. "And YOU Anthony Joseph Perry are MY one."

"As you are MINE." Joe echoes in the same tone, as we kiss...a slow sweet kiss. We check on Evan who is still sleeping away. "How many kids do we want?" Joe asks.

"Well, there is our future little girl we've dreamed about, Evan...I'd love to have a big family if we could. I've always wanted a big family, lots of kids running around. I mean I've baby sat Eric, and he's like several kids rolled into one." I go from contemplative to amused. Joe snorts amused at my words about Eric.

"I've always wanted that too, lots of kids...maybe 5 at least....and how lucky am I? To know that I'll have that with you Tommy?" Joe's eyes crinkle adorably, as we lay back in our seats. I am feeling sleepy and let out a yawn.

"Sleep Tommy, we still have a long way to go to get home.... I'll be right here, I love you."

"I love you too." I murmur, giving into the call of sleep and naturally I begin to dream as I so often do, especially since I've known Joe....

Gripping, thrusting.... panting heavily...pleasured screams fill the air...they are mine and Joe's, together at last we are joined as one, skin on skin.... covered in sweat.... chasing competition....

"B-Bost-on.... I—I neeed..." I groan/moan out.

"Tell me what you want baby...." Joe grunts out, voice gravelly...his Boston accent more prominent, which only serves to turn me on more....

"W-Want...n---need you!!" I cry, as with one perfect, well timed and placed thrust I come undone...seeing stars, as I release....and I feel Joe follow suit, roaring his satiation our cries combining as he fills me, and fills me.... until no more will fit.

Afterwards, He gently cleans me...and draws me into his arms, both of us still panting slightly, both still covered in sweat, but oh so happy and satisfied...and so very, very loved.

"I've's NEVER...felt like was like fireworks, fire.... i feel that...have felt that every time we've ever touched, but this...I can't believe this was our first time." My voice wrecked as I trace gentle patterns on Joe's chest.

"The first of many more times Tommy. But I do believe it will always be like this.... like the first time. You were and ARE perfect." Joe says softly.

"I very much agree Joe." I echo as we continue to bask in our afterglow.

A/N: They are on their way home, plans are made, things set in motion and a taste of things to come. Stay tuned for more!

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