Chapter 20: Date Night (Joe Perry)

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Home at last...I've never been gladder to be off tour in my life! The chief reason being my Tommy, my partner, my EVERYTHING. And of course, Evan our son.... all that's left there is waiting on the papers to go thru and everything to be processed. In any case, the first day back from the tour, all of us after going our separate ways slept for a good day even little Evan. In the days that followed, we were busy moving Tommy and Evan into our house and managing to spend time together as a in all a month has passed since we've come off tour.

Which brings me too now....

Tommy is in the kitchen with Evan, fixing breakfast and I just have come back from getting the mail and am going thru it, when I come across a marked envelope...tears fill my eyes, and they widen: the adoption papers!! It's come thru, Evan's new social security and his now being known officially as Evan Joseph Perry.... wow, FINALLY. I am trying to control my breathing, I am so excited....and I have plans too for Tommy and I tonight, a date night and something else I hope will come to pass: at long last making Love to Tommy. The sexual tension has been killing us, and oh it IS catching among our friends/family members. But back to the present, I race back up to our bedroom with the papers and put them in our bedside drawer and rush back downstairs and into the kitchen, where Tommy turns from the stove, smiling until he notices my state, and a concerned frown Marrs his beautiful features.

"Joe are you ok? You look like you've been crying." It seems Tommy is done with what he's doing and turns off the stove and I feel and see him in front of me, Evan looks on quietly.

"I-I have something WONDERFUL to tell you Tommy, we can work on planning that get together came thru." Here my voice cracks, "Evan's adoption has come thru Tommy, all his social security stuff, the name change...he's officially a Perry now." I whisper emotionally, as Tommy throws his arms around me sobbing, but in joy.

"H-Hearing it...out LOUD...I mean.... THANK YOU."

"Least I could do." I whisper. "I WANTED to." I add on. "I want to surprise him, maybe in a couple of days, like a gathering or party." It is at this gathering, I am gonna surprise more than just my son, but Tommy...I plan on asking him to marry me surrounded by our family.

"That sounds wonderful! Although, its gonna be hard to keep it to myself." Tommy grins. Breakfast is soon done and eaten, dishes washed, and I work out, Tommy too and Evan takes a morning nap and then we just spend some time together as I family...until Evan is picked up by Steven and Paul for, I have plans for mine and Tommy's date night, surprising me since Paul's had it rough with the morning sickness, which prompted me to ask:

"Steven man, you guys sure. I know Paul's not feeling well."

"Paul demanded we do so, or else..." Steven trails off, and I get the message.... typical Steven, because I know its sex related or as Tommy has told, temper related for Paul depending.

"Look we love that little boy, I'll be ok...Steven will make sure I rest." Paul shrugs, looking pale.... but before I know it, Evan is gone sent with an overnight bag and time passes in a blur, for Tommy and I are dressed up, for I'd made reservations at his favorite Italian restaurant and when he walks down the stairs.... i forget how to BREATHE.

"Tommy.... you an ANGEL." I find myself, able to breathe again and Tommy in my arms.

"Right backatcha Boston." I smile at the pet's name, before kissing him taking my time....

Dinner is great, conversation flowing glass of wine each, just the one...I sure the fuck doesn't miss getting plastered and or generally fucked up. Dishes are shared and so are kisses, and I think about the night ahead and what I hope to do when we get home....

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