Chapter 22: Our Lives, Our love, Our Way (Joe Perry)

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Tommy and I celebrated all night long, if you get my drift and I am sure you do. It was hot, it was was EVERYTHING. I mean to know that I have Tommy by my side, and that he is my one and the fact that we have a little family of our own and someday will add to that, again it means everything. This is as I have come to see it, is what comes of letting your heart do the talkin' as it were. It is the next day, Evan is still with Brad and Eric....I'd without waking up my fiancée called to check on him, thankfully he was doing well...very happy and missed his mommy and daddy, very heart warming, but in any case I've just slipped back under the covers which are clean by the way and pull Tommy to me, Tommy stirs but settles back down head on my chest, and I cannot resist the temptation of running my fingers thru his hair and humming lowly.

It is on this night or night before, our love making marathon that our daughter was conceived though we did not yet realize....

This is what I've always wanted, always NEEDED...Tommy and I, our love, our lives, and our way. He is my one and I knew, KNEW that this is where we were headed even on that first day we met, I didn't care how long it would take...Tommy is worth forever and then some. He's worth everything. I can't wait to marry him, I wonder...hmm, well I would love to marry him in a place that means a lot to both of us, maybe here in the back yard of our house? Or that beautiful park where we had the adoption/engagement party...or even Boston. I find I don't want to wait too long... but this isn't just about me, it's about Tommy. Tommy and I....

"Mm.... Boston." Tommy murmurs sleepily before his eyes pop open and oh the way they light up! "I didn't say stop." Tommy remarks, as I'd stopped running my fingers thru his hair but upon his remark I resume doing so.

"Sparkles...sorry I woke you..." I mean to say more, but Tommy cuts me off with a quiet laugh.

"I've been awake, I just loved the feel of your fingers running thru my hair, holding me.... i didn't want to move."

"I don't blame you.... I'd left the bed reluctantly may I add. But I felt it was important to check up on Evan, he's doing well...apparently, he's not been stealing Eric's phone anymore, He misses us, he's very happy, sending his love and 'kissy'." I move from running my fingers thru his hair, to gently caressing Tommy's face.

"That's our son..." Tommy smiles before saying, "I love you."

"I love you too." I kiss him gently before deepening the kiss. "So, what do we wanna do today, besides each other?" I grin widely, I can't help myself.

"Mm.... well cuddle, rest.... i don't think I can walk right now....and my voice is shot from all the screaming someone made me do last night.... but I'd still love to cuddle for a while if that's ok?" Tommy goes from amused too soft and shy.

"You LOVED me making you only I can..." I start willing the heat in my loins away for now if i can last that long. But cuddling it is." I agree with my fiancée. "Our wedding, I was thinking of some ideas...what do you think?" I trace patterns in one of Tommy's hands.

"Well, I imagine some place that is special to both of us..." Here Tommy's eyes light up and his smile is radiant. "How about our backyard.... the pond, with the willow tree."

"That sparkle is perfect...I was thinking along those lines." I murmur thoughtfully. "Did---you"

Tommy cuts me off apologetically, "I think what you mean to ask I assume is did I want to wait long? The answer, is I am ready whenever you are."

I gape at him but a moment before kissing him passionately on his lips and then peppering his face in kisses.

"You my love were made for thoughts exactly. How about next month?" I suggest, just a little bit nervous. Little did I know, yet anyway that I'd gotten Tommy pregnant but by the time our wedding rolled around, we'd begin seeing signs.

"Perfect Boston!" My fiancée enthuses.

"What about a honeymoon? Somewhere you've always wanted to go." I ask, curious to know the answer.

"I would to visit Boston, Boston." Tommy grins.

"I was thinking of Boston as a wedding location...but honeymoon works too." I grin back before adding on, "How about I run us a bath? Ease your sore muscles...I took a hell of a lot outta ya."

"Mmm, that sounds heavenly Joe..." Tommy sighs blissfully really. I get out of bed, still naked and Tommy's eyes rove over me hungrily...we shall see if an actual bath occurs.... i basically strut into our bathroom, loving the fact my fiancée is watching my every move.

I get the bath started putting in Epsom salts, scented of course...and adding in a rose water scent once that is done, I stride back into the bedroom, pick up Tommy carrying him like the most precious of things, because he IS. And Gingerly, I place him in the tub, me getting in behind him...Tommy groaning as the hot water hits his muscles, he leans back against my chest.

"How're you feeling?" I ask, after some moments of contented silence.

"Wonderful.... this is SO relaxing...thank you for doing this Joe."

"I'd do anything for you Tommy." I whisper.

"As I would do the same for you." He replies, we stay in the warm scented water...till it's Luke-warm, I get out first and then set Tommy on his feet, keeping a good hold on him making sure he's ok.... i find large and fluffy towels for drying him off and myself and we change into t-shirts and lounge pants, and I carry him downstairs to the living room and cuddle him on the couch. My stomach and his growl loudly at the same time, prompting us to laugh.

"We burned too many calories! Worth it though.... how about I fix us something? In the mood for anything in particular?"

"Hmm, something hearty I would think.... hmm...." Tommy taps a finger to his lips in thought. "Lasagna? And Salad?" Tommy asks hopefully, and I cannot help but find it adorable.

"Sounds good to me.... you feel like joining me?" I ask.

"I would love too." Tommy replies, as always, he makes my heartbeat wildly. Especially when he smiles. WE manage to get up from the couch, me with an arm wrapped around Tommy's waist in support, before he sits down carefully at our kitchen island and I get started on dinner...or...well the time doesn't matter, all that DOES matter is my fiancée and I being together. "Have I told you how sexy you look cooking?" Tommy states, blushing as he says it.

" haven't sparkles...maybe I should wear an apron and NOTHING but an apron." I purr, Tommy's blush deepens.

"Oh." Tommy stammers, flustered.

"Or...YOU could do that..." I wiggle my eyebrows.

"If I wear ANYTHING sexy.... I'll do that in the bedroom, I can promise that you will not be disappointed." Tommy purrs.

"You my love, will be the death of me...but what a way to go!" I exclaim before my voice drops, "Just wait until tonight..." By some miracle I manage to will the heat in my loins away for now, as I continue to fix dinner and my fiancée and I, trade kisses...much laughter and just bask in our loves, our lives. Our way...

A/N: Sweet and heat, humor...and more, next chapter will be the first part of Tommy and Joe's wedding, stay tuned!

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