Chapter 12: I don't Wanna Miss a Thing (Joe Perry)

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A/N: Included the Aerosmith song 'I don't want to miss a thing' as the theme for this chapter!

This was well worth the wait...more than worth the wait. I would have waited a lifetime if I'd had to, I let my heart do the talking and, my heart is made whole...healed from past wounds and my heart and mind BOTH tell me that Tommy is my one. His lips are so soft, he tastes to me like the finest wine, and I would gladly get drunk on him. So, in sync with one another...I love this, need much.

Tommy and I at last part for breath, both of us a bit dazed from our second kiss and confessing our love to one another, Tommy stares at me in awe...blushing and a bit shy.

"Please tell me...that I am not dreaming."

I caress his cheek gently, running my fingers thru his hair. "It is a dream come true." I whisper. "It's REAL."

"I was wondering.... does this make us a couple?" Tommy whispers.

"It does, I want that with you...I want everything with you and only you. Never doubt that baby." I glance over to see Evan is still asleep, Tommy follows my gaze.

"He's gonna be so happy...he already is."

"I love...being a dad to him. You don't know just how much I've wanted to have a family of my own and now thanks to you I have one." I feel tears spring to my eyes.

"And you don't know truly how much that means to me, that someone...YOU stepped up and wants to be his dad.... I'd want no one else but you Joe, my Boston" I raise an eyebrow on the nickname, but I can't fight the grin forming on my face.

"Boston huh? I love it Tommy.... a pet name already.... hmmm...." I muse before adding, "I think it's only fair I give you one as well.... Sparkles, because to me your eyes sparkle.... they're just pretty."

"Wow...sparkles." Tommy says almost to himself, testing out how it sounds before facing me once more. "I love it.... we are Sparkles and Boston and may I say OUR pet names for one another are far cuter than everyone else and their pet names...of course I am partial."

I can't help but laugh, "So true." Tommy looks tired and I am too, and.... i don't want to let him out of my arms, hmm I wonder. "Tommy why don't we change into sleep clothes? Get comfortable.... don't worry I won't look." I start stammering unable to ask, if I could just sleep with him in my arms, but Tommy surprises me.

"I feel comfortable with you...but it means a lot that you'd respect my privacy like that...but to answer your TRUE question.... yes, I'll let you hold me in your arms while we sleep....and besides I don't want to disturb our son."

My heart leaps for joy, joy that he knew what I was too shy to say, joy in the fact he referred to Evan as OUR son.... Tommy and I both change into sleep clothes, and I find myself drooling.... unable to tear my gaze from him and vice versa. After we both check on our son, we cuddle up in bed together, I think the others are asleep upfront...not sure, all I care about is being with the one I love. Tommy fits perfectly with me, our legs entwining...him laying his head on my chest.

"Can I make a confession?" I Break the silence, speaking lowly.

"Yes Boston, I'd love to hear." Tommy answers. Boston, the things he does to me.... i wanna hear him say that everyday...and I will...I know it in my heart.

I take a breath, " be honest I fell for you the moment I heard your voice that fateful, fateful day, my heart SPOKE to hadn't done that in SO long. It took me two ex-wives who were both sadistic gold-digging bitches, trying to fill the void with drugs, booze, and all for me at my age to finally let my heart do the talking instead of 'thinking' so to speak. But anyway, that day...I could hear the pain in that voice that no one seemed to notice. I was struck by your eyes, I felt in my heart that one day we would be together, that it would take time but until that happened, I wanted to be whatever you needed, to be your friend. I would have waited a lifetime, I have.... but for you, I would wait forever. Every day, I swear I discover something new about you and I love that. You make me smile, make me laugh, you just see me, and I SEE you." At this point the tears fall, and too I can tell Tommy is crying by the shaking of his frame. He shifts to where he can look at me, gently reaching a handout to cup my cheek making my breath hitch.

" be first you confused me, I didn't get or understand why you looked at me the way you did, I didn't think I was worth that. Then, you found me over and over comforting me in my pain, my didn't hurt, it never hurt. I didn't know what to think of that, because for so damn was used to keep me in line, love and kindness brought pain, I thought that's what all that meant. You've shown me otherwise, and I've felt tenderness, pain, you've done something for me, many things that I'd thought impossible. You've stepped up and are a father to OUR SON. And I will love you until my dying breath." I go to say something before I feel his lips on my own, soft warm and open. After Tommy lays back on my chest, and I realize after a bit, his breathing has evened out and light snores emerge from him. Without disturbing him, I check on Evan who has rolled over facing us but there is a little smile on his face as if he knows. I turn back to Tommy, I don't wanna miss any of this...the way he feels in my arms, how open and soft his features are in sleep.... just how beautiful and peaceful he looks.

My eyes roam over him committing every feature, sight, and sound to memory.... I kiss his eyes, thankful...beyond thankful to have him where he belongs: In my arms. And at last, I drift off and fall asleep and of course I dream:

I've been wanting to do this for so long.... well two things: Ask Tommy to marry me and to let Evan know I've officially adopted him.... all our family is present, but before I can say anything it seems Paul Stanley has news, him glancing nervously at Steven who reassures him it will be ok.

"Um...Um.... I never imagined....and at my was possible." Paul stammers over every word, so unlike his normal self. "Steven, can you tell them? I-I just am scared." Paul turns to him beseechingly.

"Star, don't be scared...they'll be happy, and I am right here with you." It clicks, as Tommy and I share a knowing look.

"Guys...." Paul finds his voice. "We'd just found out; I am two months pregnant." Cheers sound out, congratulations and ribbing commence.

"That explains why he's been the opposite of his normal personality." Tommy whispers in my ear.

"It does.... but I brought us all together for something or somethings very special babe." I whisper back before loudly clearing my throat, I beckon Evan to Tommy and I. "Buddy I have a surprise for just came thru.... I've adopted you meaning you are my son not just by heart, but in name. I love you son."

"Weawwy?!! Tank you daddy!" Evan hugs my legs before Tommy picks him up, crying and I hold them to me.

"Officially you are now Evan Joseph Perry." A watery smile works its way across my face, and my nerves on this front are gone. Everyone is crying...and there are more tears to come...tears of joy. I turn to Tommy and get down on one knee and pull a ring out of my pocket. "I wanted to do these things, announce Evan's adoption and... Tommy, you've given me a family of my own.... you never fail to make me feel or show me you love me. And for the rest of my life...I want you to be by my side as my lover, my partner, mother of my my husband. Will you do me the highest honor and marry me?"

Everyone waits with mounting anticipation, holding their breaths....

"Anthony Joseph Perry.... yes.... yes, to ALL OF IT." I slip the ring on his finger and kiss him; I've never been happier than I am now, and I know it will always be this way.

A/N: Love and more confessions and a glimpse of things to come...stay tuned for more!!

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