Chapter 26: Back home and Checking on Baby (Joe Perry)

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Despite Tommy having morning sickness, we still had the most amazing time on our honeymoon...even if we'd never left the hotel, all I cared about was being with Tommy and taking care of him. Of course, we both missed Evan terribly....

Now some time has passed and of course we are back home....and Tommy is now officially 2 months pregnant and far enough along now we can hear the heart. Which brings us to now: my husband asleep in bed, me fixing breakfast.... Evan with me, happy and cheerful...just as happy as he can be, talking about the baby and anything and everything.

"Daddy babies make mommy sweepy a wot? Did I make mommy sweepy?" Evan asks, very curious.

"Babies can make someone sleepy I've heard.... mommy told me you did, but that's normal i can promise you." I tell him.

"K...daddy, when mommy check on baby?"

"This afternoon, we can hear the heart now." Not gonna lie, tearing up at the thought of it as we speak.

"Heart talk?"

"Heart talks buddy." I echo softly, "Now making mommy and us a special breakfast, lemon ricotta pancakes with berries and juice and bacon.... how's that sound?" To my delight and surprise Tommy answers...

"It sounds AND smells...DIVINE." I turn from what I am doing and our son to see Tommy standing there, looking RADIANT.

"You look beautiful!" I look upon my husband in wonder. "how're you feeling this morning?" I think to ask, as Tommy my angel walks towards me, stopping to give Evan a hug and kiss.

"I feel WONDERFUL.... thankfully, no morning sickness.... now, something else to get this day started off right..." Tommy trails off with a grin and I KNOW as I pull him to me and claim his lips and I am lost...lost in him, lost in feeling.

"And how's our sweet bean this morning?" I ask afterwards, placing my hands on his rounded stomach...his little baby bump.

"Sweet bean?" Tommy raises a brow in amusement before adding softly, "I love that.... our sweet bean is fine.... really wanting this amazing smelling breakfast." I laugh, as I finish what I am doing and before long breakfast is done and we eat together as a family, and afterwards Tommy insists on washing dishes, me not having the heart to tell him no....

We spend time as a family, time jamming and fixing lunch until its time for Tommy's appointment and I find myself getting more and more excited, which once we are in the car and Evan is secured in his booster seat, Tommy laughs...

"God Boston, its adorable.... the excitement...not that I can blame you"

"Mommy?" Evan's little voice pipes up. "Did you see me?"

"Like we'll see your sister or brother?" Tommy's voice grows wistful, and he reaches for my free hand, and I squeeze gently. "I did, I have the pictures still from when you were in my tummy...I didn't see you until I was 3 months along...I didn't know I was pregnant till then, but I will NEVER FORGET seeing you the first time. Its beautiful!"

"Otay mommy! Daddy Huwwy up!"

I chuckle, "Evan I must be careful.... i am just as eager as you are." I tell my son.

"Ok daddy." Evan says sweetly, and I can't help but think of many more moments like this with him and our unborn.... daughter...I know in my heart it's a girl, I've dreamed so many times about it....

Before long, its time for the ultra-sound...Tommy has his weight and blood pressure taken, him grumbling, Evan looking curious at everything going on....

Tommy whispers to me before they get started sounding nervous, "Joe.... you promise it will be ok?"

I kiss him gently, "It will will." I whisper back, I am asked to lift Tommy's shirt which I do so reverently, exposing his little baby bump and I am in tears, tears at how beautiful this all is...Tommy is in much the same way.

"Everything looks good, healthy weight.... baby is a good length and a perfect size.... would everyone like to see?" The Doctor asks.

"We'd love too!" Tommy whispers. Collectively we hold our breaths for a moment, looking in awe at the image that takes shape.... a small outline of my baby...mine and Tommy's little sweet bean, but its about to get even better.

"Now we'll listen to the heartbeat..." Evan who is sitting in my lap, looks on as do I wide-eyed. A loud, but strong heartbeat echoes in the room....and I.... sob.... sob in joy....


"I know...this is...amazing!" Tommy picks up on my thoughts exactly.

"Baby happy! Baby happy cuz mommy an' daddy.... happy and wuv each udder...and I be bestest big bruva eva!" My son's words make me so proud!

Pictures galore are printed from the ultra-sound, the gel wiped off Tommy's stomach and we head for home, well we stop to get Tommy a snack, French fries, and a chocolate milkshake.... Evan winds up sharing with Tommy...the fries I mean.

"This is SO good!!" Tommy moans. His moans are turning me on...later...later I remind myself. "Thank you, Joe!"

"Least I can do Tommy.... I'd do anything for you!" I whisper. We get home and Evan after finishing his fries, falls asleep and I carry him in when we get home. Tommy opts to sit/lay on the couch, me fussing over my husband making sure he's comfortable.

"Joe.... thank you for always taking amazing care of me and our son and now...our little sweet bean.... now, are you gonna join me on this couch?" Tommy DEFINETLY does not need to ask me twice as I join him, Evan is asleep covered with a blanket near me. Tommy burrows into my embrace, my hands naturally drift down to his little baby bump.

" you carry our second child is all the thanks I need...and your love."

"I could say the same Boston, today has been one of the best days of my life! Everyday has been like that since...since my heart talked to yours." Tommy's eyes sparkle brilliantly.

"It truly has been...I agree. Today was magical!!...." I trail off, voice husky from tears. "S-Sorry.... i just wish...I could have been there for you with Evan." Tommy looks at me seriously, eyes shiny with tears.

"You WERE.... I mean...Aerosmith videos on MTV.... Evan kicked for the first time during one of your videos.... his middle name is Joseph, so I named him my love for you."

"It means so much to me that you did that.... i love that...just like I love you and our sweet bean...I heart says it's our Lola Grace inside you." I state softly.

"I believe you Boston.... if we have another son...and I want to name him Anthony after you.... we can call him Tony.... middle name Shane I think." My husband sighs contently.

"Sounds like either way we have our names set." I grow concerned when I notice my husband is looking tired, prompting me to ask. "Babe? Why don't you get some sleep? You're looking tired."

"Now that you mention it...sleep sounds WONDERFUL. But what if Evan needs me? You need me?" Tommy questions tearfully, I gently thumb his tears away.

"I've got you...I've got ALL OF US.... i am here to take care of you, ok? Always and forever sweet sparkles."

"I love you, Joe." Tommy smiles sleepily.

"And I love you." I WHISPER, gently kissing him....and moments later Tommy falls asleep....and so I decide to join him, where I know I'll see him in my dreams...and I will see him when I wake.

A/N: Joe and Tommy saw their baby for the first time and heard the heart and Evan too shared in their joy! More to come soon! 

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