Chapter 28: All for the Love of Family (Joe Perry)

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Family.... something I LONGED for, for SO many years.... that thanks to my husband Tommy, my sweet sparkles I now have, I have a wonderful son and we have one on the way. There IS NOTHING better, than seeing Tommy's body grow for our second child....and it's not just our family that is growing....

Eric Singer-Whitford is of course now 2 months pregnant, Brad is hard pressed to keep up with Eric despite his morning sickness from what I've heard. But both are of course insanely happy and as for Paul and Steven? Well, that brings us to now: On the way to the hospital, for Paul and Steven's son has come early as Paul is or was 8 & a half months pregnant.... meaning that my husband, my sparkles is now about 4 and a half months pregnant. And naturally my family and I, we're discussing the new baby.

"Paul.... I've NEVER heard him so scared when he called. He was worried...about their son of course, but more so about the microtia. Though the chances of him passing that on are slim from what I know......regardless, I know Steven would love or does love their son anyway." Tommy says quietly, meanwhile Evan is playing with his stuffed fox.... but somehow, I know he's listening.

"He does...he does...he loves ALL parts of Paul, and I know how that feels because I love all parts of you Tommy. Whoa...whoa...are you ok?" I start getting anxious when I notice the strange look on his face, and I start panicking looking for a spot to pull over or maybe just high tail it to the hospital...but then to my surprise, Tommy takes my right hand and places it on his stomach with a tearful but beaming smile. My breath hitches as I realize. "Sweet Bean's kicking!"

"I didn't mean to scare you just surprised me...but oh this is wonderful! I was wondering when the baby would kick!"

Before I can reply to our son does, "Baby kick? Yay!!" Evan clapping his little hands.

"It's wonderful buddy and we get to see your new cousin!" I exclaim, tearfully.

"Daddy, we tell sweet bean?" Evan asks excitedly.... he means will we tell them the gender of our baby, which funnily enough we found out this morning....and it IS a dream come true I tell you that.

I share a look with Tommy well as best I can while driving.

"What do you think Tommy?" Tommy gently squeezes my hand and smiles.... that I know more than anything means 'yes'. Finally, we arrive at the hospital, me getting Evan out first at my husband's insistence, then I help Tommy out and scoop up Evan and upon arriving to Paul's room, we find just him, Steven, and their son.

Steven smirks and I know why...any chance to take the piss out of me...he'll take.

"Fashionably late as usual Perry."

"Tyler...we're in a hospital if you get my drift..." I trail off suggestively...

"Steven...quit ribbing him!" Paul quips, gently rocking their son before looking to us, "Pardon my husband's RUDE manners, come in guys, and take a seat.... Tommy, you are feeling, ok?"

Steven huffs at first, but his eyes are soft.

I help Tommy sit down in a chair, him smiling gratefully before we kiss and then get Evan settled.

"I should ask you that Paul. But to answer your question I am WONDERFUL. And on the way here, the baby started kicking finally!" Tommy grows more and more animated.

"Man, that never gets old either." Steven exclaims before a wide smile crosses his face. "Meet our son, Dakota Shane Tyler....8 pounds 5 oz. Paul.... god, I'd never been more scared! But I can't tell you that feeling...Joe...the moment their born...I'd never imagined a moment for myself like that.... i LOVED the feeling. Our son is STUNNING just like his mother!" Steven starts crying.

"I couldn't have done this without Steven.... Dakota...Dakota, he doesn't have what I have.... b-but Steven made me see.... I am perfect the way I am and so is our son. Labor...all this...the weight gain...Steven. His way...never fails to make me SEE." Paul whispers practically, overcome with emotion.

Steven kisses Paul and then their son's forehead. Evan is very curious to see Dakota properly I can tell, to tell the truth so am I.

"If you're wondering everyone else already stopped by." Steven says answering our unspoken question. "Paul...I've ALWAYS seen you that way." Steven's tone is serious...earnest, I can hear how much he loves Paul. Dakota starts to fuss. Paul soothes him before saying....

"You guys wanna hold him?"

"We'd love to!" Tommy enthuses and I get up and hand Dakota, being sure to support him...but I hand him to my husband, who supports Dakota carefully....and it makes me imagine doing this when our sweet bean is born in a couple of months. "So, you're Dakota? You got your mother's hair, and nose...but you look just like your daddy." Tommy whispers to me. "I can't wait any longer to tell them...but first Boston...I can't wait till the baby comes."

"We'll tell them Sparkles..." I clear my throat. "First off, congratulations to you both. I know its something you've wanted for a long time. You have a beautiful son....and speaking of babies.... earlier this morning Tommy and I found out what we're having.... I..." I can't help but get choked up but manage to say, "We're having a girl.... our baby girl, I've. It's just a dream come true!"

"S-So... wow...I was wondering!!" Paul says breathlessly practically.

Steven naturally smirks, but his eyes are soft.

"I won the bet!"

I scoff, "You placed bets on MY daughter. I mean why ain't I surprised?"

"You love me anyway!" Steven singsongs. I merely huff. Dakota makes cooing noises, Tommy murmuring sweetly to him. "Do you guys have a name picked out for her?" Steven asks, Paul leaning forward curiously, well as best he can consider Steven has his arms around him.

Before I can get the words out, Evan beats me too it...all of us chuckling...I mean talk about adorable!

"Her name Lola Grace! It Pweety!" it is pretty, VERY pretty.... Tommy holds Dakota for a bit, before I hold the newborn little boy, making me wish I'd been there for Evan's birth. Tommy shares a look with me, he knows...his look tells me, you were with me even then....'

At long last, with my help Evan holds Dakota....and starts singing 'Dream On' word for word and Dakota falls asleep.... Steven thankfully had a camera to capture it all. But eventually Dakota goes back to his parents, Steven holding him...Paul looking on...hearts floating off him, not that I'd or anyone else would blame him.

WE stay until the need for dinner and rest for Tommy wins out and head for home, whereupon Evan helps me settle his mother in on the couch, Tommy propped up with plenty of pillows and a blanket, while I get started on dinner...but before I do....

"I love you much. And I love Evan and our sweet bean...our Lola Grace Perry." I whisper against his lips before kissing him and then kissing his swollen belly, feeling Lola move gently.

"We love you too very much." Tommy's eyes are bright. "And we'd also love dinner too!"

I laugh, "Coming right up!"

"Daddy it ok if I stay with mommy and sissy? I take care a' dem and ebbything!" I ruffle my son's hair affectionately.

"It's ok buddy, I know you'll take good care of them."

"Love you daddy! Huwwy up with food...Lola, me an' mommy need food!" I chuckle fondly. I kiss Tommy again and go make dinner, hearing Evan's sweet like my husband's and my husband's warm bell like laugh echoing....

My I love them...the life I longed for, for so long...I wouldn't trade my life now for anything or anyone. I have a husband I love more than life itself, a son...and a daughter on her way....and wait till Tommy sees what I have planned for our Lola Grace's baby shower!!

A/N: The arrival of Steven Tyler's and Paul Stanley's adorable son! Lots of sweet moments, humor and the gender reveal...well official of Lola Grace chapter will be the bay shower for Lola! 

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