Chapter 10: Here We go Again Part 1 (Joe Perry)

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Here I go again.... but not own my own. The tour has begun, and we are well on our way to our first show, Kiss and Aerosmith traveling by bus. It is now mid-June.... but before I get back to the start of touring and all that jazz, let me go back to the today Tommy had spent the day with me. He really needed it; I enjoyed having him.... wanted him to stay there forever. He took in everything around him with a degree of awe, I loved jamming with him, fixing dinner which he couldn't stop praising me, making me blush...but I loved that. We'd elected to eat outside under the weeping willow by the pond, it was felt to me like a date. Unofficial but a KILLED me to take him back home. But he called me that night to just talk and talk we did for hours.

Since that day we've hung out, jammed and more many times together just he and I.... however, I wanted to include Evan too as much as possible. And on those days, we felt like a family. something that I wanted for so long...and the feeling that it would soon be reality or official if you will has never left me, that's what my heart is telling me....

Which brings us back to the present, all of us on a bus...Tommy and I talking, while Evan makes his rounds talking to everyone, hugging every person in cute I have to say. I love him like my own...that dream I had, where I adopted him...that among other dreams will come true.

"Evan is SO excited! It's his first tour!" Tommy exclaims, keeping a watchful eye on his son.

"His first tour huh? He loves music, so this is perfect for him. Everyone here loves him." As I love you....

"You don't know how much that means to me.... Joe, I'd been so worried about everything and everyone back in February...still distrustful. But now it's've changed all that, changed my life. I-I just wanted to say that." Tommy says holding back tears, I reach for one of his hands and hold it in mine.

"Tommy, I hear you loud and clear....and THANK YOU for saying that." I tell him unwilling to let go of him, every moment with him is a moment I treasure. But reluctantly I let go of his hand, but he smiles at me, eyes a sparkling chocolate brown.

"Hey Mommy!" Evan pipes up, making grabby hands as Tommy picks him up. "See me talky to ebbyone?"

"I did was so adorable and sweet."

"Just ike ew mama." Tommy chuckles.

"he's not wrong you know." I tell Tommy and am rewarded with a blush. Then OF COURSE, one Steven Tyler buts into the conversation, his look sly.... damn him and naturally everyone quits what they are doing to pay attention. But before he can say what I know he's thinking. I cut him off. "Steven.... you better be glad there's a 2-year-old present or I'd say that I am really thinking. But don't worry...I'll get you later." My tone sly, huge smirk plastered on my face and Evan snickers and then has everyone laughing with---

"Dye hair pink!"

"Anthony Joseph Perry! WHAT have you been teaching him?!" Steven whines, oh this is HILARIOUS!!

"It's not just him Steven." Tommy replies silkily. Steven points a finger at him accusingly.


"Yep really." Tommy says even silkier, "don't worry I mess with Eric...usually. Besides you have Paul to kiss away the 'Pink'!" Paul blushes at that.

The laughter dies down and everyone breaks off back into their own conversations and Evan elects to go from Tommy to me, effectively snuggling brings tears to my eyes which I try to blink away.

"I sweepy." He tells me.

"Sleep ok buddy? Gotta be all rested up for the tour." I reply, smoothing his hair back, and soon he drifts off to sleep in my arms. I love moments like son...son.

"He's had big day...or is." Tommy says softly.

"He is..." I trail off noting the look on his face and his eyes which makes my heartbeat faster. "What?"

"Its.... just.... that...well you I mean.... you're SO good with him. Like a father. "Tommy whispers. I sense the deeper meaning, what he is too shy to say, and the feeling is more than mutual.... soon, soon I believe that in my heart he will come to me.

"I love him like my own. He's just as perfect to me as his mother." I say softly. And so, it goes.... Tommy leans against me, Evan still sleeping away, and we are in our own world....

Before I know it it's time for the show, I hated having to part from Tommy, that killed me and Evan too, I see him as my son...Evan went with a babysitter, Tommy cried and so did I. Here I am now on stage, Steven and I and the boys as we call them slaying our set, we don't miss a beat and maybe too I am channeling my emotions into my playing, my thoughts though are on the man I love more than life itself: Tommy.

We can say it without words, but I KNOW Tommy feels the same way.... it's the way he looks at me, has started to look at me especially since that first day we spent together, but I feel he's content but holding back, because he I know isn't used to these feelings. And that said, his mind and heart like mine will soon become one, we will become one.... of that I have NO doubt.

Aerosmith's set passes by in a blur, we take our final bows and head backstage. And Steven naturally, talks...and I know, Tom, Joey and Brad are listening.... it's always guaranteed.

"So.... couldn't help but notice, the way you were playing.... you always kill it, but tonight.... you were thinking about Tommy, weren't you?" Steven is serious for a change, Paul has been good for him in that department, though Steven is still Steven.

"Is that obvious?" I murmur, feeling myself blush.

"VERY obvious." Tom points out matter of factly.

"Eric says all Tommy ever talks about is you, but he worries.... he doesn't want to ruin things, but he FEELS ready if that makes sense." Brad says quietly, Brad is like the Yoda of the band if you will and he's Right.

"Yeah, I agree, he's getting there in line with his heart. Soon enough, he will talk to me about it. I know, in the meantime.... I'd gonna do as I've always done, treat him like the Queen he is, just be there for him." At this point, we've reached the dressing rooms and after a brief talking, we split off me heading into my dressing room, changing into regular clothes and eager to go visit Tommy, after of course I get clean.

My feet and my heart heads towards his dressing room, and upon entering his eyes light up. He's in full regalia, and I stop short a moment to catch my breath at his smile.

"I figured you'd come see me."

"Always." I find a seat close to him. "Evan's still with the sitter, right? He, ok?"

"Yeah, he's doing great, misses us. He wants to come to a show he said." Tommy and I share a look before it come to me.

"Well, he should, we'd love to have him....and...I've loved jamming with you so much, I was thinking I could join Kiss on stage, maybe during 'Strutter'?" Little does he know; I have in fact already talked about such with Gene and Paul.... thankfully 'loose lips' aka Eric Singer didn't spill the beans.

"Oh, I would love do that sometime!" Tommy's response is enthusiastic. Again, little does he know we're doing it tomorrow night.

"You better believe we will. Listen I was thinking, I could head back and give the babysitter a break and take care of Evan." There is a moment of stunned silence.

"You'd.... I mean...whoa." Tommy is floored but then to my relief smiles, "Sure! I trust you and Evan will be thrilled. It means a lot to me for you to offer." I stand up and so does he, I must have him in my arms, so we hug, lingering...the sweetest of eternities, before I go get Evan.... the sweetest of eternities.

A/N: Tommy and Joe are growing ever closer to one another.... only 2 more chapters until what we all know is officially confessed. Stay tuned!

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