Chapter 32: Just One More Month (Joe Perry)

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Where the hell does the time go? I mean Evan's 3 years old at this point and my husband, my beloved sparkles are 8 months pregnant meaning one more month till our daughter arrives. And I have already made sure to have bags packed for Lola and Tommy and Evan so he can stay with someone, and car seats are already to go.... Eric Singer-Whitford by the way, is 2 months behind Tommy and we'd just thrown them a baby shower last month and it turns out, they too are having a girl. Brad cried and told me to be honest he'd have cried with a boy, but the shower he'd gotten everyone's attention, a thoughtful/emotional look on his face, as he took Eric's hands in his...

"I just wanted to say somethings, firstly Eric....for giving me your heart, being the warmest, most stunning, loving and funniest person, I've ever known, for making me smile again....and for our daughter....and if its ok with you and everyone I have the PERFECT name in mind: Erica Violet Whitford...Erica after you my beloved Eric and Violet because I truly feel it suits her."

Tears on everyone's faces, and Tommy'd reached out to me, and I held him......such a beautiful and moving moment for Eric and Brad especially and for our family at large.

Currently, its late...Evan is asleep, but husband was or is so sore from carrying Lola, that I've just given him a full-body massage to make him feel better....

"Ahh.... you've got the magic touch Boston." Tommy sighs, eyes sparkling despite the exhaustion I see there.

"Well naturally..." I tease.

"That's in part at least how we got here..." Tommy flushes, as naturally I kiss him and then lift his t-shirt to caress his swollen belly, and my husband and I are rewarded with Lola kicking...seeing an impression of one and both of her tiny feet or the teeniest to us hand print...making Tommy's belly brings tears to my eyes and Tommy looks at me knowing what I am thinking and says, "It's beautiful isn't it?"

"It's really...she's almost here." Softly, I go to say more but Tommy yawns hugely. "Hey, let's get you some sleep huh?"

"She keeps moving...I love her, but she's.... ouch! Kicking me again." Tommy winces making me fearful.

"Just kicking? Kidneys?" Anxiously now.

"Ribs..." Tommy groans.

"I've got this, ok?" Softly once more, as I carefully I rub his swollen stomach in slow firm circles and speak to our daughter, "Ease up in their sweet bean, I know you're running out of room.... soon you'll be with us. Let mommy get some sleep, you both need sleep, ok? I love you Lola, so much princess and just wait till you meet your big brother, he loves you too so much. Sleep and dream sweet dreams." I feel her calm and look up to realize my husband is asleep. "Love you Sparkles." I whisper while slowly pulling down Tommy's t-shirt. I lay down beside my husband while on my side, just admiring him.

It's taken me a lifetime to get here, to let my heart do the talking.... decades of drug abuse, emotional abuse, but I still never could give up.... the point is its ALL BEEN more than worth it. Tommy is my other half, given me so much more than words could ever describe. He's my angel. My beautiful queen, the mother of my children. Tommy.... you changed my world, grew my world and I would not trade that or you or our family for anything.... never my sweet, sweet sparkles.

"Goodnight my love." I whisper before joining my husband in sleep, dreaming of him and our family, but the sweetest dreams will never do because I still miss him....

I find myself waking up to find that Tommy is still very much sleeping, my eyes of course naturally travel down to his stomach, which I notice is beginning to move.... making me smile. A gentle hand on my husband's stomach and I whisper....

"I can feel you move sweet bean; I love this feeling.... but let mommy sleep some more huh?"

"Mommy is already up now." Tommy states, and my eyes lock with his. "Coincidentally I love feeling her move too, even though I am super uncomfortable."

"Well first things first..." I move to where I can kiss Tommy and then his belly. "I had to start our days off right, we should get you fed Tommy."

"I wanna piss first and then cuddle a bit more."

"Sounds perfect to me.... sides Evan will probably be in here soon and will want to cuddle." I smile, helping Tommy out of bed so he can use the bathroom and do his morning routine and soon I have him back in bed, propped up and I am once more at his side, together our hands rest over Tommy's stomach where Lola is moving around and before long, we hear tiny feet and giggles, my husband and I share a look: Evan. "I'll get him sparkles." I tear myself away from my husband to find Evan waiting on the other side of the bedroom door and immediately I scoop him up and tickle him. "Sleep ok buddy?"

"Uh-huh daddy." Evan nods, and I see Tommy's smile.

"Let's go see mommy and Lola hmm? Both are awake and want cuddles."

"Huwwy up daddy!" I chuckle, as I walk over to the bed with Evan placing him on the other side of Tommy and of course immediately he snuggles up to Tommy's baby bump, tiny hands rubbing said bump, of course I immediately join and soon 3 sets of hand feel Lola move and kick. "Ooh sissy Weawwy happy!" Evan exclaims excited.

"She is." My husband agrees.

"Can I say mornin' to Lola?" Evan asks sweetly.

"She'd love that." I reply as Evan begins speaking to his sister....

"Mornin' Lola.... you Weawwy happy, mommy an' daddy say see you soon! I wuv ew vewwy much! And wuv daddy and mommy an' Unkas and Aunties, ebbyone." And Evan looks up at Tommy and I, expression serious. "Lola need food daddy and mommy and me."

"I'll get started on it...what does everyone want?" I chuckle at my son's cuteness, addressing everyone.

"French toast with berries and eggs sound good to me." Tommy is practically salivating.

"Sounds PERFECT to me." I agree, kissing Tommy who then declares he wants to go downstairs and get settled on the couch and Evan declares he wants to help, now how can I say no to that?

Tommy is settled in first downstairs, Evan, and I both fussing over him making sure he's as comfortable as can be before telling him, Evan in my arms....

"Soon we'll have breakfast, but if you need me Tommy...I'll be right here."

"I love that..." Tommy's eyes sparkle. "And I love YOU."

"Love you too sparkles. And our little angels." I reply, kissing Tommy, Evan following suit on the cheek, and we get started on breakfast.

Just one more month, one more month till Lola arrives.... she'll be spoiled no doubt, I can't help myself and neither can Tommy or our family for that matter and really, I'd have it no other way. Lola, my dear girl.... you are so very loved, I love you, your angel of a mother does, your brother and your extended family... we cannot wait to meet you.

A/N: Four more chapters left, and next chapter will be the first of 2 parts involving Lola Grace Perry's arrival! Stay tuned! 

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