Chapter 23: You're my Angel Part 1 (Tommy Perry -Thayer)

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Today I am marrying the love of my life, the man...not the ONLY partner to ever cherish me truly, to mean show me how to talk with my heart, to listen with my heart and teach me about love, my Boston: Anthony Joseph Perry. It's been a little over a month, more like a month and a half since Joe proposed to me on the same day he adopted Evan, OUR son. I am currently getting ready, and I am so nervous.... i just don't feel good, which I chalk up to nerves...but I am starting to notice I am moody, and I've gained weight.... maybe it's just stress. Paul, Gene, and Eric are here with me, Paul sitting down hands on his baby bump.... I....

"Whoa.... Tommy, are you ok?!" Eric exclaims, pausing in fixing my hair.

"Huh? you mean?" I stammer slowly., realizing I am crying. "I-It's just nerves...I don't, I'll be fine..." I trail off, a wave of nausea hits me. "Ugh...we ginger ale? "I croak trying to steady my nerves.

"Tommy...I don't think this is just nerves..." Paul starts, what? I can't concentrate, as I start gesturing for something to...OH SHIT!! Gene I think or Eric, I don't know one...hands me something barely in time for me to vomit...and more vomit. Till after a few minutes I stop, I am vaguely aware of someone handing me something to clean my mouth out and ginger ale, which I gulp greedily. I just don't feel good!! "Um Tommy? I think...well you look like you feel like shit...I was that way with...well I believe you may be pregnant."

"What?" I croak out.

"Do you need me to get Joe?" Eric asks.

"No!" I snap, then apologize, "Sorry! I just.... maybe we should find out?"

"I'm on it...we still have time." Gene says. "I'll get Joe to come to the door and talk to you if that makes you feel any better Tommy." Gene notes at my I assume petrified face.

"o ok. "I murmur knocking back some more ginger ale. Gene departs, Eric resumes fixing my hair telling me to try and take it easy and is soon done. I am starting to feel sick again.... I hear the most beautiful voice in the world at the door, very worried. Despite everyone's protests, I shakily make my way to the door.

"Tommy? God, what's wrong? Gene said you weren't feeling good. Open the door sparkles...please?" Joe pleads with me; he sounds very worried.

"I-I.... I'll be ok. I promise...I am beyond excited to marry you!" I manage a smile, but with what Joe says next, my tears fall.

"Tommy.... you sound scared, I can HEAR how bad you feel. This isn't like you. I love you; you have nothing to be afraid of."

"I'll tell you s-ssoon.... I'll be ok in time." I murmur, laying my head against the door. "I love you."

"I love you too, I don't feel right leaving you right now." Joe says softly, very much worried.

"B-Bad...luck... Boston if see me." I quip.

"If anything, it's GOOD luck." Joe counters still concerned but relieved at my tone. "I'll see you soon but try and take it easy in the meantime." I promise to do so, and shakily sit back down, feeling a bit dizzy. I gulp more ginger ale, nausea slowly fading for now.... Gene arrives back in record time with pregnancy tests, and I stumble to the bathroom.... feeling scared.....ok, breathe...breathe....Joe won't hurt you...he'd NEVER hurt you...or our baby...if I really am pregnant, I never felt sick with Evan...i didn't know i was pregnant till Jamie nearly made me lose him....I pee on the tests, and wait...Eric is with me, he demanded to make sure I'd be ok, but he averts his eyes as I pee of course. I sit down on the toilet after...and finally, it's time to look...I do so, and my eyes widen.... Pregnant, all positive...I am pregnant! I feel like shit, but slowly a bring a hand down to my belly, lifting my shirt...feeling the flesh there that is not so soft...but it's just a little round and firm...the beginnings of a baby bump.

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