Chapter 21: Surprises (Tommy Thayer)

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Life is full of surprises.... I've had a lot of bad ones, a lot of good ones and too the bitter-sweet ones. However, no one has surprised me quite like one Anthony Joseph Perry, my Joe. Joe from the first day we met, has surprised me...comforting me, checking in on me...genuine. Then came more surprises with him, comforting me and calming down from the panic attacks I had.... not leaving until he made sure I was ok. Then we became friends and then that evolved to where we are now, a couple...lovers, and Joe has adopted my son...he's done so much for me, I couldn't even begin to truly find how I feel or to describe.

Which brings us to now, getting ready to Evan's surprise party for his adoption. Joe and I are ready, just helping Evan get dressed. Glancing at Joe, he's like me very happy, thrilled really...but also nervous. Little did I yet know the surprise that was in store for me on this day AND this night...

"Boston, are you all, right? You seem nervous?" I whisper lowly, to not upset Evan potentially.

"Sparkles, I am a little nervous...or very...I just want this day to go well, it's VERY special to me. You and Evan both are." Joe whispers back, before either of us can say anything else Evan chimes in with his sweet little voice.

"Excited! wait where we go?" Evan cocks his head curiously, as finally his hair is combed at this point and he's dressed, looking very adorable.

"It's a surprise for you sweetheart." Joe tells him, picking him up." It's very special." Joe's eyes glow as they land on me and we are off, off for the location of the party, food is involved naturally and especially since we'd have to face more than the wrath of a pregnant Paul Stanley, but also Gene Simmons who has an at times unhealthy obsessions with sweets.

"Daddy? What prise?" Evan asks once in the car.

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you Evan." Joe chuckles at our son, OUR son.... god do I love even saying or thinking that!

"Honey, we promise you it's a very special surprise." I tell Evan who'd begun to pout. A life changing surprise....

We all make small talk with one another and finally we arrive, it's a beautiful little place.... Evan's favorite colors and mine...everyone is gathered. Evan greets everyone and hugs them, and he starts fussing over Paul.... which so adorable, making him sit down.

"You sit and west for baby!" Evan points to a chair, Paul just chuckles, and Steven is highly amused. "Eat too!" Evan adds on, sweetly.

"Don't worry kid, I'll make sure he eats." Steven ruffles Evan's hair fondly.

"An' keep Unka Gene from dessert!" Collective laughter sounds despite Gene's protest of 'hey'.

"You forgot about Eric!" Tom Hamilton snickers, the man I have come to find has a wicked sense of humor, which had surprised me and he's a good guy. At this point Joe and I have taken our seats at the table, laden with all kinds of food.

"I'll have you know...I do more than eat sugar!" Eric snaps playfully.

"Yeah, we ALL know what he 'eats." Joe whispers in my ear, me snickering as if in agreement.

After some various conversations we eat, laughter...jokes, catching name it. Until it's time to tell Evan his surprise....and everyone has tears in their eyes.

"Evan... I have something to tell you. Know how much I love you.... you're my son...mine and your mommy's, and.... i adopted you, which means it's official. You are and always will be known as Evan Joseph Perry. That's part of why everyone is here today to celebrate this special day with us." Joe has tears streaming down his face, Evan is wide-eyed, as he sits in my lap and he fairly leaps into Joe's arms, hugging him.

"I so happy! Wuv ew daddy!!" He cries.

"And I love you son." Joe replies, taking a handkerchief and wiping away Evan's tears and then mine. And then Joe turns to me, and reaches for one of my hands, and I get this feeling...., "Tommy, for so many years...too many to count, I was lonely, lost and I let my head do the talking not my heart and finally at my age I decided to let go, let my heart do the talking. I could NEVER forget the day I met you...I fell for you in an instant, by the sound of your voice alone. My heart told me, there was pain...pain that you had carried and hidden for so long...I found myself wanting to get to know you, to be a friend and Evan? Evan is just like you, those chocolate eyes, that hair.... but my love...SPARKLES, you made my heart come alive.... gave me a family of my own, OUR own which someday my heart tells me quite strongly we will add too. Words can't describe how I feel about you, how much I love you...all I know, is that I want to be with you and only you for the rest of our lives.... which is why..." Joe gets down on one knee and I quit breathing for a moment. "—I am asking if you would do me the honor of marrying me Thomas Cunningham Thayer?" I had no clue this was coming...well not in this way.... this man I tell you...the rest of my life with him? I could go for that...

"Anthony Joseph Perry, NOTHING would make me happier than to marry you, to be YOURS in all ways. I look forward to a lifetime together at your side, as your husband.!" I cry, as reverently He opens a little box and the ring is shaped like my favorite roses, covered in diamonds and places it on my index finger, Evan is at this point off my lap and standing close by.

Joe brings me to my feet, and I wrap my arms around his neck and his go around my waist as we come together in an emotionally charged kiss, our tears...but tears of joy combining. After he rests his forehead against mine and we are in our own little world....

"So, as it turns out this is also an engagement party, I wanted to surprise you and our son." Joe whispers.

"You surprised me and then's what I love about you, I always have." I whisper back.

"I find out something new about you everyday Tommy, if that hasn't changed by now, it's not going to."

"I agree with you Boston.... now do you think we should get back to the party?" I grin.

"We SHOULD...." Joe pulls back to look at me grinning. "But first...." And with that he once more claims my lips, and I am lost. "Just wait till tonight..." he whispers voice dropping an octave sending pleasant shivers down my spine.

Everyone offers their congratulations, and it means so much to be surrounded by family...

"You don't know how hard it was for me to keep quiet!" Eric whines practically from Brad's lap.

I laugh, "Ah loose lips...those lips of yours aren't quite so loose anymore...I suppose because they are occupied nowadays." I tease.

"Naturally." Brad quips.

"Joe put all this together, we had help from the older kids too." Joey states.

"Thank you...thank all of you for all this...for being here." I tell him and the company at large.

"We're family Tommy, it's what we do." Paul says quietly, rubbing his rounded belly...looking that happiest I have ever seen or known him to be, Steven's hands cover Paul's. We all chat and mingle for quite a while until Paul leaves with Steven to rest, and Brad and Eric to my surprise take Evan... Brad telling me—

"Figured you and Joe would need time to yourselves for a bit." He winks and I blush. Joe and I say our good-byes to Evan, giving lots of kisses and hugs and before I know it I find myself with my now fiancée at home, Joe pulls me to him...that sexy as hell smirk plastered on his face....

"Boston what ARE you up to?" Though I know very well.... i can FEEL it.

"I've made love to my boyfriend.... but.... hmm, wonder what it would be like with my fiancée?"

"Shut up and kiss me Boston!" I command and Joe attacks my lips, feasting on them...nipping teasing.... the room heats up and so do clothes are taken off somewhere along the way to our bedroom, Joe carrying me, my legs wrapped around his waist until somehow, we wind up on the bed, bare to one another. "I love you." I whisper, looking up into Joe's eyes, feeling emotional.

"I love you too, so damn much....and I am gonna show that to you...." He whispers, voice husky as I pull him to me....

A/N: Surprises for Evan, Tommy....and now Tommy and Joe are engaged!! Stay tuned for more!

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