Chapter 17: A Family Date (Tommy Thayer)

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My first official date with Joe was magical! So romantic! I loved falling asleep in his arms on the couch, sometime later that night I found myself in bed Joe spooning me and went back to sleep. Two days have passed since then, and Evan and I are at home eagerly waiting on Joe, we are having our family date today. Evan is so excited and so am I.

"Mommy? When daddy come?! Me cited!" Evan exclaims excitedly. I love.... love hearing him call Joe 'daddy', I never thought that I'd ever give Evan a father or that anyone would WANT to be his father, I am SO glad I turned out to be wrong.

I chuckle, "He's on his way Evan.... we're gonna spend time together as a family. We're gonna have so much fun today!"

"What doing?" Evan asks very curious.

"You know.... I am not sure, Daddy said it was a surprise." I reply, indeed that is the case. Joe said it was a surprise, only saying Evan and I would love it.

"Zoo?" Evan guesses.

"We'll see sweetheart." I hug him close to me as we continue to talk and I hear the door open, and in walks Joe, my heart how good he looks, just truly happy to see him! If you're wondering I gave him a key to my house.

"There's my two favorite people in the world!" Evan climbs down from my lap and runs to Joe who picks him up grinning, I watch the scene never fails to amaze me how wonderful a father Joe is to Evan.

"Daddy! Cited!"

"I See that buddy, I'm glad you are. Just wait till you see what I have planned for us today." Joe winks at me, I feel myself blush unable to help myself. "Can I kiss mommy?"

"Uh-huh!" Evan nods, I get up from the couch and next thing I know, I find Joe's lips on my own, the feeling leaving me warm and toasty, and so very loved.

"I love you." I whisper, blinking away tears.

"And I love you Tommy, so very much." Joe whispers back, before then smiling. "Let's get going, I'll tell you where in the car." And so it goes, I lock up....and Joe places Evan in his little seat in the back and God, Joe gets me opening my car door for me as I get in, what a gentleman!

"All right Boston, spill...where are we going? "I ask, trying not to sound too eager but not caring in the slightest if I do. I've really been looking forward to today.

"You love the stars so much, and I know Evan does I'm taking us to a Planetarium. There's cool exhibits and that ok?" Joe sounds a little nervous towards the end.

"It's more than ok! It sounds means a lot to me truly that you thought of doing this for us!" I am quick to reassure him. Evan is thrilled, as I tell him right after and before long, we arrive, Evan insisting on Joe and I holding his hands, not that either of us say 'no' or would. There is so much to see, Constellations.... stars, our little family having the time of our lives, a peaceful and fun day out.

More time passes than I realize, when it gets to be time for we leave the Planetarium after, me and Evan both practically beg to come back which Joe with one of his as I call them 'Sunrise' smiles, which is all the agreement I need. We find the cutest little café, order our drinks and food and now we are waiting....

"Mommy I get cheesy!" Evan exclaims joyfully. I laugh at how cute he is.

"It won't be as good as mommies is will it?" I tease.

"Mommy da' bestest cheesy eva!" He replies, my heart melting at the joy on his face.

Joe chimes in with, "I gotta try this then!" Before my boyfriend can form more words, I already know what he's gonna say...

"I'll make my version for you sometime, anytime you want Boston."

Joe gapes at me before a smile spread across his face, his tone filled with awe. "Wow.... did I ever tell you how amazing you are Tommy?"

"I see it and feel it every day I am with you, with words and without." I reply getting a little misty, Evan watches on my little boy so happy at seeing his parents i.e., me and Joe so happy. God, I don't want to go back on tour! I just wanna stay here in this moment, just like this.

Our food comes, and in between bites we continue to talk and to bond as a family. Joe and I even trading kisses here and there, it's a perfect family day...

Upon leaving the café, Joe smiles mysteriously...and sure enough...

"So, how does everyone feel about ice cream?"

"Pease daddy?" Evan makes 'puppy dog' eyes.

Joe chuckles, "Ask mommy." Evan turns to me, and I find I can't say 'no'.

"Ice cream it is!" I declare grinning ear to ear, just feeling insanely happy. Ice cream is quickly gotten and found; I lean against Joe while we eat...just enjoying the feel of him.... but sadly, before I know it, we are back in the car again....and I suppose headed for my house....

"Tommy? You, ok? You've gotten awfully quiet." Joe remarks concerned, even a little worried.

"I-I just don't want this day to end, it's been such a perfect day as a family." I reply, nervously wringing my hands, until I feel Joe's hand gently cover one of my own.

"It doesn't have to end Tommy, not today...NOT ever. In fact, how about this? I go by my house, get some stuff, and spend the rest of break at your house, including tonight?" I am blown away by his words.

"Wow...I'd love that!" I choke out, Evan who'd been listening to pipes up with....

"Daddy stay foreva and eva!"

"Oh, I will sweetheart." Joe replies and I feel my heart talk to me: Evan isn't wrong, soon...sooner than I think it will be a reality, I can see it...I see Joe and I having a house together raising Evan and having more children, getting married....before Joe, I never thought I'd have those things or deserve them, but my heart Joe Perry has changed all that, changed my world, my life....forever.

We arrive at Joe's place in record time, Evan falls asleep in the I opt to stay with him, while Joe gathers his bags and packs some stuff. It doesn't take him exceptionally long, but upon getting back in the car after unloading...Joe checks on Evan first to make sure he is ok and then pulls me into a kiss, taking my breath away...

"You never fail to take my breath away..." I whisper.

"I could say the same thing Sparkles." Joe whispers back, my Boston the things you do to me! We kiss again and then are on our way once again to my home.

"I love you." I say quietly, so as not to disturb Evan.

"I love you Tommy and our son, very much...more than you could ever know." Joe replies in the same way.

How could I ever forget this day? As I have come to see it, this day was a turning point in our relationship. The whole break was perfect to me, Joe and I never wanted to go back to the tour, but we did.... but still, we had each other, still do today. Once we went back on tour, the end of it was in sight and that would lead to things I didn't know yet or hoped for, making Love to Joe for the first time, us buying a house together, Joe adopting Evan, and our extended family growing. and of course, Joe and i eventually growing OUR family. 

A/N: A family day, sweet surprises and a taste of things to come in later chapters!! Next chapter the first of two parts, in regards to the end of the tour.

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