Chapter 16: Heaven is in Your Eyes (A first date) (Joe Perry)

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Finally...fucking finally...we're on break, obviously the first day back we just rested and slept. It killed me though to not have Tommy and Evan with me. I hated sleeping without Tommy in my arms. But we will have a family date if you while on break...I believe the day after tomorrow. For i want Tommy to stay with me, just to hold him in my arms. Though, it's been torture not to make love to Tommy, but I want him to be we are building towards it....

Right now, I am headed to Tommy's house...Evan Tommy had texted me, was with Paul Stanley amazingly, Tommy laughed his ass off telling me...

"I am so happy Paul is watching Evan, but...shocked, because he's not having Steven screw his brains out." Tommy'd wheezed with laughter at that.

"That doesn't sound like either of them!" I'd laughed, but then added. "Steven really does love Paul."

"He does." Tommy had agreed.

Before I know it, I pull up at my boyfriend's house, whose timing is uncanny as he is locking the door, an overnight bag in hand...wait.... overnight bag? My heart leaps...before I can get out and greet him, I find Tommy already in my car, and his lips covering my own and I gladly pull him closer to deepen our kiss.

After parting for breath, I exclaim just a little amused, "Someone was eager! Not that I blame you Sparkles."

"How could I not be excited? To have our first official date...or date day? With the most wonderful, handsome sexy man as you Boston? "Tommy replies, as I start the car and we take off.

I side eye him as best I can while driving and ask....

"Why did you bring an overnight bag?" My heart and his heart are in sync, so I know but also want to hear him say it.

"I-just had a f-feeling, I missed sleeping in your arms." Tommy whispers, I take one of his hands and gently squeeze it.

Upon arrival at my house, I kiss Tommy immediately upon arrival, barely getting in the door, before then spinning him around in joy, his laughter, and my echoing. Tommy's overnight bag is at our feet.

"Let me pop up upstairs Tommy, drop your bag and then we can do whatever you want.... whatever we want." I am holding him, gazing into those sparkling chocolate orbs....and I swear I see Heaven in his eyes.

"That sounds wonderful Joe...hurry back to me Boston."

"Always babe. Always." I reply, kissing him before heading upstairs and back down to find...Tommy gone...but I hear the strains of music playing already and I know exactly what he wants to do or is doing and my heart leaps in joy.

I enter my home studio to find Tommy, playing the rift from Aerosmith's 'Deuce's are Wild'. Tommy notices me enter and gives me one of those beautiful smiles of his. I find myself smiling back as I grab a guitar and join him...and after the song is over....

"I hope this is ok...I just...well you'd said.... I..." Tommy stammers and I reach over and place a gentle finger to his lips.

"When I said these are yours to play with jam...I meant it sparkles and this is perfect, you wanna jam some more?" Tommy nods, my finger still pressed to his lip, and he surprises me, by removing my finger and placing delicate kisses on the digit, making my heart flutter, taking me by surprise...the best kind of surprise.

And so it goes, as we Jam for a while, talking about Evan and everything else in between and gossip about our bandmates/slash friends. I am having the time of my life...loving and reassuring every moment, sight, touch, and sound. Afterwards, we head to the living room...sitting on the couch, Tommy and I simply cuddling one another while watching tv.


"This is the best date I've ever been on in my life!!" Tommy declares with a beaming smile, and I stare at him in awe.

"You don't know how much it means to me sparkles to hear you say that....'s about to get even better. I'm gonna set up for dinner outside and for the star gazing. Shouldn't take me too long, and then I'll fix dinner." I run my fingers thru his gorgeous feathery locks.

"Sounds wonderful.... you sure you don't need my help with anything? "Tommy asks.

"I've got this babe...besides I want to spoil the hell out of you...and make things perfect." He runs his fingers thru my hair now.... every touch sending sparks...We kiss before I head off and start prepping outside, it doesn't take me exceptionally long...and for a moment, I stand back and admire the scene, which looks like something out of a fairytale, so romantic...I know Tommy will love it.

When I head back inside on to the living room, I find Tommy curled up on the couch reading a book, I make a small noise and he looks up...

"I missed you."

"I missed you too sweet sparkles. Let me get started on dinner...why don't you just keep on relaxing? "I claim his lips in a sweet kiss, I can't get enough of Tommy...never enough. We say, "I love you' and I fairly skip to the kitchen heart flying and fix Tommy's favorite Italian dinner, getting lost in it...mainly lost in Tommy.... i check on him as I can and at one point find he's dozed off on the couch and I cover him with a blanket before going back to work on dinner.

Once I am done, I go outside and light some candles....and bring dinner outside, and fetch Tommy who is at this point awake from his nap. Taking him by the hand, I lead him to the garden outside, underneath the willow tree.... first telling him to close his eyes.

"Close those eyes sparkles...don't worry I won't let you fall..." Gently I lead him to the table underneath the willow and sit him down.... he takes a deep appreciative sniff of the food.

"I can I open my eyes?" Tommy whines just a little, and I can't help myself from finding it adorable, i tell him to open his eyes and when he does, they go wide, and his eyes sparkle with tears. "W-Wow.... it's like a l-lovers paradise! I've never...had something so romantic for me before, and I mean never in my life before you." I sit down and take his hands in mine.

"Well from now on, I'll always do such things. You deserve all this and more, my love." I whisper against his lips, before kissing them softly. Tommy and I then dig into dinner our eyes never leaving one another, as we talk and pleased groans resonate from Tommy, a breeze blows thru and thankfully the candles stay lit.

The atmosphere is romantic, such as I have never felt or cared to heart very much is agreeing with me right now...

We finish eating and I've just now realized that it's dark, so I lead Tommy to the blanket, him blushing heavily and position him between my legs, his back against my chest and my arms wrapped around him as we look up in the night sky.

"This has been a evening Joe."

"I couldn't agree more Tommy." I say softly. "Can I tell you something?" Tommy turns enough to look at me. "I see heaven in your eyes.... it's like Heaven when I am with you."

"You don't know how much this all much I love you, and everything you do for me every- day Joe. I love you dearly Boston." I carefully pull him into a kiss.

We sit outside for a while, perfectly content with one another and Tommy points out constellations to me admist the stars....

at some point, we head back inside...the table and everything else can wait, as Tommy and I curl up on the couch in the living room, both of us covered by a blanket and watch tv. We wind up falling asleep on the couch, not that either of us minded for we fell asleep in one another's arms.

A/N: A Romantic Date for Joe and Tommy.... Next chapter we will see them have a family date if you will with little Evan. Stay tuned! 

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