Chapter 18: The Tour's End-Part 1 (Joe Perry)

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Break lasted no WHERE NEAR long enough, not for Tommy and not for me and especially too for our son, but Evan is a happy little boy and as time goes on, he takes cues from me...which, totally adorable by the way. But now, now it's the end of the tour.... the last show, and I have some things planned for Tommy and I, for our family. As a matter of fact, I am on stage right now.... Tommy is in the wings, Evan back at the hotel.... Tommy is in full regalia, as he'd gotten ready early tonight, him saying he just wanted to be with me. Evan was worn out, so he is back at the hotel with a babysitter.

I catch Tommy's eyes, which sparkle.... a grin stretching across his lips...lips, I wish I was kissing at this moment. He mouths 'I love you' and I wholeheartedly mouth it back....

Steven pardons the expression 'Stutters' more than ever now, especially since he and Paul have been together, which currently he is very much doing. I share a look with Brad, both of us highly amused. Eric has been good for Brad, who is a little more vocal than he'd been in the past and we've all just found out they got engaged. Surprised really, they didn't elope, but who knows for sure what the future holds? But I am happy for them, God knows they both deserve the happiness.

I have plans, to talk to Tommy about, chiefly the adoption papers for Evan that I want to surprise him with after the show.... then we wait for it to come thru....and God, I can't wait. Tommy's reaction I know will be an emotional one, and I know too I will be much the same way.

At long last, our set is over.... Tommy's eyes never once leaving mine and I take him in my arms, just simply holding him.

"I missed you." I whisper into his hair, being mindful of his make-up.

"I missed you too much. Come you look like you have something you wanna talk to me about." I gape at him a moment.

"Yes, I do, I have a surprise for you." I take him by the hand to my dressing room, and I hear...well damn, no surprise but moaning sounds from Steven and Paul Stanley.... typical, but damn their fast! Then again, not that I was paying attention in the least to those two.

Once in my dressing room, I in record time change clothes and take Tommy in my arms before he can blink, making sure I have the papers nearby, in easy reach.

"How long did you have again before Kiss goes on stage?"

"35 min or there about." Tommy replies, playing with a lock of my hair. "Now talk to me Boston." His gaze concerned, serious.... all while his eyes still sparkle.

"Well, I have something for you...something special. Could you grab that envelope with the pen?" I gesture to where I have the papers, Tommy reluctantly gets off my lap and grabs said papers and a pen and sits beside me, I take my hands in his. "Tommy, you know how.... I'd asked for Evan's social security and stuff like for my life and health insurance.... well, I consider very much so Evan as my son...he IS my son, our son...but these papers..." I take a breath before I continue, "These are adoption papers.... they need your signature on them. I wanted to make all this official, like changing his last name to mine and all." There is a moment of silence, before Tommy eyes wide, manages to say...choked, desperate not to ruin his make-up...

"A-Are you.... I mean...." Tommy is struck speechless.

"Yes Tommy, I am serious.... this is something I have wanted to do for a long time. For the first time in decades, thanks to you...I am in truly in love, I have a son...a family of my own. I just wanted to make it official."

"I've never had anyone do something for me like this...truly, you don't know how much this means to me, how much YOU mean to me. No one has ever wanted to step up for Evan, to be a father...and from the moment you've met him, you've done that. You love me, every part of me Joe." Tommy twines our fingers together before releasing them and grabbing the pen, as he signs where he needs too. "When are we going to tell Evan?" Tommy asks after he finishes signing and then laughs slightly, "It's a miracle I haven't ruined my make-up."

"Actually..." I begin. "I wanted to surprise him, have everyone gather a celebration and I suppose it is a miracle sparkles." I chuckle at the last bit.

"That sound perfect Boston." I agree Tommy and just wait for what else I have in store for you soon.... very soon, in the future.

All too soon, our time together (For now) is at an end, and Tommy must go on stage with Kiss...I hug him tightly before he takes the stage while Steven and Brad join me as we watch our respective boyfriends and make conversation.

"Paul's been acting weird lately." Steven says brows furrowed concerned....and it takes me a moment to.... oh my...I think, that dream I had been coming true a little sooner than I thought.

"What do you mean?" Brad asks.

"Well, I mean.... he's...he's moody and even more insecure...I hate that...I mean I hate that he feels that way about himself, he's paranoid about my leaving him...and he really for some reason...he looks.... sick, he hasn't eaten really in...OH SHIT." Steven seems to recognize, his eyes wide....and runs out on stage and I quickly realize, Paul is collapsing...Brad has the cool head to call an ambulance.

The show is canceled, and a worried Tommy joins me....

"I didn't notice Joe...I didn't notice, well maybe I did at least somewhat...Paul's behaviors.... i think...he may be pregnant."

"I believe you are right Tommy.... I hope he will be ok. Steven is a wreck.... not that I blame him at all. I would be the same." I state softly. Tommy in record time is DE costumed...make-up off and in regular clothes as we head to the hospital, letting the babysitter know.

By the time we arrive and join the others, Paul it seems is in a room...a very petrified Paul Stanley and I have never seen such a sight....

"T-Thank you...for being here. I can't believe.... it's possible. I-I am in my 50s...I.... I am pregnant." Paul sobs clinging to Steven with a death grip.

"Paul.... listen to me. This...this baby is a miracle my are you. I know you're scared; I hate to see you hurt in any way. I know you worry about what this will do to you.... you are fucking stunning, no matter what and now even more so. I'm NEVER gonna leave your side, I will be here for you every step of the way.

"D-Do you.... think we can do this?" Paul sniffs.

"I KNOW we can babe."

"Did they say how far along?" Gene asks, looking happy yet concerned at Paul's emotional state.

Steven brings a gentle hand to Paul's belly...

"Well.... i believe it was 7 weeks."

Congratulations are offered and it seems Paul has been calmed by Steven, and Paul has a bout of morning sickness...and falls asleep soon after, they are gonna keep him overnight....

Once we arrive at the hotel, Tommy and I relieve the babysitter and Evan wakes up....

"Mommy? Daddy?"

"We're here buddy.... you need to go back to sleep, ok?" I pick him up and kiss his forehead, Tommy following suit.

"Auntie Paul, ok?" Evan must have heard what happened.

"He will be Sweety...he will be. He's having a baby." Tommy gently tells him, Evan smiles.

"That so cool!"

"It is buddy, sleepy time now. Ok? "I tell him tucking him in with Tommy's help.

"Ok daddy, mommy...I sweepy." Evan yawns and his back asleep within moments.

Tommy and I quickly change into sleep clothes and cuddle in bed...

"Our family is growing..." Tommy remarks.

"It is...someday, I see US growing our family." I tell Tommy.

"I would love that...I keep seeing a little girl in my dreams."

"Me too." I kiss him and he smiles into it, Tommy ends up falling asleep before I do, I just don't want to miss a thing...but at last I do indeed fall asleep and dream of our family.

A/N: A chapter of surprises...sweet moments and more.... stay tuned!

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