Chapter 2 🧋

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"There's someone I want to meet there anyway."


Author POV

Younghoon and Kevin stepped out of the base, Younghoon swiftly dragged Kevin to the car. Kevin sighed and looked outside the window of the car. "What kind of Café are we going to?" "You will see~!" Younghoon says excitedly looking at the road, halfway there.


Younghoon and Kevin entered the Café immediately, Chanhee had a wide smile and ran to Younghoon, giving him a big hug as if they hadn't met each other in forever, "Hoonie Hyung you idiot~ visit me more often-!!" Chanhee exclaims, giving a teasing slap on Younghoon's shoulder. Younghoon patted Chanhee's head softly.

Kevin formed a small smile at the scene, he glanced aside noticing a soft aura feeling around the boy from a distance cleaning one of the tables.

Kevin wanted to approach the boy, but he was nervous, instead, the boy started approaching him. "Hi! You seem to be a new customer! Welcome!" the boy says, reaching his hand out for a handshake of greeting, along with an angel-like smile.

Kevin started to feel slightly more comfortable, giving a handshake back to the boy. "Hi, my name's Kevin," he says with a nervous tone, and wasn't really focusing as he was admiring the beauty of the other.

"My name is JaCOb! oH *cough* sorry, haha," his voice cracked, making Kevin struggling to hold back his laughter until he bursted out laughing, Jacob laughed along with Kevin.

Kevin snapped back to reality just remembering they were there for Coffee. "Ah right, uhm, may we order some coffee?" Kevin asks.

Jacob nodded and asked, "What kind of flavor would you both like?"

Younghoon ordered Mocha, Kevin went with Hazelnut and so with that, Chanhee went to the storage room to grab the cups, Jacob then headed behind the counter and started taking out the box of all flavors. He elegantly unwrapped the cover, put it in the brew, and poured some fresh water in it as well. Jacob took the cups from Chanhee and placed them under the brew, and started functioning it.

Jacob then headed to another room to make some cream to go with their flavors.

Kevin just stared at the door waiting for Jacob to come out again, to see that beauty that had somewhat given him butterflies all over, feeling calm, and so relieved.

Younghoon glanced at Kevin who was staring and grinned, "So.. You like the boy already? He's taken actually-" "HuH? Really?! Who??" Kevin was shocked, but of course Jacob is so attractive that he should have a mate by now. Younghoon bursted out snorting "No- HE- He is not Taken PFFT-"

Kevin was ready to throw hands..


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This Episode was made by @Hongjikpop!

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