Chapter 11 👊🏻

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"Your mission starts in 4 days."



Kevin was in his office planning out the next move to defeat their enemy, he was setting up multiple ways to do it on a PowerPoint. Just as he got up to get a refill of coffee when his dad entered the office, Kevin grunted and put the cup down, so that he wouldn't have the urge to throw it at him.

"Kevin.. I'm sorry, I. I just lost my temper for a bit." Jae-Sung made an excuse, "Jae-Sung I know you have always been able to control your anger, don't make fucking excuses." It kind of hurt when Kevin called him by his name. "My friend got really hurt because of you! He went to that school, why the hell would you tell them to do that during their school time?! FOR WHAT FUCKING REASON JAE-SUNG?!!"

Kevin started crying, he didn't know why, he had only met Jacob 2 times but felt like Jacob had a really big impact on him. Jae-Sung immediately felt guilty, "There was an enemy there, nothing on him was stated besides that he went to that school so I blew it up so that-" "W-Why couldn't you wait?! Why couldn't you just have just ordered them to sneak in there and kill the guy silently?! WHY WOULD YOU GET INNOCENT STUDENTS I-INVOLVED!!!" Kevin yelled so loud, the members in the other rooms heard it.

"I-I-" "STOP WITH THE FUCKING EXCUSES ALL YOU DO IS LIE, LIE, LIE, AND PUT THE INNOCENT IN DANGER, SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LEAVE MY OFFICE." Kevin cut him off, still slightly sobbing, Kevin's angry pheromones went rouge around the place, the smell of strong pepper overpowering his once sweet scent. Jae-Sung slowly exited Kevin's office, face full of guilt. "What the fuck did you do to make Kevin so angry?" Juyeon snarled, his presence towered over Jae-Sung.

Jae-Sung tried to ignore Juyeon and tried walking past him, "Kevin got mad because of you and his pheromones are all over the place, Changmin is throwing up so you better have a good reason to get Kevin that angry," Juyeon growled at Jae-Sung holding his shoulder to keep him from leaving. "Hands off me Youngman," Jae-Sung snarled back, "Don't talk to me like you're stronger." "Know your place Juyeon!" Jae-Sung smacked Juyeon in the face, but as if that did anything.

"Oh that's fucking it." Juyeon punched him in the face, knocking on to the floor. "Oh my god Juyeon! Don't do that!" Hyunjae came from behind, holding Juyeon back from punching Jae-Sung again, "This- this bitch made Kevin angry and now MY MATE is throwing up and you think I'm gonna let that happen!? You fucking bitch you deserve every ounce of torture." Juyeon growled loudly. Even Hyunjae towered in fear at the Noble alpha as Juyeon pushed him away.

"Ju, baby calm down, I'm not dead, please stop, you're making it worse for the others." Changmin exclaimed from the back as put a hand on Juyeon's shoulder. Juyeon immediately softened, Jae-Sung got up from the floor and wiped the blood off his mouth, "You two are mates? How fucking weak of you, you're team members for god's sake." Jae-sung taunted Juyeon. Juyeon clenched his fists and jaw, he was so ready to beat the living shit out of Jae-Sung.

"Oh, I'll show you who's the fucking weak one here," Juyeon snarled back and just as he was going to beat the living life out of Jae-Sung Kevin stepped out of his office, "Juyeon it's fine, as much as I'd like it to happen, not in the base, Sangyeon already cleaned it today." Kevin ordered, saving Changmin and Hyunjae a lot of energy. "And you, get out of here now." Kevin faced his dad who grunted and turned away, walking out of the base.

"Kevin, what happened in there?" Changmin asked worriedly.


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This Episode was made by @WonWooziQuokka

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