Chapter 15 🏫

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"Uh, can I have this latte on the go?" Sunwoo asked and Chanhee frowned, "Fine." the pretty boy rolled his eyes and turned away with the cup of latte. Soon Chanhee came back and the latte was now in the sturdy foam cup with the plastic top and straw. "Thanks Hyung~ BYEEE" And with that Sunwoo lammed the money on the table with a rushed smile and zoomed out of the café with his Latte.

Sunwoo drove to Eric's apartment complex, he saw the blonde boy waiting outside for him, "Sunwoo Hyung!" Eric exclaimed and hugged the older one when he got out of the car. "Hey Eric~" The alpha ruffled the shorter's hair. "Get in, let's go before you're too late." And with that Sunwoo Started driving to the school.

Later they arrived at the college and Sunwoo and Eric hugged, Eric smiled, "Thank you Hyung, bye!~ " Eric waved as he headed towards Kevin who was chatting with Hwall. "Eric!" The three yelled as they saw the younger one running towards them, "Where's Juyeon?" Both their faces dampened a bit. "Juyeon... He.. He got into an accident, he's in a coma.. And we were told they aren't sure if he's gonna wake up.."

Eric looked like he was gonna cry, "Oh my god, Eric don't cry.." Hwall said and hugged Eric, "It's okay, Juyeon Hyung is strong, I'm really sure he'll wake up.." Kevin assured Eric. "Oh fuck, we have to get to class it's in like 6 minutes, come on Eric." Hwall cursed and they all went to the classroom a minute early. Soon the teacher came in and Kevin got ready to take his notes.


Chatter filled the cafeteria as everyone sat to eat their lunch, "I hate Mr. Choi he's so annoying uhhhggg." Hwall complained as he flopped on the cafeteria bench, " Yeah, he always keeps us in the lecture room longer than every other teacher does." Kevin groaned as he too complained. The three talked and soon lunch time ended, "I'll be going to Gym class now, see ya both!" Eric exclaimed and left the cafeteria.

"So Kevin~ when can we go visit your team? Oh please let me know when you are going! I wanna come!!" Hwall said excitedly. "Yeah.. Uh, you can come to the base with me after school. Alright I have to get my books for math class later so I'll get going too." Kevin said, and got up. Kevin was in the halls of the school, thinking of a plan to beat the rival team when suddenly someone bumped into him, "Argh watch it." Kevin glared at the boy. "Oh. It's you." Kevin said in a low tone.

"Yeah, me, so what?" The boy asked and Kevin clenched his jaw. "Stay away from me.. And.. Jacob, Haknyeon." Kevin sent lasers through Haknyeon. "I didn't know you were close to Jacob, but I met him first, and we-" Kevin cut Haknyeon off with a punch, "Shut up. I said what I said." Haknyeon snarled and punched Kevin back. Both the boys were back and forth punching each other. Students gathered up to see the fight.

Hwall quickly noticed them when he got out of the cafeteria, "Kevin no!" Hwall ran towards Kevin and held him back from doing another punch on Haknyeon. Kevin growled, "You better not be in my sight Hak, I warned you." Kevin growled and Haknyeon wiped the blood off his face and growled back. "Yeah right, Kevin." Haknyeon said sarcastically and got up, turning around to leave. "Kevin, what were you thinking?" Hwall asked.

"I just want him to stay away from me, he's so annoying." Kevin replied and headed to his locker, there he grabbed a couple books, "That's not an excuse, but I'll let it slide, just this once Kevin." Hwall warned and Kevin rolled his eyes, "I'm in a higher rank and I'm older than you, don't tell me what to do Hwall." Kevin said and looked Hwall in the eyes. Hwall sighed, "Fine."


"Alright let's go!!" Hwall exclaimed like a kid, "Mm, I asked Sangyeon to come pick both of us up, he said he'll be here in a bit." In a bit a Ferrari pulled up, all the other students stared in awe of how fancy the car was. All the girls screamed when Sangyeon got out of the car. "Dang Sangyeon, this one?" Kevin asked, "You said bring the cheapest one I have, here it is Kev," Sangyeon said and walked past Kevin over to Hwall.

"Hi Hwall! How are you?~" Sangyeon said in a soft tone, hugging the shit out of Hwall, "Hey, Sangyeon Hyungie, I'm good, you okay?" Hwall replied and smiled, hugging the older back lightly. "I'm good," Sangyeon stated and ruffled Hwall's hair. "Be quick, I wanna go hooooome" Kevin groaned. "Alright, alright, you can get in." Sangyeon said and Hwall followed him. Kevin got in the front seat. Sangyeon held the door open for Hwall, "Aww thank you." Hwall said and kissed Sangyeon on the cheek.

Sangyeon sat in the driver's seat and they drove to the base.


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This Episode was made by @WonWooziQuokka.

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