Chapter 3 💘

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Kevin was ready to throw hands..



Jacob came from the other room with two piping bags and manually and very cleanly squeezed the whipped cream on top, then putting on some fitting toppings, Chanhee took the cups and served the two who were talking at one of the tables, "It's on the house this time," Chanhee said with a bright smile to Kevin as he was a new customer.

Chanhee then turned to Younghoon, "You're still going to have to pay honey," Chanhee said with a 'sweet' smile as he side eyed the boy. Younghoon just laughed a bit, "I know, I know, I would've paid for my drink anyway sweetie." He started and pinched Chanhee's cheeks. Kevin cringed so hard at the 'lovely' sight, but at the same time, he wished to have a relationship like that too.

Kevin glanced at Jacob who was behind the counter struggling to place the big flour bag on the top shelf. Jacob looked like he gave up and placed the flour bag down going to the other room to get the stepping stool. Kevin's heart fluttered at the cute sight of the boy. Jacob then proceeded to take something out of the oven and the smell of fresh bread and cake filled the warmed room.

"Jacob Hyung! What did you make?" Younghoon asked with excitement in his voice. Kevin was jealous, jealous that Younghoon was friends with Jacob, "I made some custard filled bread, wanna try some?" The boy asked with a lovely smile on his face, "Yeah! Could Kevin try some too?" Younghoon asked and Kevin whipped his head around to Younghoon giving him a look.

"Of course," Jacob replied and moved over to them with two plates of the bread, "Hyung give me some too," Chanhee said as he moved behind the counter to eat one too. Kevin looked down at the bread in front of him, and suddenly the bell at the door rang. Kevin looked up to see who it was, and he recognized the boy easily. He went to the same college as him.

"HI Jacob and Chanhee Hyung!" The boy said, voice laced with happiness as he walked to the counter where Jacob and Chanhee were. "Hey Hak, how are you?" Jacob asked, turning around to pat Haknyeon's head. "I'm good Hyung, could I get my usual?" "Of course!" the older replied, heading back to the other room, "You know how much that'll be," Chanhee butted in. "Uhuh, uhuh, I know Hyung." He said taking out his wallet.

Kevin shot the boy a glare, he never liked Haknyeon, but didn't have enough hatred for the boy to want to kill him. Until now of course, He's too close Kevin thought, only to shake his head Ugh, what am I thinking, it's not like Jacob is my Omega.. Sure wish he was though, ugh stop it Kev! He thought to himself, "Kevin, do you not like it? You haven't touched it one bit." Younghoon stated, and Kevin looked down to his plate. He indeed hasn't touched it one bit.

"Oh, right," Kevin replied, picking up the bread to take a bite. He felt like he was on cloud nine, the sweetness of the custard was mouth melting. He felt like what he just ate was magical, "You like it?" Younghoon asked, and Kevin nodded furiously, "So much, it tastes like.. Like magic" Kevin said in a euphoric tone, "Glad you like it," Jacob's soft voice said from behind, "AH!" Kevin was shocked as he turned around. He placed his hands on his chest, "Ah, sorry for scaring you," Jacob said with a playful smile.

"It's all good," Kevin said, feeling as if he got lost in the other's eyes.


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This Episode was made by @WonWooziQuokka


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