Chapter 18 💣

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"Now you all need to just do this 20 more times haha."


Author POV

"Ugh.. This is gonna be hard.." Kevin groans in annoyance. "Don't worry, we will get through this," Sangyeon pats Kevin on the back and goes back to working on a bomb.

Hours Later..

Hyunjae bent down working on the last bomb, he got up with a big sigh and reached out his hand to Kevin to get him up as well. "We are done, let's pack these bombs and head to the factory," Kevin smiles and takes Hyunjae hand getting up.

Kevin prepares the gears and materials into Sangyeon's, Hyunjae's and his bag. His attention turned to the door as he saw it being unlocked, it was his father.

"Kevin," "No time, we got a mission." Kevin tried walking past Jae-Sung, but he held Kevin back. "We need to talk please," Kevin glared at Jae-Sung, "I've not nothing to say to you."

Jae-Sung sighed and slid his hand down to Kevin's hand, then he dragged him to the backroom. "Son, you know it's really hard for me, you know I do things for a reason-" "Well I'm sure that reason was full of stupidity." Kevin turned to the side, avoiding eye contact.

"I took care of you, I raised you and this is how you are going to treat me?!" Jae-Sung slapped Kevin, in response, Keb(Kevin's Wolf) growled back, "This is a warning, this is my group, this is my base, and you dragged me here just to talk shit to me?" Keb scoffed and continued, "I'd prefer to have lived in that Orphanage than with a man like you."

Jae-Sung knew it was his wolf, the tone had changed, the eyes had turned dark, "Kevin, I have gathered more information on this mafia that is engaged in this current mission, best you listen to it." Kevin came back to his senses, "Where is the information you got."

Jae-Sung smirked, "Only if you listen to me I will tell," Kevin massaged his temples as he was getting stressed.

"We will talk later," Kevin left the room. Sangyeon came to the main hall, "Ready to go?" he smiled, "Mhm," Kevin passed Sangyeon's bag to him. He turned to get Hyunjae's but it wasn't there, "Oh? Where is Hyunjae's-" ''He is already outside, haha." Sangyeon replied.

They left the base. Hyunjae waved to them, leaning on his motorbike, "You guys are finally here, come, let's go."

Jae-Sung looked at them as they left. He took out his phone, and called Cheol. "They left, it seems like they are heading for that Factory of yours," "Good, we have already prepared for the Factory ambush, I'm sending some of the guards to the base."
Jae-Sung looked around the base, his eyes widened as he sensed another presence. He took a peek into the infirmary. "Ah Changmin, you are.. Awake." Changmin looked at Jae-Sung. What if he heard me? Jae-Sung thought, getting worried, but visually tried to stay calm.

"M-mhm," Changmin felt uncomfortable being alone with Jae-Sung after he heard what Jae-Sung said on the phone.

"Is Juyeon alright?" Jae-Sung asked as he approached Changmin. "Juyeon is in a Coma..." "Why so quiet all of the sudden Changmin?" "No reason." Changmin said in a stern tone. "You didn't hear anything, did you?" Jae-Sung eyed Changmin, "Hear what?" Changmin said, acting clueless, "Nothing, get some rest, and get better," Jae-Sung said leaving the room, he knows..


Hyunjae took off his motor helmet and ruffled his head as he looked at the factory. "Hah, it really is big.." Hyunjae put on his gift box mask. Sangyeon applied his mask and took out the grappling hook from his bag and was directing an aim until he noticed people on the rooftop. "What-" *BANG!* "Agh!" Sangyeon got shot on the shoulder, Kevin ran to Sangyeon to check the wound. The three snuck to the side of the building. "Ugh, I didn't know they were going to-" "It's okay Sangyeon, rest. None of us knew they were going to be here today." Kevin took a band-aid out of his bag and took a cloth to clean the blood. He then wrapped the wound with a wrap.

While Kevin was helping Sangyeon with the wound, Hyunjae looked around the building, "They seem to be almost everywhere, we must be cautious. But last time I checked.." Hyunjae took out the separate file of the mission, "In the information that Younghoon had gathered a few days ago, this wasn't supposed to happen."

Sangyeon grunted as the wound started to sting, Kevin gently pressed on the wound, "D-don't worry Hyung, it'll go away, it'll go away.. Hyunjae and I will go in okay?" Kevin took Sangyeon's bag and took out the bombs. "Come on Hyunjae," he whispered, Hyunjae followed.

Kevin silently shot the grappling hook to the 2nd highest window and took a few bombs with him, "Shh.." Kevin gestured with his hand and went up, Hyunjae nodded and snuck into the building through one of the windows.

Kevin took double sided tape and planted the bombs one by one, attatching to the walls, Kevin glanced up to see if they had noticed yet, they didn't. Hyunjae silently slid around the place planting bombs around the area, while seeing them working on the machine core.

Hyunjae exhaled as he successfully placed the bombs "Bombs planted." "Alright, I'll light the bomb up, quickly, get out of the building and take Sangyeon with you, I'll be there."

Hyunjae swiftly left the building, "Come on," Sangyeon got up and hopped onto the motorbike, he slightly squinted as the pain was still faint.

Kevin quickly took a match and lit one of the bombs, he quickly jumped off and onto the motorbike, "Go go go! HURRY!" Sangyeon and Hyunjae zoomed off, Kevin started the motor, and went rushing out, he looked behind, everything was exploding.

Changmin was thinking hard to find a way, he had a hint of what was going to happen, They'll come.. They'll come.. He slightly trembled, but he shook his head I'll make the bombs in time, I'll do it in time. Changmin risked it, he took off the cast and winced in pain, he breathed slowly to calm down the pain, as much as painful as it is he tried to move it slowly.

He turned, Why is Jae-Sung still here..? He looked at Jae-Sung as he was staring outside of the window. Changmin used his foot to take the box out from under the bed.

He took out the materials and started crafting the bomb, although only a small once, he didn't have the strength to make a bigger one.

Skip a Few Minutes

Changmin was just about to finish with the bomb, there, he heard the door opening. Footsteps coming in, a lot of footsteps. Changmin quickly attached the tail on the tip, and there they were behind him, "He-" *BOOM** "UGH!!!" Changmin threw the bomb, he managed to harm them, unfortunately, not kill them. All the men groaned in pain as they were getting up from the bomb. "GET THAT BOY!" one of the men yelled. Changmin quickly ran to the infirmary and shut it, he used his body to block the door. Please don't come, please.. Please.. The men were banging the door, hitting it, and trying to unlock it.

It bursted open, Changmin fell to the ground, they pinned him down to the ground, "Aaaah!!" Changmin screamed as his arm was being pressed on, he struggled to get up, "Get that one too," the man said pointing at the unconscious Juyeon, "P-please no.!! Please, please! Not him please.." Changmin started tearing up, then crying.

They took Juyeon, "Bring him to the van, and this one." Jae-Sung came into the room, "Men, don't hurt this boy's arm, and be careful of the unconscious one, he is priceless." "Yes sir."

Jae-Sung bent down to Changmin, "You see, I'm very sorry that I'm doing this, but, I think it's for the best," "Ple-ase! Don't hurt Juyeon, he- he's vulnerable right now I-I don't want anything to happen to him, please, please.." Jae-Sung got up and left the room, "Let's take the important things," all the men followed his order, and started searching around and taking things.

Kevin, Hyunjae, and Sangyeon stopped by the base, Hyunjae gasped, having a face in fear, "W-why are there so many.. Cars?" Sangyeon trembled, "J-Juyeon, no.. No, no no..!" He quickly got out of his motorbike and ran in, Kevin teared up

What have I done..


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This Episode was made by @HongJiKpop

Special thanks to @HongJiKpop for making this chapter so long, I appreciate this because, I cannot make mine this long since I have another book to write myself haha Thank you!

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