Chapter 29 😔

29 3 0

Already going to drive off.



Kevin held on his ear piece as he rode, "Younghoon-ah, can you hear us?" Kevin asked, "Yes," Younghoon said, they had already made it to the location in 15 minutes. They wore their masks as Sangyeon jumped up the roof and the others followed lightly. Kevin saw a trap door on the roof and bit his lip, "Polar, check the blueprint of the base, what is under the trap door on the roof?"

"Don't worry, it's safe, it should lead you to the 2nd floor of the base, which, I doubt they are in that area." Younghoon replied and Changmin opened the trap door and they all slowly jumped in, making no sound. Sangyeon scrunched his nose at the very strong scents everywhere. A thump from below was heard, "Hah. You're all ours till boss comes in a bit," a voice a was. Kevin lifted his second finger up to them, telling them to wait.

They all stood on the second floor as Kevin took a peek down the stairs. He wanted to rip out all their throats. He clenched his fists but controlled himself. They had Jacob kneeling on the floor, ankles and hands tied with his mouth taped shut as they pulled his hair, "What should we do with you hmm?" Another man said, chuckling. Jacob looked very uncomfortable and Kevin wasn't having any of it.

As the multiple men started to try and touch Jacob, Kevin jumped down and kicked the men in the head from above. The rest of the members jumped down as well. The men looked at them and laughed, "Haha you all look like fools trying to save this bitch over here, look at you, animals, a fucking unicorn?" The men started laughing. Eric, in the unicorn mask, clenched his fists slightly, "What're you gonna do about it kid?" One of the men laughed again.

Eric laughed, "No, no, keep laughing, I wanna see it to the end." Eric said and within a millisecond had a swinging mace in his hands. The men's faces were priceless, as Eric bashed them in 3 seconds. Blood had swung everywhere and suddenly many more men were in the room, "We're in a building hamham, no bombs unless you want us dead, get Jacob out of here." The owl masked said, to which the Hamster masked nodded and untied Jacob as the other fought.

Weird noises were heard from the back of the men. They all turned their heads to see the boy in the black cat mask and suddenly they were all hit in the back of the head by another boy in a smiling sun carnival mask who held a saber in his hands as he hit them. More of Haknyeon's men came in and this hideout was a graveyard at this point. Suddenly something was heard through their earpieces, "So this boy is where you get all your info huh?" A deep voice through their earpieces was heard.

Their eyes widened, Younghoon..! In a millisecond, Juyeon has already disappeared from the hideout and they all knew the boy was going to Younghoon's destination, "Who are you." Kevin asked in a low tone, the person on the other line stayed silent at the question. The other members were still fighting off Haknyeon's men and Changmin couldn't get out with Jacob, but the beta tried his best to calm Jacob down because the smell in there was so strong. "T-Tiger, whatever-" "Shut up." another voice growled.

"If you want to come save your friend, hand over your boss." The voice said, "Tiger, d-don't do it." "I need an answer." the voice said and Younghoon kept telling them not to say anything, "3," Kevin gulped, he was in pull panic, "2," Sangyeon looked back at Kevin, after hearing the conversation no one but Kevin could say anything about and they all were worried for Younghoon. "1," 2 not so loud gunshots were heard in the members ears just as Kevin was going to say something.


Juyeon finally made it to Younghoon's usual spot, he ran in the cabin and saw two men, one in green and one in black, in 2 seconds before they could turn to Juyeon they died. Juyeon knelt down to Younghoon's body that was lying on the floor with blood everywhere. "S-Sangyeon, Come quick, Younghoonie i-is injured badly-" Juyeon started sobbing, he could feel his head hurt so bad as his memories came back to him.

"Hey Juyeon, the wound will get better, you're strong alright? As long as you don't move too much, don't worry, I know how it feels," Juyeon heard Younghoon comfort as he remembered, it was when he first got shot in his first year. And now Younghoon was laying on the floor of the small bloody room, nearly lifeless, with what looked like 2 gunshot wounds in the side of his lower abdomen, Younghoon coughed out blood, groaning as tears of pain left his eyes. "Hang in there H-Hyung, S-Sangyeon Hyung is coming.."

Juyeon pressed on the wound to stop the bleeding, still sobbing, Sangyeon had barged in the small room and went towards them, "Please.. Step out for a moment, you won't like seeing this." Sangyeon said and Juyeon nodded, getting up to take one last look at Younghoon before leaving the room. Chanhee had just come back inside the house from outside, he went upstairs to go check up on Younghoon if he needed anything and saw Juyeon on the floor in front of Younghoon's room, sobbing with bloody hands that covered his face as he did so.

"J-Juyeon..? What happened here?" Chanhee asked worriedly, he hoped Younghoon was okay, because he wanted to tell him something, something that was very important and he was scared something happened to his alpha. "Y-Younghoon- he got shot-" Juyeon got cut off by sobs of his own as he spoke. Chanhee's eyes widened as they filled with tears. Just as he was going to open the room door and go to Younghoon, Juyeon's hand stopped him by grabbing his wrist, "Sangyeon Hyung i-is trying to find a way to get him better we just have to h-hope for the best.."

An hour or two later the members came back. They headed upstairs for Sangyeon when just then Sangyeon came out of Younghoon's room, dried tears on his cheeks and blood all over, they all anticipated his words, hoping for the best.. "H-How is he?" Chanhee asked, Sangyeon smiled, tears falling down his face, "I-I managed to save h-him..!" Sangyeon said, sobbing of joy. Chanhee ran into the room. Younghoon was lying on the bed that was in the room, away from the blood, Chanhee knelt down to him and bent down to hug him lightly. Younghoon opened his eyes a bit.

"C-Chanhee, lo-ve-" Younghoon whispered weakly as he saw the pretty boy in front of him, "Younghoonie, I'm so proud of you. My strong baby," Chanhee said as he again lightly hugged Younghoon. "Hoonie, I have.. Some good news." Chanhee started as he sat down next to the injured alpha. Younghoon slightly raised his eyebrows, Chanhee's grin was so big it made Younghoon smile a bit too, despite not having as much energy to smile as big.

"I'm.. I'm pregnant Hyung..!"


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This Episode was made by @WonWooziQuokka

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