Chapter 12 🏭

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"Kevin, what happened in there?" Changmin asked worriedly.


Author POV

"I-it's nothing.. Forget about that, alright? You guys need to focus on your mission, starting tomorrow." Kevin said in a soft tone. "Ah, okay.." Changmin said and left the room with Juyeon.

Changmin and Juyeon stayed silent heading out. "Hey are you alright?" Juyeon asked as he softly patted Changmin's back, "Of course! Let's just take some rest and have a yummy meal~!"

"What meal would you like?" Juyeon said with a soft smile, Changmin was putting up a thinking face, "Let's eat Jajangmyeon~!!" Clapping his hand in excitement.

The Next Day

Jae-Sung headed out of the Base, he sighed, What a disappointment, what should I do to make them forgive me after all this... To relieve himself, Jae-Sung headed to a Bar, "One Soju please," "Alright" the bartender said, heading to get the soju and passed it to him, he took a sip of it, someone came next to him, he scooted a bit farther for some social distancing.

"Hey," the man next to Jae-Sung said, "Hm..?" "You seem lonely, you want to come with me? I want to talk about something. Say.. About your work, Jae-Sung?" Jae-Sung was shocked to have heard his own name said by someone he didn't know.

"What is it that you want?" He said sternly as he turned to the unknown man. "Come with me."

They went out to an alley, and the unknown man introduced himself, "My name is Cheol, I want you to instead join our Mafia Group, Vo!d," "Oh? Sorry but I am already part-" "I heard your son took over, why not be on a better rank with us? Being a Pure Alpha shouldn't follow those who are in a lower rank." "Hm.."

11 PM

"Good luck guys, don't die please." Hyunjae said hugging Juyeon and Changmin "We won't" Juyeon said, "I won't, you will~" Changmin said getting out of the hug to start giggling and laughing, Jueyon slapped Changmin's back, "Noo~ now you will DIE before we even go to the mission~!!!" Changmin started running towards the motorbike, struggling to turn it on to get away, Juyeon was very quick and so he managed to quickly pounce on to Changmin and started tackling him with tickles, "AaaAAHAHHAHAH~!!!" Changmin was laughing so hard trying to get Juyeon off of him "S-Stop!! We AHAHAH H-Have a AHAHAHAISH STOP!!!"

Hyunjae sighed "Hah.. These boys, hope they really succeed."

12 AM

Changmin and Juyeon had arrived to the factory. "Juyeon, get me my grappling hook." Changmin said with seriousness, looking for a window spot where they can see and listen to the other mafia's discussion. "Wait, Changmin, I thought you brought the grappling hook for us no?" "Huh?! I told YOU to bring it." "No, you said you will get it." "HNGGHHhh.. Fine, we will have to climb window by window, but listen, BECAUSE OF YOU-" "You mean you" "WE MIGHT have a risk of getting caught so let's be cautious."

Juyeon got on one of the windows, picked up Changmin and threw him to the upper window, Changmin pulled Juyeon to the next and so on it repeats.

Soon they make it to the rooftop window to listen in and see. Changmin took out his notebook and listened cautiously to what they were discussing.

"Hello sir." "Good to see you, but may I ask, why are we here this late?" "Just for precautions, you know?" Juyeon felt like the voice sounded familiar, but he shook his head as it also didn't seem familiar, rather more raspy than the one he recognizes.

"Well, I would like to buy this Factory," "Sorry but we had to shut it down because-" "Don't worry about it, I'll be handling it, what kind of problem would there be? Simply open it up now to me." "Sir, we had to close this because of the government, they aren't allowing anymore productions of bombs and such-" *click* Changmin's eyes widened as he saw the boy in a masquerade mask pointing a gun at the owner of the factory, "Sign the contract." the raspy voiced boy said.

Changmin felt his nose getting itchy, Juyeon noticed he was about to sneeze, and was about to cover Changmin's nose but then it was too late, "ACHOOOooh!" The Boy quickly glanced and shot at the area where Juyeon and Changmin were.

The unknown boy started growling, "Get those fools out of my sight." "Yes sir," those who seemed to be working for the unknown boy.

Juyeon gasped, "Q-Quick Changmin, we have to get out of here.." He grabbed Changmin's arm and dragged him to the corner of the rooftop, "Should we jump?!" Changmin said, rushing Juyeon's actions. Suddenly, they were pushed "AAH-!" Juyeon was shocked, Changmin was struggling to hold on to Juyeon as they were dangling on the edge, "Ughh! Y-You're so.. OW!" Changmin looked up, as he saw the unknown boy right above them stepping on Changmin's hand.

"You really shouldn't interfere with my business." The boy said, he leaned closer to Changmin, No.. No! Changmin thought to himself, still desperately holding onto Juyeon. He took off Changmin's mask.

"...Changmin?" The boy was shocked, suddenly, Juyeon grabbed himself up with Changmin's hand and punched the boy in the knee. "Ugh, you bastard-!!" He kicked Juyeon and they were falling. Changmin quickly grabbed onto Juyeon's wrist again, holding onto a lower window. "KILL THEM!!!" The boy yelled from the distance, Changmin panted, "Aish, you should be more careful next time you beast boi." "Haha.. C-CHANGMIN-!!!"



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This Episode was made by @HongJiKpop

Alright hey it's Han uhhh- if you see any mafia name of  'Sight killers' Just know that that was the other mafia goup's old name but HongJi keeps chosing names with 'killer' in it, so uhm, I changed 'Sight Killers' to 'Vo!d' also, stream Vo!d by Hyunjun~

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