Chapter 26🔥

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Jacob looked at them, "What?"


Author POV

Changmin covered his mouth in shock, they know each other?! Younghoon peeked from the other room with a sassy grin. He approached Changmin from behind, hiding from the other members.

"Hey.." Younghoon whispered as Changmin turned around in surprise, "W-what is it?" he whispered back: "Kevin actually has a crush on Jacob~ EhehehEHEHhhe.."

Kevin peeked at Jacob in embarrassment, Oh.. the situation I'm in... I'm next to Jacob.. Omg he smells so good.. OH Stop it!! Jacob put his hand behind his neck, "uh well.. This is awkward-" "KEVIN HAS A CRUSH ON JACOOOB~!" Changmin yelled from behind, everyone turned their attention to him.

Jacob looked at a red-faced Kevin, a tint red shade came upon Jacob's face. "U-uh- NOOooO! I don't like.. Jacob- I mean I do- I mean NO NO!" Kevin covered his face. "Chanhee looked at Jacob, giving off an "( ̄y▽ ̄)╭ Ohohoho....." face.

Jacob thought of a way to stop the awkwardness, he looked around the base, "Wow~ this place honestly looks very nice for a home," Juyeon smiled looking at Jacob, "So uh, I have food with me, do yall want to eat together? It's some yummy tteokbokki~!" "Ooh! I want! I want!" Eric said like a baby.


They all were talking and having fun, Kevin felt so lucky to have gotten to sit next to Jacob. Everyone was laughing in happiness, Kevin felt so happy, after all the pain and everything they had gone through in their years of missions, he had never felt so happy like that in so long, Jacob gently put his hands on Kevin's hand. His heart started racing, pounding, and he got flustered.

Jacob looked at him, and had the angel-like smile, Kevin struggled to keep a stable smile, being so happy he didn't know how to properly react.

Kevin.. Something isn't right. Keep your guard up. Keb told Kevin from behind, Kevin got up and looked around the base, outside the windows, and around the rooms, nothing.

With his keen senses that had come up, he smelled something suspicious, Gasoline..

Sangyeon was chewing his Ttaebokki, he too then sensed Gasoline. He quickly looked around, "Boys, we have to go! Get everyone out of here..!" Younghoon took Chanhee's hand and so they were the first ones to have gotten out of there.

They all ran out of the house, Kevin quickly took the remaining gear from the Weapon Room. He ran out the house and used the grappling hook to shoot at the roof of their base.

He climbed up the rope and looked up, there was someone up there. That was pouring gasoline through the chimney.

"HEY!!" Kevin quickly pounced on one of the masked boys, "Why.. WHY ARE YOU-" *WHACK!* One of the other boys punched Kevin off. "Thanks," the boy said, and quickly kicked Kevin in the stomach, "Agh..!" He clenched his stomach.

A man in a blue mask approached Kevin and looked down at him, "Too bad you are going to lose your base," he chuckled, "You.."

Sangyeon looked up, he sensed people there. Changmin looked at the window, there was black smoke coming out, "Oh no...! Our base!!!" Juyeon teared up, he didn't want to give up the base, where they had been for years, but there was no way to save the base, it was too late.

Sangyeon climbed up from the grappling hook, and when he reached up there, one in a yellow mask stepped on his hand, Sangyeon winced at the pain, "Trying to save your friend? Better catch him," he said as he gestured to the other to kick down Kevin, Sangyeon jumped and kicked the boy in the chin, "GUH!"

Younghoon dragged Jacob and Chanhee into the car, "Let go!! I want to helpp.." Jacob said trying to push Younghoon out of the way to the exit of the car, he looked behind Younghoon, he was clearly able to tell that they needed help, "No, you two, please.. Stay in here, we will handle it.." "J-Jacob, don't argue..." Chanhee said holding on to Jacob's arm,. "..." He stayed silent and stayed with Chanhee.

Sangyeon quickly ran after Kevin as a green masked boy kicked him down, "HYUNJAE!! QUICKLY GET KEVIN!" Sangyeon yelled and ran towards the masked boys' directions, he picked up the purple masked boy and threw him against the blue and black masked. "Aish! You're so heavy purple!!" the black masked yelled.

Sangyeon quickly kicked the three off of the rooftop, and snarled at them. A pink masked boy pounced on Sangyeon and put a knife to his throat, "Say bye bye to your pitiful world-" he was about to stab until Sangyeon grabbed him on the wrist, flipped him over and pushed his throat "ACK!" he fainted, Sangyeon punched the green masked boy and jumped down.

Hyunjae quickly slid to Kevin's direction, and reached out to grab him, the black masked that fell with the others stabbed Hyunjae's leg, "AAAH!!" Hyunjae knelt down, pressing on the wound to try relieving the burning pain, "Tsk, let's retreat, hurry," the black mask said and the ones on the rooftop jumped down and ran with him.

Changmin ran behind the building of their base, Kevin had hit the ground.


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This Episode was made by @HongJiKpop

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