Chapter 25 👋🏻

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He heard the door being unlocked, *click* the door opened.



Changmin looked to the door and saw Younghoon and 2 others that he didn't know of, "Younghoonie Hyung? Who are these two?" Changmin asked with a curious tone, "Hi, I'm Chanhee, this my friend Jacob, I'm Younghoon's mate, nice to meet you," Chanhee said and held out his hand with a smile. "Ah.." Changmin glared at Younghoon, who gulped and looked away, "Changmin, Ji Changmin." Changmin greeted back with a smile as he turned his attention to Chanhee.

"Hi, I'm Jacob," Jacob said softly with a smile as he bowed a bit. Sangyeon slowly woke up too as the greetings happened, "Um, Younghoon?-" "This is my mate, and friend." Younghoon Cut in, knowing what Sangyeon was about to ask. Sangyeon glared hard at Younghoon, who looked quite scared at the stare given to him, Sangyeon drank the water on the table next to him and got up, Chanhee and Jacob stared at him, "Hello, I'm Lee Sangyeon," Sangyeon greeted the two omegas politely with a gracious right angle bow.

"Hello to you as well, I'm Choi Chanhee Younghoon's mate, this is Jacob Bae our friend, nice to meet you," Chanhee said, but made his wording different, as he sensed Sangyeon was one of great mannerisms. "Pleasure to meet you Chanhee, and Jacob," Sangyeon bowed again, "Ah, you don't need to bow," Jacob said and Sangyeon turned to look at Changmin, who just shrugged, "I'm sorry for bringing them here, Jacob had helped me with some bruises and um.. I spilled..?" Younghoon said with an embarrassed face.

"That's just you being all to honest Hyung," Someone from behind Sangyeon butted in, they all looked at him, it was Hyunjae, "I know, maybe too honest-" "Honest is a lie, you told me you worked in an IT Unit in a company," Chanhee turned to him with a stern face, Jacob who was behind Chanhee just watched the drama scene happen, "Hun I had to, I mea-" "So you told Jacob first and not me? Jeez what a mate you are." Chanhee rolled his eyes, they hadn't noticed it, but Sunwoo was already leaning on the door frame with Eric as they both were eating popcorn as they watched BbangNyu.

"Sweets please don't be too mad-" "What's going on?" They heard a voice from behind Sunwoo and Eric, the boy pushed the two youngest and looked at Younghoon, "Who are they?" Juyeon asked, pointing at Younghoon and Chanhee, "Oh hey wait, I know you, wait.. Jacob?!" Juyeon said with a smile, "Oh hey Juuu!" Jacob yelled and they both ran to each other, "Bro I haven't seen you in years!" Jacob said and Juyeon hugged him tight, "Wow, you haven't changed one bit, wow has it really been like seven or eight years?!" Juyeon exclaimed. The members gave him a 'explain please?' kind of look.

"This is Jacob! Used to be my best buddy before I joined the group!" Juyeon said with a smile. "Yeah! And then you suddenly started ignoring me and then cut off all ties with me," Jacob exclaimed, making Juyeon pout as he gave him the :[ Kind of look, "Hyung, that was in the past, I was so tired of life back then, which is why I joined a mafia group, hahaha." Juyeon chuckled, "I know, not holding a grudge," Jacob replied.

"Oh? Jacob?" Kevin's voice called as he woke up. "Kev! Oh hey! I really didn't think you'd ever do this stuff!" Jacob said with a smile as he pushed Juyeon away to hug Kevin. Juyeon had a dramatic disappointed face but they could all tell it was a fake one, Juyeon wasn't ever easily hurt, especially with stuff like this.

"Wait. Cobie? Chanhee? What are you two doing here?" Kevin questioned, all the members pointed to Younghoon, who snickered, "Anyway, I gotta run-" "We're going to have a talk later," Younghoon gulped and nodded, "Y-Yup," He said and ran away. "Never knew you could be so scary either Kev," Jacob said, and Kevin became flustered, "I.. I can be scary when I want to be.." Kevin replied. "Aw, cute," Jacob said and the members gasped in the 'oh my god he said Kevin is cute,'

Jacob looked at them, "What?"


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This Episode was made by @WonWooziQuokka

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