Chapter 6 💬

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"Y-Younghoonie.. Hiccup* Jacob- J-Jacob got badly i-injured today-"


Younghoon POV

"I... W-when.." I was shocked I was barely able to say anything. How did it happen, was it- I suddenly snapped out of thought as soon as I heard Chanhee's voice.. "H-he..*hic* His school- It got b-burned down..."

That hit me hard, it was my fault. No.. Jacob's school, it was Jacob's school. Why was it targeted? Was there something in the school that Jae-Sung wanted?

"Chanhee, calm down-" "CALM DoWn?! My literal friend got H-HURT!!" He started whimpering and crying right in the phone, I felt bad, this was all my fault... The phone got cut off, he probably needed time for himself...

I was so guilty, I helped burn the school, did the others know about this and why they were doing this..? I got up and drove over to the Mafia Base and bursted in, I looked around, right, today we have nothing to do at the moment. I went to the storage room to look for the files that Kevin needed. I then headed back to the main room, I took the phone out of my pocket, and called the Team,

"Guys..?" I said, but as soon as I said that, I was a bit out of my stern and stable voice, "What is it? I thought we were on break?" Changmin asked, "You know the mission we did just not too long ago?" "Yeah?" Sangyeon said, "Do you know what Jae-Sung's purpose was for burning that school?" "What is this about?" Kevin came in the call, "Uh, nothing.. Wait for me," I said and called off. I quickly made a small group chat of Sangyeon, Changmin and I to discuss, I typed in: "Meet me at my house, both of you."

Skip Time Author POV

Changmin sat down on the fluffy couch, took a pillow and hugged it, Sangyeon then came into the house and sat beside Changmin. "So, what is it? Did something happen? Your voice seemed pretty uneasy." Sangyeon asked concerned.

"When Jae-Sung talked about the mission, what was the purpose? Were you guys informed..?" Younghoon asked, and Changmin put up a thinking face, and so he then replied "Well... I don't think we were told about that, why you asking about this though? Was it because of the-" "Younghoon, we just want to know your reason, I know, I feel bad that we had to do that to the students, but it is unfortunately our job and mission," Sangyeon cut off Changmin, Changmin glared at Sangyeon with the what-was-your-reason face.

Younghoon inhaled deeply and exhaled, "Well you see, I have a mate-" "YOU- HAVE A MATE?!" Changmin squealed, Sangyeon had a face that went like 0o0 he covered his mouth in complete shock, "You have a mate? Oh I would like to go see them, she or he?" "Back to the situation, my Mate's friend was in that school, he got severely injured and I'm very upset as my mate's friend is also my friend."

Sangyeon gave in some thought to remember what Jae-Sung had really ordered to have made them do that, but there really was no explanation, Sangyeon had to do something about the situation, he knew Jae-Sung best out of the team (Besides Kevin) and he knows that Jae-Sung would always have an important reason to why they would have to do something so risky.

"I think... I will need to talk with Jae-Sung."


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This Episode was made by @HongJiKpop

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