Chapter 16 🤝

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Sangyeon sat in the driver's seat and they drove to the base.


Author POV

"So~? How was school?" Sangyeon asked as he looked at the back to see a pouting Kevin. "What happened?" "Nothing, it's nothing," Kevin said looking outside of the window.

"Surely it's not nothing," Sangyeon stopped at the red light. Hwall looked back looking at Kevin, then turned to Sangyeon "Yeah, Hyung, you see-" "Don't say anything Hwall," Kevin glared at him.

"Hm, do you guys want to go to a restaurant and get some souffle pancakes?" "Oh my gosh oh my gosh yes yes yes!!!" Hwall giggles in excitement, jumping his feet.

"Kevin? Would you like to go too?" Sangyeon smiled as he started moving the car again.

"Fine. Whatever you'd like, wait actually, can we go to the Café near our Base?" "Kevin, you went there so many times, why not go to some other restaurant for once?" "Pleasee?!" "C'mon Hyung, Coffee is boring" Hwall said to Kevin, "and stop with the begging~!" "Calm down kids," Sangyeon said to end the conversation.

"Ooohh~!! There is an Amusement Park over there.. Can we go there after the pancakes??" Hwall said as he looked outside the window. "Sorry, Hwall, we have work to do, there's no time for that," Sangyeon replied with a sigh at the end.


Cheol brought Jae-sung to their mansion "Here is where our Leader lives, he had been looking for you," "Oh really?" Jae-Sung smirked, as this invitation could be a great opportunity. Cheol took him in.

Jae-Sung admired all the clean, fancy-like decorations and furniture, along with such beautiful artifacts. Impressive.. He thought. "Sir, are you there?" Cheol asked as he knocked on the door to the office. "Yes, please come in," "Sir-" "You brought him? Ah Jae-Sung!"

Jae-Sung was confused, the boy looked very young, Huh..? He looks like some College student.. "It's nice to meet you," the boy in the masquerade mask greeted with a slight bow. "This mission really needs you, since you seem to be related to what we suspect might be a group we are looking for," Jae-Sung started to hesitate to join this suspicious agreement.

"Wait, I need to know who you are, also, I'm not giving any information unless I know what I'm exactly in for."

The masquerade masked boy sighed, "I'm very sorry, my name cannot be revealed just yet, when the time is right, you will, you will..." "...Okay." "Bring me my document," he ordered one of his servants, and they passed it to him.

"This document will explain the mission, but now that there had been something I found out... I need you to get me.." the masquerade masked boy turned the pages of the document to the most recent one, "this boy, Ji Changmin."

Jae-Sung's eyes widened, How did he know his name? "Ah right, also this guy in the picture, although I do not know his name, I'm sure you-" "Lee Juyeon."

"Hm, so it seems I was right, you are the one. Well, bring me one of these boys. I assume the other might be.. Dead or unconscious, hm?" "Yes sir," Jae-Sung took the document, and headed to the door, then he stopped as the masquerade masked boy said "Do you have anywhere to stay?" "No.. Sir." "You shall stay in my Mansion, don't worry, there is high security here."

Back to Hwall, Kevin and Sangyeon

Kevin, Hwall, and Sangyeon exited the restaurant. Hwall stretched his back and glanced at Kevin. "Why? Still upset we didn't go to the Café?" "No.. I just remembered, we have a pending mission, and so there is no time to be enjoying right now," "Geez-" "Hyunjun, I'm sorry but Kevin is right, him and I need to go now, you can walk home, fortunately it's not that far," "Oh seriously?!" "I'm sorry Hyunjunnie, come on Kevin," Sangyeon kissed Hyunjun on the forehead as he glared at Sangyeon in disappointment, and they drove off.



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This Episode was made by @HongJiKpop

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