Chapter 13🛡️

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Juyeon groaned as he got shot around the chest. And now that Juyeon wasn't there to hold half of himself up, Changmin obviously couldn't hold on to both of them with one hand and his sweaty hands had led them to fall. The boy dropped Changmin's Hamster mask into the void with them as he turned away. Juyeon hugged Changmin as a form of protection for the boy he was holding. They both closed their eyes. Knowing the outcome would be very bad and so would the impact.

"Love you Changmin," Juyeon said, his soft voice calming Changmin down a bit, "Love you too Ju," Changmin whispered back. Juyeon kissed the younger's head right before the big impact. Changmin felt like crying. He felt his whole body go sore in a second. Both their bodies felt paralyzed, Juyeon had fallen unconscious as he had his head hit first to the ground, and he took the bigger impact as he had covered up Changmin so the boy wouldn't get as hurt since he (Juyeon) was stronger.

Changmin couldn't control the tears streaming down his face. He couldn't move, but seeing the sight of his love like this hurt him. They both were bleeding bad. Suddenly Sangyeon's owl mask came into Changmin's view, "Changmin is slightly awake, get Juyeon to the van first, looks like he was shot. Shit, they had unmasked Changmin, Is Juyeon's mask broken?" He heard Sangyeon, "Yeah the back of it is, his head was hit pretty hard, it seems like Juyeon took the bigger impact of the fall." Those were the last things that Changmin heard before passing out.


"Do you think Sangyeon would let us in now?" Hyunjae asked as they all sat in front of the closed door where Juyeon, Changmin, and Sangyeon were right now. "No, you know Sangyeon hates it whenever one of us sees blood because we're children to him remember?" Younghoon stated. Hyunjae nodded and Kevin spoke up, "Sigh* I hope they're okay, that was a pretty high building to fall from." Kevin huffed before continuing, "I.. Wish I didn't put them on that mission, They're so hurt now.."

"It's alright, they're strong, let's try not to worry," Younghoon tried to comfort, "Changmin actually isn't really-" Hyunjae got cut off by the ringtone of Younghoon's phone. "Hey honey, anything happen love?" Younghoon asked softly, "Oh.. Um, I'm working right now." He said, "I can't exactly-" All the members stared at Younghoon as he struggled to word out his sentences.

"Uh.. I work at a.. Uh. IT unit, in a company.. Yeah.." Younghoon claimed. "Yeah um, you can't come.. We're um, almost closing so uh.. Yeah.. Uhuh.. Thanks babe. Mhmm. Thanks. Yeah bye, love you sweetie." Younghoon said, "You were having a really hard time communicating. Also why are you calling them like, so many different pet names at once, like, honey, love, babe, sweetie, all at once, dang man, stick to one." Kevin said with a disgusted face. Just at that moment Sangyeon came out of the room everyone was sitting in front of.

All eyes turned to the oldest, "So um.." He sighed and bit his lip, "Juyeon.. Is.. In a coma, he hit the back of his head really hard, what I fear for him is first, it's not guaranteed I can tell you he absolutely will wake up, and second I'm a bit worried because.. There is a high chance he might not remember a lot or anything at all, so amnesia, maybe and a chance of a concussion.. He broke his left arm, left leg, a bit of his back and left side of his shoulder, along with most of the left side of his body, there are also a lot of bruises and small cuts.."

"As for Changmin," Sangyeon continued, "He didn't take as much of an impact because Juyeon managed to cover most of his body so he wouldn't take as much impact. But his left hip is broken and he's unconscious at the moment, the reason for most of the impact being on the left side is because, on the last second of the fall they landed on their left sides, Changmin hit the side of his head slightly and he broke his ankle, he also has a lot of bruises and light cuts. Thankfully we got to them quick enough and.. None of them died." Sangyeon sighed.

"How long do you think it will take for them to recover?" Kevin asked.


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This Episode was made by @WonWooziQuokka

Don't ask me how the hell they survived. bc they wouldn't have survived if it was real life, but, didn't feel like killing them, sijflkjflkjs

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