Chapter 35 🔪

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"I..I don't want to go with this unfinished.." Juyeon lowly growled, as he got up and wiped his tears.



"We're only saving the leader for questioning, so you can kill the rest, Ju," Hyunjae said, patting Juyeon's back as he closed his nose. Juyeon left without a word, toward where the rest of the alive members of the bullet killers were, the noble took a deep breath. Taking out the pocket knife that was strapped to his leather pants, he dashed towards them.

The members seemed surprised at the sudden movement out of nowhere, "Another?!" The purple whispered to himself. They all went after Juyeon at once but in a split moment, the air went heavy. They all fell to their knees. The yellow one shakily rached out behind the cat masked boy and almost stabbed him, Juyeon swiftly turned back to face the boy grabbing the wrist that was coming towards him and cracked the bone.

"AHH!" The yellow masked screamed in pain as his wrist twisted and broke. Juyeon threw him across the room in a swift motion. Growling the purple one pounced on Juyeon, but the black haired boy threw him over, slamming his knife onto the boy's skull in a quick motion, killing him swiftly.

The yellow one ran after him again. Juyeon took the knife out of the purple masked boy's skull and slashed through the yellow masked boy's body, cutting it diagonally in 2 pieces. Blood filled the room. The rest of them were shaking as they watched the 2 boys die. Juyeon took a white piece of cloth from his pocket, cleaning his knife as he looked down on the 2 last boys. "Hmm.. How should I kill you two, hmm?" Juyeon whispered.

The red masked boy was shaking as the pink masked gulped. "What about.. You." Juyeon's eyes landed on the red masked boy, "P-Please don't kill me." He begged. "Give a very very good reason and I might let you go," Juyeon smirked at the smell of fear coming from the boy. "..." The boy stayed silent. "Hana," Juyeon grabbed the boy by the collar, bringing him up to stand, "Dul." Juyeon twirled the knife in his hands, lifting it up to the boy's throat, "Set." In a swift motion the boy's neck was cut off clean and straight.

The pink one was gone from his place but Juyeon didn't worry. For the pink one was right behind him. Just as the boy was going to attack the black haired cat boy he got thrown to the wall, a loud crack was heard as the boy's spine broke, leaving him parazlized and vulnerable.

Juyeon walked towards the boy slowly, "Are you the oldest?" Juyeon asked, the pink stayed silent, "I don't take silence as an answer." The black haired boy said. The pink masked nodded slightly, "Pfft, I would assume you'd have the most experience then hmm? I'll make sure to let your leader know how sloppy you all are." Juyeon taunted, chuckling.

Juyeon took off the mask the pink one was wearing. He froze, recognizing the boy. His head hurt a bit as he started to remember, "It won't take long nerd, you'll be back in you stupid classes." Juyeon heard. He clenched his teeth and looked up, "Hyung..?" Juyeon called, "Pfft, Jin don't tell me you hang out with this piece of shit." One of them laughed. Juyeon frowned, looking at the older. "I don't Joon. Don't worry." The older replied, scoffing.

Juyeon snapped out of it, holding his head a bit. "Oh. Kim Seokjin. Didn't expect it to be you." Juyeon said, scoffing, "I knew I would recognize that style of yours. Never thought you would actually make it to the mafia business."

"J-Juyeo-n..?" Seokjin muttered. They were old mafia academic friends, promising each other they would make it together. Seokjin got kicked out of the school for his bad grades in the mafia school and Juyeon soon forgot about it. Up until now of course.

"Pfft, look how weak you've become Hyung, I thought you would be better than this." Juyeon stared at him. "You betrayed me Hyung, that's why I tried to forget you. That's why I didn't care when you were expelled." Juyeon said, grabbing the older up by the collar to look him straight in the eyes.

Seokjin decided to stay quiet, "Oh, so you feel guilty for what you did to me only now, hmm." Juyeon spoke calmly but slammed the boy onto the wall, "It's too late for that. Hyung." Juyeon spoke the last words to the older before stabbing him on the neck, the knife going through and blood gushed out as the knife held the dead body onto the wall.

Juyeon turned around to see Hyunjae, "Uhm.. Hamster came over a bit ago to take care of the leader while I came here to get you.." Hyunjae said softly, looking at the black haired boy who just had a killing spree. "...Hey Juyeon? If you don't mind me asking.. You said to that guy something about betrayal.. What happened?" Hyunjae asked out of curiosity as he followed Juyeon out the house.

"We used to be friends, and promised to make it in the same mafia group together even though he was 6 or 7 years older than me. Suddenly he had a group of friends and they ganged up to bully me, he was later expelled and I tried to forget everything. Not easy though y'know." Juyeon explained blankly, opening the door to the van as he hopped in.

Hyunjae nodded at his words, plugging in his seat belt as he took the wheel. "Hey Juyeon Hyung," Changmin greeted from the back, pooping his head out to the front of the van to see Juyeon, the unconscious body of the leader tied up behind the hamster boy. "Oh hey Minie." Juyeon greeted back, patting the boy on his head.

"Eeeww, Ju you reek of dead bodyyy" Changmin complained, "And rage." He continued, jokingly frowning and closing his nose. Juyeon laughed, "Hey I just had to deal with some stuff alright? Haha." Juyeon said, Changmin nodded.

"Sure Hyung," The hamster smiled.


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This Episode was made by @WonWooziQuokka

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