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"Say it again, I dare you". My brother hissed from across the dining room table, his little smirk making it interesting. His knuckles white from the fist he was making. I chuckled, causing him to blow smoke out of his ears. I grabbed my board game piece and counted.

"One" His eyes dark as he leaned back, trying to calm himself. "Two". At this point I had him right where I wanted him and he couldnt do anything about it. "Three, sorry". I said and flicked his sorry piece off the board.

"Oh c'mon! You fucking suck". Mike said as he hit the board game off the table in one motion. "Mom"! He yelled and grabbed his daughter.

I turned to my mom as I held in the laughter, I cant believe she still has to deal with the arguments. "Michael, calm down and attend to your daughter". She spoke as she set some plates on the table. It was Christmas. The most beautiful time of the year. We all agreed as a family that we would spend it together, and so far it was uneventful. We were 24, 27 and 30. All with lives, jobs and some have kids. We always tried to stay together. Lifes been tough. When my dad passed away we all took a toll from it. Now, we're just 'here' and looking after my mom. My siblings moved out, I stayed. I couldn't come to terms with leaving her. Not after everything shes been through.

"You win"? My sister Kimberly asked as she put the leash on her dog to take her out. I gave her a nod and handed her the blue sorry piece and sat at the table. I walked over to my mother as she smashed the potatoes in a bowl.

"You know, your father would always make jokes about the mashed potatoes. Always telling me that they werent soft enough for him". My mom smiled. That's all I've ever wanted was to keep a smile on her face.

"Or remember the time he ate the bits of turkey before dinner and slept all through the night"? Mike said walking into the room. As we all sat there, reminiscing on the fond memories of my father the doorbell rang. I quickly got up and when the wooden door opened I saw my man. His blonde hair styled up with gel, his black dress pants and shirt coving his body. He gave me a smile and brought a single rose from behind his back. "A rose for my rose". He elegantly spoke. I leaned into him and pecked his cheek and moved so he could walk in. He walked into the living room area and gave Mike a hug. I held the rose close to my chest as I walked into the kitchen, getting a small one flower vase and filled it with water.

"Awe, so pretty". Mike's fiancè Hailey smiled. She brought my niece over to me as I held out my hands, accepting the baby to come to me. Laylah gave me a small smile as she grabbed my necklace, pacifier in her mouth.

"I didnt know you guys were still together". Hailey chimed in as she made herself a plate of food. I glanced back over to Alex and Mike, bringing my eyes back to Hailey. "Neither did i". I truthfully agreed. The last time we talked he was yelling at me on the phone because I got drunk with my brother. The fight lasted for a week. Today was the first day I saw him.

"Okay! Dinners ready". My mothers friend Sarah spoke. Her and her son Troy decided to eat dinner with us this year. I walked Laylah over to her bassinet as she slept. I smiled and picked up the little boy off the floor. Kaiden was Mike's step son, from Hailey's other relationship. He's never met his real dad, and not planning to anytime soon. With her expecting another on the way it was such a joy. I loved being an aunt.

"So momma, I have some guys coming over later, it's my boss and his son. He has a Christmas gift for us". Mike spoke with a mouth full of food. Hailey reached over, using her pointer and middle finger to reach under his chin to close his mouth. I lightly giggled. I glanced up to Alex on his phone, smirking at something. I wish he would have worn his glasses, it would be easier to spy. I rolled my eyes and took another bite.

"Well, Merry Christmas everyone. I'm glad we can spend it all together". Sarah spoke.

I shyly took another bite and glanced at Alex again, this time he was sliding food across his plate. What was wrong with him? He specifically told me that he wanted to come to dinner. He told me we were okay.

"So, did you guys see that Santas radar will be shown on TV later. Letting is know if he left the north pole"? Troy spoke as he gave Kaiden a smile. His eyes met mine and his smile grew. I quickly looked at Alex who was already glaring at me. Great, what did I do now?

As everyone finished up their dinner I helped my mother and Sarah clean up the kitchen. As I put the dishes in the sink I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I glanced down at the watch I bought on his arms, but knowing it was Alex. Here comes the fight.

"Why did he look at you"? He whispered, referring to Troy. I dont think he ever understood the friendship Troy and I had. We were always there for one another in a time of need and Alex never liked it. He always thought that something was going on between us, but that was never the case. Troy and I have history. We've been friends since preschool.

"He just looked up, it was nothing". I said and closed the dishwasher. I turned around to face my problem as his eyes were watching every facial expression I had. I would like one holiday to pass the test with him.

"Didnt seem like a simple eye nod. He was flirting". He hissed, digging his hands into my hip. I hissed as the pain jolted through me. "Stop". I mumbled and turned back to the sink to clean it up.

"Fucking slut". He hissed and let go of me. I leaned against the counter and sighed. When I turned to him he was at the table, putting his coat on and his scarf. "I'm leaving. You can get yourself off tonight". And with that he walked into the living room. I heard the front door open and slam shut as the room got quiet. I shook my head as Sarah walked in. She gave me a pout and walked over to me.

"Dont worry about him. Its Christmas, take time and spend it with your family darling". She smiled. I gave her a grin and walked to the living room. I kneeled on the floor as I met eyes with Laylah who was finally up from her nap. Her small features glowed as she saw me. She crawled over but stopped, standing up and taking her first step.

"Oh my god!" Hailey yelled out as she quickly grabbed her phone. My eyes lit up as Laylah clapped her hands and walked to me, I held my hands out just incase. When she came into my embrace I wrapped her up and kissed the tip of her nose.

"My baby" Hailey cried. Mike smiling and rubbing her shoulders. A proud moment for sure.

The rest of the night continued with laughs and stories, baby walkings and drunk siblings. Now we just had to wait for Mike's boss and his son.

Monster ~a.bOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz