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I slung my bag over my shoulder as I shut my light off. I walked into the living room to see everybody there. "I'm ready". I sighed.

"Just waiting on Katie, then we can head out". Mike said as he wrapped his hands around Haileys waist. I sat down on the couch next to Austin. His eyes glued to his phone. I took this time to look at his tattoos on his arm. They were small ones, making it look like a full sleeve. The cross on his hand was the most precious thing. He caught me staring, his eyes meeting mine and smiled. Everybody still in their own world, he lifted the sleeve up, so I had a better look. His skin was tan, his arm dark from the ink. I could stare at him all day. I reached over to trace the scatter of hearts on his arm. A letter in each one. "My parents, grandparents and family". He smiled.

"I'm here"! Katie yelled as she set her bags down. Austin rolled his sleeve down and patted my thigh as he stood up.

"Good, okay let's go. I'm driving." Mike smiled, pecking Hailey on the lips.

Katie ran out ahead of me, Troy behind her, both fighting over to ride shotgun. I put my bags in the trunk and slid into the backseat. Noticing Troy won. Katie grumbled and sat next to me, causing me to sit middle. Austin slid in on the other side, his body pressed against mine. I glanced down at his now covered arms, it's to bad really. I really wanted to look at something.

"Okay, off to the airport". Mike smiled and we drove off.


The dark sky above us, covered in stars looked so peaceful. As we waited for the jet we all were spread out, just talking. Austin walked over to me, holding a cigarette between his lips and handing me the stick. I politely declined. He put it away and popped a piece of gum into his mouth as his eyes never left me. Why did he have to be so good looking? He gave me a wink and walked over to Mike.

"Lani"! Katie yelled. I took my eyes off of the beautiful man and smiled. She came over to me, grabbed my shoulders. She glanced at Austin and smiled.

"You dont talk much do you"? She questions as he smirks. "I talk enough babe". And with that he walked off,  I rolled my eyes and turned to Katie.

"Okay he is extremely hot. If you dont want him I gladly will". She said trailing her eyes to him. "Arent you talking to someone"? I giggled. She shrugged her shoulders. "Oh Colton, I cant even tell the time of day with him anymore". She sighed.

For as long that I've known Katie shes been in two serious relationships, but both ending badly. She just wants love and I feel for her. "But I wont do that to you"  she smiled.

"Do what"? I asked as she grabbed my attention by lifting her fingers to her mouth and sticking her tounge through, making an obscene gesture turning to Austin "Oh Katie, it's not like that". I giggled as she lowered her head to my ear.

"Yeah right". She laughed. "Fuck Alex. You got someone to ride for days". She giggled again and I hit her arm. She blew me a kiss and walked off to talk to Troy.

"Alrighty let's go fam"! Mike yelled and they were bringing the jet out. I grabbed my bags and walked over to everyone. I stood behind Austin as he flicked the cigarette butt over and stopped in his tracks, causing me to run into him. What the hell was with him doing this? He chuckled and grabbed me by my shirt to walk next to him. I kinda liked the playful side of him. I missed this with Alex. As we made it on the Jet I couldnt help but stare in awe. Leather ontop of leather, granite and soft seats. This was nice. I walked back and found my seat, noticing it was a two seater for each row. I prayed that Austin would sit with me but when I saw him sitting down already I mentally smacked myself. Troy walked over and sat across from me, setting his bag on the seat.

"This is awesome, I've never been on A jet".

I nodded, sitting back into my chair. Maybe I could take a nap on the long journey. Someone cleared their throat above me and I opened my eyes to Austin. He was leaning down, both arms above him on the ceiling.

"Troy, I was asked to have you move Seats, Katie doesnt want to sit with Mike". He smiled, it kinda looked fake if I'm being honest. Troy nodded, looked at me and sat up, taking his seat. I was relived that we were sat away from everyone. He pushed back into his seat and shut his eyes. I admired his face structure. It was soft yet tensed. His light facial hair coverd his face, his nose was perfect. His eyes opened to see mine under the sunglasses, giving me a smirk.

"I can always tell you're looking princess, if you want it, just ask". He smirked and grabbed his phone out of his bag.

I rolled my eyes. His leg moved up so it was rested on my chair, right between my thighs. I winced at the movement, him laughing under his breathe. "Miami's gonna be fun". He winked and shut his eyes again.

Lord help me...


Katie was a friend that turned everything sexual I noticed. Alana was the friend who blushed at every word. The blood rose to her cheeks and I smiled. Her scent hit me hard as I finally lit a cigarette to calm the sensation. The smell of the cigarette covering her beautiful smell. If I was going to be close to her on this trip I needed something. I listened in on the conversation as Katie motioned a sexual gesture with her fingers, causing Alana to hit her arms away. Her thoughts were loud after that. She thought of it. She thought of me with her like that. I turned away to hid myself as I also thought about it. I took a couple more puffs of the cigarette and threw it to the ground, only to stop and have her run into me. I reached behind and grabbed her so she was walking next to me. Once we got on the plane I found my seat quickly, waiting to switch seats. I needed to sit with her. I needed to get her worked up.

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