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I sat outside of Mike's house, watching cars pull in. I cant believe I was doing this. I hated social events. Hell, I hated people. If I stay for an hour that gives me time to have one drink, calm my nerves then leave. Yeah okay, I can do this. I got out of my car, slowly taking my time to the door. But then regretting it, staying still. Ugh

"Ah, there she is". Mike said from outside of his front door. I rolled my eyes as he wrapped his free arm around my shoulders. He lead me in side the house. The music blasting, smoke filling the air, bodies rubbing on each other as the music blasted through his speakers.

"Crazy right! This was all free". Mike yelled over the noise.

"What do you mean free"? I yelled back. He mouthed something but I couldnt hear one word he spoke. I nodded in agreement, feeling bad for lying. He dragged me to the kitchen, handing me a red cup. "Its apple flavor"! He yelled once again as we both drowned in the drink.

"The devils duo back again"!Mike cherred as he wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug. When I pulled away my back stiffened at the touch of someone's chest against my backside. Lips at my ear, whispering a soft "excuse me" and stepping by. It was Austin.

"Mike". Austin smiled. This time he wasnt in a suit and tie, but in a band shirt, black skinny Jean's and a purple flannel ontop. His sleeves rolled up showing the sleeve tattoo.

"Hey man. Hows the luck in the women department tonight? Anybody yet"? Mike asked him. Austin's eyes slowly traveled to me then back to Mike, clearly wanting me to leave. I rolled my eyes, walking off and hoping I find Hailey. With no luck I sighed, taking a seat on the couch next to a couple making out. The song "cotton candy by yungblud" played in the speakers. Drunken bodies swayed around me, hearing all sorts of conversations.

"Lani"! Someone yelled. It was my friend Katie. She sat down next to me, hiccups galore. "How drunk are you"? I asked, making her laugh. "N-no the real q-question is, how are y-you"? She smiles and put her forehead on my shoulder. Just then Mike walked in, Austin by his side.

"I got it, let's go baby". Some guy smiled as he picked Katie up, throwing her over his shoulder. "I love you Alana Rose Karter!"  She yelled as the mysterious guy took her away.

"Who was that"? I asked.

"That's colton, they've been seeing each other for a while". Mike said and walked off.

I stood there not sure what to do. I knew Austin was there but I was ignoring him. He clearly wasnt one to start a simple conversation with. When our eyes met he took his time eying my body before walking off hiding a smirk on his face. I brought the red solo cup to my mouth again finishing off the drink. As I made my way to the drink table I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket, already knowing who it was.

"Where the fuck are you"? Alex hissed on the other end.

I pinched the bridge of my nose, setting my cup down. "I'm at Mike's". I stated, trying to keep my yelling to a minimum. With a sarcastic laugh on the other end Alex went off.

"Ah, how many dicks have you've been with. My guess would be ten". He must be drunk. Again..

My heart pinched in anger as I made my way outside. "Shut up, I'm here for my brother". I spoke.

"Yeah, you're clearly shit faced right now, what guys kissing you huh"? Alex never knew when to stop.

"Nobody"! I yelled, now I have people's attention. "I'm literally standing by myself outside of Mike's". I had to pull the phone away to take a deep breath.

"Once a cheater, always a cheater". He spoke clearly and hung up. I squeezed my phone tighter, trying not to cry. Why does he keep making me feel useless. Most importantly, when did I ever 'cheat'?

When I finally calmed down my eyes met with his again, too days in a row with the awkward eye contact. Austin stood there, sitting on the steps of the porch, a cigarette hanging between his lips. I sighed again, walking to defeat on the porch. He held out his cigarette to me, offering for me to take a hit. I accepted it, bringing the white stick between my lips. I inhaled the toxic chemicals, blowing the smoke out above my head. I only smoked when I drank.

"Couldnt help overhear the phone call". He spoke

"Yeah, it happens". I groaned. I felt weird talking to him about this. I barely knew him. Only making me think of why he was here to begin with.

"What's a multimillionaire doing at a house party anyways"? I asked, taking another hit of the cigarette, giving it back to him. He smirked, bringing the stick to his lips.

"I got bored". He chuckled. We both took a seat on the step, passing the cigarette between us. I felt my phone vibrate again, this time both of us looking down at it between us. He was calling again. I took it and placing it by my ear.

"I'm coming to get you". Alex spoke, I turned to Austin and put it on speaker. He was most definitely not.

"No, I'm busy". I hissed, now getting annoyed. Why cant he just be a normal boyfriend. Austin chuckled and stood up, holding his hand out for me to take. I gladly accepted and he slowly backed me up against the light post on Mike's front porch. He grabbed the phone from my hand, then bringing his lips to my neck. I was at a loss of words when he lightly bit my next, causing a small moan to escape my lips, Austin holding the phone next to my lips.

 I was at a loss of words when he lightly bit my next, causing a small moan to escape my lips, Austin holding the phone next to my lips

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"Lani! What was that"? Alex yelled in to the phone. Austin bit me again, this time bringing his free hand to my hip, pulling lightly as my head spun and my leg was up on his hip. I moaned again, now understanding what he was doing. He was being a dick about the situation but I let him continue.

"Alana, i swear to god I'm coming now to get you. So help you god if theres a guy with you". Alex hissed.

Austin pulled again, rubbing his thumb over my bottom lip, still holding my phone. He backed up, placing the phone to his ear.

"And what are you gonna do about it". With that he hung up the phone, giving me a wink and walked inside the house. I stood there, drowning in a puddle of my desire. What the hell just happened?

I glanced around, trying to find him but he was nowhere to be seen. Did he run off? Literally? I walked in, found my brother and told him I was leaving. After he wined like a little child he finally let me go. Causing the car ride to fight with myself and my thoughts.


What the hell did I do? I let my body take over the actions but I couldnt help it. The alcohol mixed with the blood I've taken moments before. I need to see her again, I need to feel her skin on mine.

I sat in my office, watching the night sky switch to a beautiful sunset. Today I'm making it my day to see her. Find her.

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