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Anonymous POV

I almost had her and I let her slip between my fingers. That's the last time I ask the help for anything.

Alana POV

The tapping sound got louder as I walked down the long hallway, with nobody in sight, only the sound of my heartbeat ricocheting off of the walls of my chest... It felt like my lungs were closing, causing my breathing to come to a halt  when a pair of eyes drew me in.

"What are you doing, run"! He yelled, it was Austin.

My feet took me off, running back down the way I came. When I was finally able to breathe I made it to the end of the hallway and opened the door to my left.

Wait? This was my room.

Everything looked the same, smelt the same and just felt right, but clearly I was in danger.

"Dancing with the devil I see"? Someone asked.

I turned quickly to see another silhouette. His eyes dark, his lips the same pale color as mine. He stepped closer as I stepped back and his growl scared me more then anything.

"Looks like you're no longer his princess". He smirked.

"Alex"? I sobbed.

"What, dont you remember me"? He smirked and pulled out a gun.

"Where is he? Where's Austin"? I cried. He shook his finger at me and pulled a box out from behind his back, giving me a smile and setting it in front of me. I was hesitant, why would I open it? I saw plenty of scary movies. He pointed the gun back to me, loading it right there.

"Oh cmon darling. Open it". Someone spoke, I turned to see Desmond. His black suit, red tie and a cigar between his fingers. "Think of it as a gift, from my family to yours". He smirked.

I slowly grabbed the box and flung back the lid, only to scream at the sight of blood and throwing the box away. It was a finger with a few rings on it, but I knew those rings all to well.

"Now, not even his own son can touch you. You're safe with me darling". Alex said and brought his gun up to me.

I turned to Desmond as he smiled and pulled out his own gun, aiming it at me. "Its only good business darling". He chuckled and fired his gun.


"No"! I yelled and shot up out of bed, beads of sweat beaming down my face and neck.

I glanced around the room, noticing it was still Austins. He sat up next to me, shirtless and his hair was all over the place. I quickly grabbed his hands to see all fingers were there and sighed in relief . He pulled me into him and rubbed my back.

"I'm here, I'm here". He cooed.

I couldnt catch my breathe and I felt myself shaking more. What kind of dream was that? I pulled away from Austin and brought my lips to his, but he lightly pushed away.

"No princess. That wont happen. I'm here? He spoke. He must have read my mind or saw it.

I crawled into his lap, resting my head on his chest. He rubbed my back and kissed my temple.

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