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Anonymous POV:

He stayed last night again..

He stayed the night before that

And the night before that.

Why did he stay? Was he allowed to, but most importantly who is allowing it?

Can he control himself with her blood?

No vampire can control themselves with RH blood. The sweetness resembles a chocolate bar, and once you take that first bite you cant stop. Maybe he was waiting, but for what?


"You're going to New York"? Katie asked Mike.

We all sat in Mike's living room. Hailey had called us over to hang out, that's when mike mentioned it. He cant go there, not after everything I'm putting together. I had so many questions like is Austin going? Will he be safe? Why is he actually going? Did Mike's eyes also change?

"I'm not staying long. It's just for work". Mike chuckled and picked up his daughter. He walked to his kitchen, me following in heel.

"Mike, you cant go". I demanded but he just laughed.

"You cant control me Lani, and what's so bad about New York"? He asked.

Nothing, just what you're doing.

"Everything's fine. I'm going to be fine. It's only for a day". He handed me the baby as he grabbed his cigarettes. "Plus, Haileys going to her grandma's it's not like I'd be leaving her all alone". He stated.

I bit the inside of my cheek and sighed. "Fine". Before he walked outside to have his smoke I pulled his arm. "Have you ever noticed that Austin's eyes change"?

He laughed. "Change? How?" He questioned. Why was he nervous about it?

"I saw it, he was angry and they changed dark, almost black". I said biting my nails.

Mike shrugged his shoulders and rolled his eyes. "Probably the lighting". He said and walked off.

But it was dark outside...

I walked back out to the living room and sat next to Hailey. She gave me a smile as I handed her Laylah.

"You okay"? She asked.

I shook my head, not really wanting to get into a conversation about it. I knew she was over everything about things, I dont want her worrying about anybody but herself at this point.

"Well if you need a friend, I'm here". She smiled and got up to go feed the baby. I turned to Katie and nudged my head to the door. We got up and I grabbed my keys. I didnt want to fight with him so I gave my brother a quick hug. Once we got to the car Katie looked at me over the roof.

"We're going to New York arent we"? She asked. In a swift head nod she clapped.

"Yay! Vacation part two".


I packed a small bag to take, katie and I agreeing that this was our 'spy mission'. I grabbed the essentials, some bagged snacks and my purse. I ended up telling my mom we were going to visit Katie's Aunt in Cleveland and she bought it. If she finds out I'm following Mike and Austin she would tell them. As we left we decided to stop and get cash out, that way we wouldnt spend any on things there, just tolls.

"I packed for a day, I dont think we'd have a shower anywhere so I got one before I left". I said and Katie nodded.

"Same. I should be all set".

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